Workshop for the SRP Writer's Craft

That's interesting Minx...for me, getting the right name for the character is extremely important to me. The name has to fit, to conjure the image of that character in my mind's eye, or the personality of the character has to sound like the personality of the sounds that make up the character's name.
It's a purely subjective thing since I'm the only one who can judge what name if correct for the character based upon such things.

I'm interested if anyone else has similar neurosis or habits in building their characters I'd like to encourage them to speak up here.
This thread is for the discussion of topics concerning the craft of SRP writing.

First topic:
Description: how much do you prefer to use when you write? How much do you like from your co-writers? How much is too little for you? Is there such a thing as too much description?

This is an excellent set of questions here. I'll answer them in numerical order.

1. I prefer to write longer-ish posts. However I'm only willing to put into a thread what I also get from my partner. So I don't usually write long posts when all I get is two or three line responses. However when I am paired with someone who will hit me back with a nice page-long post then I do the same right back.

2. I guess answer one, also answered number two.

3. I have one liners. No detail, no emotion = no good.

4. No, there is no such thing as too much description. Unfortunately I have yet to find a partner to write with me that will put in the level of detail and description that I would like to see. I mean these SRP threads are about the sensations our characters are feeling, so why not describe that in clear detail. I want a partner who can and will describe what she feels as her love pentrates with for the first time. Describes what she feels as her lovers seed pours into her body, what emotions, what sensations.

I ask you people this. Where is this writter who can meet that level of description?

Is there anyone on this forum willing to take my description challenge? PM me a sample of something descriptive, excite me, urge me into creating something great with you.

Hear me please my descriptive partner.
I hear you, Veroe....

I sometimes struggle with the name of my characters. When I know what the story line is going to be, I try to pick a name that will echo the personality. I mean...not to be stereotypical here, but no one expects someone with a name like Francine to be a fiery vixen that will take on multiple men in one, give her a name like Kelly, or Missy...the "cheerleader" type names...and everyone expects her to be a slut.

And before anyone rags on me...I'm not singling out people with those names as being sluts or's just an example. Certain names conjure up certain images for each person, based on the people they have met over the years with similar names. It's a fact of life.

*chuckles at musicankane's challenge*

Good luck with that!
I prefer to write longer-ish posts. However I'm only willing to put into a thread what I also get from my partner. So I don't usually write long posts when all I get is two or three line responses. However when I am paired with someone who will hit me back with a nice page-long post then I do the same right back.-MusicanKane

hmm, you're not the first to say they prefer to mirror the length of their partner's posts. I wonder if this is a common practice?
I think it's as was said earlier about the amount of detail you can put in a post...if you have very little to work with off of your partner's post, it's much harder to write a lengthy missive when it's your turn. It becomes hard to put any effort into the story if you are writing with someone that either can't be bothered or doesn't have time or just isn't interested in putting any effort into it. And then, of course, you wind up resenting the time and effort you DO put into it that you could have spent elsewhere...and the thread dies a slow and painful death.
Yeah, I've been there-then again most of us have had partners like that...hell, I've been that guy and let me tell you when you let a thread down because you're not feeling it-that's the lowest one can feel.

Which leads to another great topic: How do you know when its time to leave a thread? How bad does that make you feel? In what way is it considered rude to leave a thread? In what way is it considered the upstanding way to leave a thread?

But Minx's topic of Character creation still has alot to talk on: So NPC's: How many of you like to use them, and to what extent do you use them?
I use them when I need to pretty much, wherever they should fit but I try not to most of the time because I'm in my character's headspace and trying to think for both can be fun but also if I'm left to my own devices long enough, it tends to twist too much which is why I enjoy writing with others!

If you only have two characters the whole way through, it can become boring unless your thread can be structured in no other way and even then, NPC's will come into it. I'm thinking of one thread of mine in particular with that - Taking Online Offline, I did a small amount of NPCing, not a great extent in the beginning and now it's a one on one situation without an option of an NPC but because it fits, it hasn't fizzled out in anyway. If anything, it has become far more interesting than I had hoped!

Whereas in a few of my other threads, group ones in particular; NPCing has taken a larger part so I would just repeat myself and say - wherever it fits! Just keep your focus on your character and don't go overboard as I tend to do. Hope this is useful...
As far as NPCs, I have used them in other forum based RP sites, but never here. Well...I take that back...I sort of did in a first post for Vassel that I did, and I'll use an NPC to play the other character if needed, simply because his personality is in my head and I know him...if it comes to pass that his input is needed at some point to add to or clarify or further the story line for my main character, I will write him as if he were his own character.

I think the beauty of using an NPC is that if you have a main character that has some kind of special bond with another, you can write as either one, adding in the necessary dialog for both, and not have to worry about god-modding (to use a term from another site) someone else's character.

Leaving a Thread: I've let one thread die a natural death since I've been here. The story line just wasn't going the way I was expecting it too...the person I was writing with jumped a bit too quickly with the relationship. The way the idea for the thread was explained to me...I didn't expect a profession of love from the guy by the second page, and it just left me kinda like WTF? So I just never bothered to answer it. I had tried very hard to slow it down by using my character's actions as a hint, but it just didn't work out. He never contacted me about continuing the thread, so I can only assume that he didn't care that much bout it anyway.
Personally I think I'm fairly liberal in using NPC's. I think they can spice up the plot of a thread providing color and possibilities and obstacles for mine and my co-writers' characters to overcome. And I like working with co-writers who're comfortable with that, even to the point of using and sharing the NPCs I made.
In no particular order...

Character Creations- I want my characters to be unique unto themselves. They all have their own experiences and even though personality might be similar to who I am as a person, I would like them all to be different.

I spend forever naming my characters. I really enjoy looking for a name that fits the character not just in sound, but also what it makes me think of and finally the meaning of the name. Most of my characters have names with meanings I hope the character becomes or describes the character as she is now.

I rarely reuse a name. I think I've only done that once when a thread ended prematurely before it had a chance to take off.... so when restarting, I used the same character again.

NPCs- I dislike using NPCs, but I also have to admit that they are very necessary for a story. Generally I get tripped up with too many characters running around so I only use NPCs if needed.

Leaving a thread
- I used to hold to the belief that I'd never leave a thread... but then I encountered situations where the story just wasn't working out. Or the writer wasn't quite what I was looking for in the setting.

I leave a thread when I no longer see a point in the story, the progression of events is not leading anywhere, the cowriter's pace is different than mine and or if a situation occurs where I as a writer don't know how to deal with it.

I still dislike leaving a thread, there's always the bitter taste in the back of my mouth when I see a thread that's not going to take off and in many ways I feel it's like my own failure for not pushing it further.
VT you said what I would have about the thread leaving issues had I been able to find the words! LOL
I still dislike leaving a thread, there's always the bitter taste in the back of my mouth when I see a thread that's not going to take off and in many ways I feel it's like my own failure for not pushing it further.

I agree with Fira, VT, You described how it is the best-coudos there,
With regards to leaving a thread, your_vice's graceful bow-out is about as well as it can be done. She's still involved in one-on-one threads, but not group threads for the sake of the group, which is clearly explained and is a damn fine reason to bow out. I haven't had to leave a thread yet, though this would be my mode of doing so, an OOC note, in the OOC thread, if there is one.

I typically have the last post in an RP that's dying because I can identify with what VT so aptly said. Chicago Nights died off for real-world reasons and because the promised "shift up" in the storyline never occured.

In that there's an example of NPC character interaction. It's typically best if one player controls them. But in the best SRP I've done - via e-mail, with a rather capable co-writer - one of the most effective characters was an NPC that we traded off control of without any sort of OOC dialogue, it was purely based on who could use that NPC the best during IC interaction, and it worked out really quite well.

I use them in my threads. Mainly because the world is not populated by two people, unless you do something exceptional in the storyline to make it so there are just the two people.

But when the NPC(s) are actually used, it is purely to aid the plot. To help reveal some pertinent information, to add some good tension, or to add some colour when it's needed.

Leaving a Thread

I don't like doing it, but sometimes it happens. With the exception of one thread, they have just quietly slipped away as mostly, my co-writer had just not responded. The sole exception was a polite request to no longer continue. I knew why, and I didn't argue it though it was one of my favourite threads to write. As near as I can tell, my co-writer is not upset or angry with me, and I certainly don't feel that way about them either.

But how I feel about the threads dying differs. Some of them is was sort of "yeah, it happens" through to more stronger emotions.

Are a good tool for avoiding too much internal monologue or narration. I hardly ever write in the first person, because I'm crap at it and NPCs allow my character to converse with someone other than my co-writer's protagonist. Too much thrid person internal dialogue can make a post feel flat. Relevant information/background that a casual reader might not be privy to can be discussed with NPCs and it helps shape my character's unique voice. The more I do that, the more confident I am about making my character's choices along the way without them appearing inconsistent. An NPC at the beginning of a thread can work well as a scene setter, giving a good overview of my character's life and personality before any dramatic events unfold. I write as a submissive and that means threads are quite often strongly steered by my co-writer, who retains control of much of the plot and pace. If my character has a NPC ally that I can retain control of, it allows me to do more than simply react to the dominant character's actions in a 'Simon Says' fashion. NPCs can also be used purely for flashback scenes, which allows me to make time my character spends restrained or isolated more interesting.

Leaving a thread

I've had threads dwindle or slow down. Sometimes the writer just vanishes. If the co-writer is still active on Lit I'll drop them a pm asking if they want to continue but I won't go chasing or begging and I'm equanimitous enough not sulk too much about failed or abandoned ideas. We can never know what others are dealing with in their personal lives and I accept that people have bad times and periods of writer's block. If I've had no word from someone for a month, I consider myself at liberty to recast or restart an inactive thread. It's true I've stepped back from group threads for now but it's definitely the right choice for me at the moment. I have too much going on in my personal life to be able to keep up with group threads. There is one group thread I still post on but it's been moving slowly for a while now and so I don't feel I'm holding things up if I'm not around for a few days. My one-on-one co-writers have been very understanding about my limited posting ability lately and I've still allowed myself to pursue a couple of fresh ideas to keep my creativity flowing.

I do feel regretful when I make the decision to leave a thread but sometimes ideas don't develop as you would have liked. Because I write as a sub, I have to trust the other writer to work with my tastes and limits. Sometimes I get to a place where I'm just not enjoying myself any more and instead of writing mostly for my own pleasure, I'm filling in the blanks for someone else's fantasy. Sometimes a compromise can be reached but often, it's a case of incompatibility of kinks/desires and it's best to leave the thread and let that person find someone who will enjoy giving them what they want.

Sometimes I'm guilty of indecision and procrastination, sometimes I go quiet and wait to see if the other writer is still on board or has lost enthusiasm for the idea. Sometimes I deliberately step back from a thread completely for a few days and then return to it with fresh eyes and ideas. If it's me who's the recipient of a pm asking what's going on, I make a decision at that point and reply either to the writer or the relevant OOC.
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Speaking from somebody new to this site and also online role playing there is a lot to take in. I love the thought of one day being able to roleplay with others and post fantastically crafted paragraphs and maybe even pages of something others want to read and participate in and with.

The real issues for me as somebody new is that it is very intimidating ltrying to find the right partner to write with initially. I am currently participating in one thread and most of you here would look at it and think "Cyber". But for me, this is where I am now. I need to start here and grow and find my style of writing and decide do I prefer to map out a story, a character, a conversation, decide upon a name first. Or any other aspect previously discussed here.

I have found this thread very useful and will be taking away a lot of information that i hope to make use of in the coming years. For now though, this post length is about the maximum I feel able to provide - for now, and as for NPC's and ending a thread - hey, I'm still struggling starting a thread for fear of disappointing a writing partner because of my current ability, or lack of it.
Speaking from somebody new to this site and also online role playing there is a lot to take in. I love the thought of one day being able to roleplay with others and post fantastically crafted paragraphs and maybe even pages of something others want to read and participate in and with.

The real issues for me as somebody new is that it is very intimidating ltrying to find the right partner to write with initially. I am currently participating in one thread and most of you here would look at it and think "Cyber". But for me, this is where I am now. I need to start here and grow and find my style of writing and decide do I prefer to map out a story, a character, a conversation, decide upon a name first. Or any other aspect previously discussed here.

I have found this thread very useful and will be taking away a lot of information that i hope to make use of in the coming years. For now though, this post length is about the maximum I feel able to provide - for now, and as for NPC's and ending a thread - hey, I'm still struggling starting a thread for fear of disappointing a writing partner because of my current ability, or lack of it.

Fear of failing your co-writer

Fear of what others think about your writing style

You joined this month. I last. I came here with zero experience as you have. Don't be afraid. Post in the looking for authors section. PM people and ask if they are interested in co-writing with you. You may think they write better than you. You may be right. If you aren't up to par, they will let you know. Don't allow yourself to be a self-restraint.

Put yourself out there. Hell, try to write with someone better than yourself. That is all, I, in my limited experience can offer you. I can relate to your post well. It definitely mirrors previous and current thought/s. Good luck to you.
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When I first started writing on Lit (the first part of this past December), I felt the same way you do. I would read some of the posts that were out there and think to myself, "Holy Crap! I'm out of my league!"

I responded to a couple of thread ideas that were up in the idea section, got favorable responses, and started writing. Even if my writing partner wasn't quiet what I had hoped, I would still try to do my best in each of my posts to showcase what I was capable of, even with a less than desirable co-writer. In this way, I began receiving PMs asking me if I would be interested in writing with others. And it's rolled from there.

I just recently started an RP with a selection of writers that once intimidated me. But by joining in their thread, which has been going on for a while now, I can see myself able to expand further. Writing with them will be a huge challenge, and one that I hope to be able to prove myself in. Not that I have to prove myself to THEM...but to myself.

Just remember...we've ALL been where you are at one point or another.

Welcome to Lit!

I would read some of the posts that were out there and think to myself, "Holy Crap! I'm out of my league!"...

... Not that I have to prove myself to THEM...but to myself.

Just remember...we've ALL been where you are at one point or another.

Welcome to Lit!

Thank you Fira for your welcome and reminding me that I need to suss out myself and my own capabilities first before making any comparison. And I look forward to enjoying my time here as my style and ability develop

Fira and Thad both make excellent points, I'm lucky enough to be in threads with both of these two!

Although I roleplayed for a while on another site, I hadn't been in the game for a long time when I started here and it took time to adjust but I think you'll find that most writers are more than happy to assist you and answer your questions. :)

I found I was able to sync up with my co writers after a few rocky posts and yes while writing with someone you consider to be better than you may be difficult and intimidating; Yeishia made a wonderful point earlier that it can only help you to improve yourself!

Veroe has done beautifully with the creation of this particular thread and many of the writers that have added to it are ones that I follow and admire. Thus I have followed this thread and taken points from it that have become quite useful - that said, thanks Veroe!

Welcome to Lit and don't be afraid to find your feet! :rose:
I was just going back through the thread, refreshing my mind about topics raised and answered. As I did, a thought struck me for a topic that is rather relevant to this site.


Do you like it or hate it? If you do, how much depth do you go to? What is the aim of any collaborations that you might do?

I find collaboration to be something that is dependent on the writer and the thread being worked on. Sometimes, you can find a writer that just seems to know what you're trying to achieve, and matches it seemlessly, or the nature of the thread doesn't require it. Other times, either the writer needs some help or guidance, or the nature of a particular scene requires some preplanning.

A good example of no collaboration is An Impossible Blunder, there has not been any collaboration at all. It has been act/react all the way through. Alana_ and I seem to know what each other is aiming for, and we just go with the flow of the story. Even when we throw surprises at each other. Shawn's diabetes is one example of being hit with a surprise, yet I didn't need to work out anything with her to run with it.

Yet other threads, there has been a varying level of collaboration due to the needs of the plot, or of a specific scene. Scarlet Spring is a fine example of what collaboration can do. I chatted with both of the other writers involved in that thread at different times to ensure that what was being worked on would fit with the aim of the plot, and to make sure that the scene turned out exactly as desired.

My other threads have occasions of collaboration, but they are more specific to a particular scene, or explaining some plot element. Most of the time, I like to keep the amount of information flow to a minimum to it doesn't impact my creative process or my co writer's. But on the flip side, I make sure that all the necessary info is exchanged.

Plus, I have a leaning at times not to collaborate, mainly because I like springing surprises on my co-writers, some of them are now returning the favour. :D
I'd like to drop a question in here, if I may....

I like dialogue. I like it a lot, possibly even too much. As yv and others have said, sprinkling NPCs around liberally allows exposition via dialogue, which is good if handled subtly.

However, it's much harder to run dialogue between the main characters, especially at what I'd call the more literary end of the spectrum. Short posts might be taken as a sign of laziness or diminishing interest or effort, and can be taboo for that reason. Instead what tends to happen is either a lot of description to pad out a post, or a kind of 'double layered' conversation where A makes points W and X, and B responds with Y to W, and X to Z in two parallel discussions, two reaction points. If done carefully it makes sense and can be done without anyone writing over anyone else, but the effect is always of one person speaking, finishing, then another starting.

Although in another context, Marauder mentions collaboration, and I think I've seen a couple of threads where dialogue was taken to PM or IM or something, and then pasted in as a whole post by one writer. Another option, of course is to break the taboo on short posts in well-written RP.

Are there others? What else have people tried?
I prefer to write longer-ish posts. However I'm only willing to put into a thread what I also get from my partner.

I feel the same :rose:

Lol is that why our thread the posts seem to be getting shorter and shorter ?

We should be down to one liners soon hehe:eek::devil:


I am of course joking!

Long descriptive posts for me please, ones that inspire me ..that make me, the writer, feel the import of the words!!:heart:
Concerning post-length: In writing in general I'm a believer in writing what you want to say then stopping. If that's seven paragraphs pages or chaprters or be it.

Yet in RPing it is true that most of the writers here I admire consistently write long detailed posts.

And one of the things that I find awe-inspring is how economical and efficient the information is organized in their work. This I can only assume is the product of hard-won experience SRPing at work.
I hope one day I'll be a more effecient writer like so many here, able to write long posts that doesn't just seem to meander through, until then I'll keep trying though ;)