Would you like to be caught dressed and 'forced fucked'?

My story "The Key" is a version of this, where a predicament leads to a humiliating sexual encounter, and then the person involved becomes so enamored of forced sex that they toss aside thier life and become a BDSM whore in "The Lock" series. So... Yeah, LOL, I've thought about this a lot. I'm currently struggling to finish another story about the difference between non-consent and consensual non-consent. A tiny but massive difference.

We need a way to convey our willingness to be used. A symbol. Or tracker. Or something. "Hi, I'm a rape puppy!" on a button? LOL
We already have one that consists of extremely short hemlines, sheer or patterned nylons attached to garter belts, waist nippers, corsets and whatever other lacy frilly lingerie we can imagine. Sheer blouses, transparent baby-doll nitie tops, tearaway seamed outerwear always add their own announcement of our intentions this evening!
I honestly get sick to my stomach thinking about actually raping someone or someone being raped. Consent is everything. For me, it must be "I consent to be used" or I can't even get it up, no matter how hot you are or how sexy you are dressed. It simple must be your choice for me to take away your choices. Same for BDSM. If you don't have that little kinky smirk between screams... Or that dreamy look as you float off into subspace. I'm doing this for you as much as for me.
I have had my wrist grabbed and told to come with him. I was at a rest area in some sissy shorts with smooth legs kinda asking for it. I went willingly. We went down by the lake and walked back a little ways out of view and he took his cock out and told me to suck it.
I have had my wrist grabbed and told to come with him. I was at a rest area in some sissy shorts with smooth legs kinda asking for it. I went willingly. We went down by the lake and walked back a little ways out of view and he took his cock out and told me to suck it.
How did it make you feel ..... helpless? vulnerable? Or was it more like it was the way it was supposed to happen?


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