
katteon said:
Excuse me for pouncing in...Wench8... :rose: SN, I am curious about about the term "scene" you referred to. I guess I just didn't realize a scene is staged..set-up per say...Or are you referring to actual physical encounters as scenes...slightly confused.. :confused: ..I'm assuming the Dom sets the "scene" of course, but then does the sub perform spontaneously? Or is there a script or dialog for him/her to follow?...(Please inform me if I need to post questions like this else ware)

Some people "scene" within a BDSM relationship; some don't. It's knid of an easily understood umbrella term for engaging in BDSM activities. :)

It can be anything from simple to elaborate, with all sorts of interesting events (minor bondage, stress positions, service oriented tasks, recreating an inquisition, getting caught cheating on a test, being "raped", etc), with props/general ideas of what direction the dialogue between parties will be like... or not.
...Got it...Thanks-you once more...
I have been exploring one of the links you suggested to the Wench (geez I love that word lol):

It is excellent.... T/Y. (T/Y = Thank-you...My own term, I think)

I feel as if I need a crash course in BSDM terms, acronyms, IM talk, chat room protocol, online interaction etc.....too new to it all! Psych 101 wasn't this difficult, but then it wasn't as much fun either!

So T/Y,

Within about a month of experiementing, maybe about four scenes I noticed those feelings of the aftermath that was tearing her up turning into acceptable and happy feelings. After about two months she was glowing when I saw her, glowing when she submitted to me and glowing when she left. After about a total of three months my sweet innocent girl turned into a wild cat. It just took a lot of time and care on my end, in scene and out of scene to determine what directon to go and how to go about it with her to give her more comfort on this journey.

Is that what you were referring to? That was preplanned play because I wanted to make sure I was doing everything in my power to make things run smoothly since she was so delicate and it was so new.
SometimesNever said:
Is that what you were referring to? That was preplanned play because I wanted to make sure I was doing everything in my power to make things run smoothly since she was so delicate and it was so new.

Actually I was referring to the word scene and your definition....but reading it again....hmmmm....makes me wish I was in one of your scenes...lol
