worst factual error you've ever written?

Old school-I mean way back-Catholicism reeks of S&M, mostly the M. Its not hard to research and see the connection. I mean...self flagellation?
I see someone else has mentioned this. The "S" part was important too. Martyrs, for example, had others bringing them to their awful ends.
In the U2 song, Pride (In the Name of Love) they sing about the assassination of Martin Luther King:

Rev. King was killed in the evening, as he left his room to go to supper.
Bono seems to have missed his American history studies.
Everything east of the Hudson, that's TPRONY, then Orange County and Ulster County is "Upstate," Plattsburg is "South Quebec," Rochester is supposed to be Central NY along with Syracuse and Rome but everyone in Rochester has Bills and Sabres tickets so they're Honorary WNY, and Niagara Falls is the headquarters of the Niagara Frontier which includes... Niagara Falls.
You kind of lost me. TPRONY? Since the Hudson starts at this thing called Henderson Lake, that's a lot of places to the east of it if you want to get strict about that. And what's the Southern Tier? A damn complicated state, for sure.

Sports fans? I guess everybody in Massachusetts roots for the Red Sox and Patriots. You can map much of the nation based on zones of team interest.

I see someone else has mentioned this. The "S" part was important too. Martyrs, for example, had others bringing them to their awful ends.
I don't know, Martyrs still seem to fall under Masochists, they wanted to suffer, Sadists inflict suffering.

For a second I thought you were referring to the Martyrs movie which often makes the video nasties list as hard to watch, only can watch once, or most people can't stomach it. I've long said I'd like to meet the director and beat him senseless. Guess that's an effective movie at that point.
I learned that you don't ever hit a woman's cervix with your dick so I've went and changed all of those references. I do a lot of research when I'm writing so I can have my characters be as knowledgeable as the reader. One of the joys of writing is researching and learning random things.
You may not, but plenty of men do! There's sites online claiming you can't 'hit' the cervix but they're debunking the myth that the penis can penetrate the cervix and get through the tiny hole that a baby may eventually come out of.
So the HealthLine site says "You can't hit the cervix" as a title, but later admits "a penis or dildo can slide into your vaginal canal, and with deep penetration it may brush up against your cervix."

The cervix tends to retreat upwards at certain times of the month, then dome downwards at others, so certain sexual positions may be more or less feasible or painful depending on when they're tried.
I don't know, Martyrs still seem to fall under Masochists, they wanted to suffer, Sadists inflict suffering.

For a second I thought you were referring to the Martyrs movie which often makes the video nasties list as hard to watch, only can watch once, or most people can't stomach it. I've long said I'd like to meet the director and beat him senseless. Guess that's an effective movie at that point.
I'm reluctant to digress/drift any further into theology in this thread. So I haven't that movie - do you mean the 2008 or 2015 one with the same title? In any case, I'd guess many of these stories are probably myths or exaggerated. The plots revolve around various bad guys (the Romans, Huns, etc.) who are quite willing to send martyrs off to their doom. Look up the names of various saints to see what I mean.
Decided to edit this one. Look it up online and you'll find plenty of evidence for what you are asking about.
Thanks. I did Google "s&m and religious experience" and got some pretty technical academic stuff and some autobiographical stuff about abuse in fundamentalist homes. I had already made a note to myself to post a thread here. Perhaps you'll reply to it when I do?
Thanks. I did Google "s&m and religious experience" and got some pretty technical academic stuff and some autobiographical stuff about abuse in fundamentalist homes. I had already made a note to myself to post a thread here. Perhaps you'll reply to it when I do?
Okay, I will try. I think we have two topics here. One is what happens in present-day fundamentalist homes. The other is about martyr stories, mostly in Catholic theology, that supposedly happened about two-thousand years ago. I don't believe the veracity of most of those, but they are grisly in that they resulted in horrible deaths. That has been downplayed recently, but you can find them (including the paintings that Medieval and Renaissance artists did) by searching for the names of the saints. These saints still have churches and schools named after them.
To get back on topic: I am writing a story where two women go to Beckett Park in 1903 St. Louis. The geography is fine, but the park wasn't there until 1959. Fountain Park was there, however, so that's the location I had to use. I wonder if any city resident would have caught that one. (Be careful with Google maps!)
I think of shows like Parks and Rec or The Middle. These are also set in Indiana but I can tell you that have no real Indiana things in them. S In that Hoosier Spirit I'm doing the same thing but Using USI (a real college in a real city) But fictionalizing the dates and Locations. I guess if its an alternate reality it isn't really an Error.
I do that. Setting my works somewhere vaguely in upper New England or somewhere vaguely in the Great Lakes/Rust Belt.

I have to wonder if it was because of an old Lit teacher I used to have who used to really get on our butts if we ever referred to Massachusetts or Kentucky as "states." Bet he wasn't a fan of the Dropkick Murphys.

That's pedantic, by the way. We are absolutely a state. We have a state house, we have a state police, we're described as a state in our constitution. We're a state that likes to call itself a commonwealth.
No idea what Kentucky has going on with it. And the less said about those Quaker weirdos in Pennsylvania, the better. :p

Don't mess with people from West Virginia. They created their own state in 1863 not necessarily because they were against slavery, but because they disliked the other Virginians so much.
Same story with East Tennessee and North Georgia.

Of all my ancestors who were in the South during the Civil War, as far as I know all of them fought for Union. That including slave owners.
I do that. Setting my works somewhere vaguely in upper New England or somewhere vaguely in the Great Lakes/Rust Belt.

I have to wonder if it was because of an old Lit teacher I used to have who used to really get on our butts if we ever referred to Massachusetts or Kentucky as "states." Bet he wasn't a fan of the Dropkick Murphys.

That's pedantic, by the way. We are absolutely a state. We have a state house, we have a state police, we're described as a state in our constitution. We're a state that likes to call itself a commonwealth.
No idea what Kentucky has going on with it. And the less said about those Quaker weirdos in Pennsylvania, the better. :p
I don't think the song would have sounded right as "The Commonwealth of Massachusetts." Interesting on-location filming at abandoned Health Department facilities on Long Island in Boston Harbor:

It’s not the mistake so much … but when I double down that I must be right. And when I learn I’m not, it’s extra humbling.

It’s just that … Ichabod is weird, right? Ichabob seems more legit. But alas.
Same story with East Tennessee and North Georgia.

Of all my ancestors who were in the South during the Civil War, as far as I know all of them fought for Union. That including slave owners.
Civil wars are messy. Some states - Maryland for one - sent regiments to both sides. As someone - I think it was a Southerner - said, "We're all Americans, but we have different countries."
Okay, I will try. I think we have two topics here. One is what happens in present-day fundamentalist homes. The other is about martyr stories, mostly in Catholic theology, that supposedly happened about two-thousand years ago. I don't believe the veracity of most of those, but they are grisly in that they resulted in horrible deaths. That has been downplayed recently, but you can find them (including the paintings that Medieval and Renaissance artists did) by searching for the names of the saints. These saints still have churches and schools named after them.
There's more similarities than that - there's euphoric feelings that can be evoked by fasting (and, I'm told, the joy of religious communication and feeling blessed/saved), or by subspace or intense physical sensation. There's feeling unworthy, but feeling loved, by a godly or a Master/Mistress figure. Being penitent and feeling forgiven. The words of the congregation in a church service and those in BDSM stories can be remarkably similar.

Happy to expand in another thread.
In the series Justified, you get the impression the drive from Lexington to Harlan County, and in town in the country, is about twenty minutes. It's over 3 hours, and two of the towns mentioned, Harlan and the town where Ava works as a hairstylist, are over an hour's drive. Factual and fiction don't often fit well together. I remember the Chief Marshal Mullens saying, "Rayland, I can't believe you drive this far every day or two." That's about the only time they acknowledged it as a fer-piece.
You got a story that takes place in Kentucky?
Yeah these are interesting. I don't know that I have these or else I have plenty of these.

My stories are set in a fictitious version of a real American State. So I've given myself leeway to error wildly. Like My Prison in Evansville is actually not there but in Terre Haute, But I write it there anyway So I don't have to move my characters too far. I've had movies playing on TV that (based of another movie that a character saw in theaters) Wouldn't have been out yet.

I think of shows like Parks and Rec or The Middle. These are also set in Indiana but I can tell you that have no real Indiana things in them. S In that Hoosier Spirit I'm doing the same thing but Using USI (a real college in a real city) But fictionalizing the dates and Locations. I guess if its an alternate reality it isn't really an Error.

I learned that you don't ever hit a woman's cervix with your dick so I've went and changed all of those references. I do a lot of research when I'm writing so I can have my characters be as knowledgeable as the reader. One of the joys of writing is researching and learning random things.
The US version of Shameless has Vee's mom move here to Louisville, Vee and Kevin move as well after a visit. I'm just watching like; where the fuck is that at in Louisville, ain't none of that nowhere on the Ohio Rivers shore.

Same with the last season of Supernatural where they briefly visit Waverly Hills Sanitorium, and it's all furnished and whatnot inside. It's not. At all.

I guess I have too much pride in my city. I won't even get into that Scooby-Doo episode.
I do that. Setting my works somewhere vaguely in upper New England or somewhere vaguely in the Great Lakes/Rust Belt.

I have to wonder if it was because of an old Lit teacher I used to have who used to really get on our butts if we ever referred to Massachusetts or Kentucky as "states." Bet he wasn't a fan of the Dropkick Murphys.

That's pedantic, by the way. We are absolutely a state. We have a state house, we have a state police, we're described as a state in our constitution. We're a state that likes to call itself a commonwealth.
No idea what Kentucky has going on with it. And the less said about those Quaker weirdos in Pennsylvania, the better. :p

Same story with East Tennessee and North Georgia.

Of all my ancestors who were in the South during the Civil War, as far as I know all of them fought for Union. That including slave owners.
Dunno what your teacher is on, but Kentucky is a state. The only commonwealth is Jefferson County. Louisville absorbed the whole county as the Louisville Commonwealth, for a few reasons, one being so we could be the 16th largest city. No other city here, to my knowledge has done this with any of our... wanna say 113 counties. Richmond Virginia did the same thing with Henrieco county. So the Commonwealth of Kentucky, is just Jefferson county.
Dunno what your teacher is on, but Kentucky is a state. The only commonwealth is Jefferson County. Louisville absorbed the whole county as the Louisville Commonwealth, for a few reasons, one being so we could be the 16th largest city. No other city here, to my knowledge has done this with any of our... wanna say 113 counties. Richmond Virginia did the same thing with Henrieco county. So the Commonwealth of Kentucky, is just Jefferson county.

That said, it wouldn't have all surprised me if his supposed knowledge about Kentucky had been wrong. He was an odd one.
Okay, I will try. I think we have two topics here. One is what happens in present-day fundamentalist homes. The other is about martyr stories, mostly in Catholic theology, that supposedly happened about two-thousand years ago. I don't believe the veracity of most of those, but they are grisly in that they resulted in horrible deaths. That has been downplayed recently, but you can find them (including the paintings that Medieval and Renaissance artists did) by searching for the names of the saints. These saints still have churches and schools named after them.
Stay tuned for my post. I take a different angle.
Stay tuned for my post. I take a different an

I should mention that kinky clergy, often paddle-swinging priests and nuns, have been a reliable porn trope going back to the 19th Century, if not earlier. It can be be with luckless (their attitudes about it vary!) students or with each other. I can send you links via PM if you are interested.
I had a switch hitter going backward to how they bat with each hand. It was an accident; I knew better when I wrote, but left it when I saw it and thought, what the heck? No one will catch that. WRONG!! So, I claimed it was on purpose to see if anyone would catch it.

EDIT: Seriously, I'm developing Dadinhimers! I've already admitted to this. Worse, my confession was in this thread!
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