Worse song covers ever

I saw Limp Bizkit open for Metallica once. Bizkit played a truly wretched version of "Sanitarium," which became retroactively funny when Metallica played the real deal a couple hours later.
Most of what Bizkit does is pretty wretched, to be honest. Their five minutes of fame are thankfully over.
There are several threads that pop up that feature your favorite songs and the songs that you're jamming out to and so on and so forth... I don't want to do that. Instead, I want to start a thread that celebrates the bad music. Those covers that are so atrocious they are funny. Those covers that you're listening to them and you just ask why. That is what I would like to see on this thread. So break out the worst of the worst. Find the most awful covers you can find. And post them here for our entertainment.
Hands down, Richard Harris butchering MacArthur's Park.