Would you?

Champ your subject is the life of a jockstrap
Not All Athletic Supporters Are Equal

There I was all firm and pristine
willing to hold them in place
and nestle the string close between
these round globes of leather not lace

although some athletic supporters
boast of garters and silk
I'm sure they're not manly sporters
but pussies not weaned from their mommy's milk

But all too soon I was used and whacked
quite a bit, I did my job and more
until my cups cracked
and left my poor laddy's balls quite sore

and then they had the nerve
to toss me away
like worn out sports socks
oh the pain! I must say

that if I were to do it again
I'd squeeze those 2 testes
and cause them great pain
but that would be wrong...
and being me, I'm always right!

this is lousy but really? jock straps.. eew.
Not All Athletic Supporters Are Equal

There I was all firm and pristine
willing to hold them in place
and nestle the string close between
these round globes of leather not lace

although some athletic supporters
boast of garters and silk
I'm sure they're not manly sporters
but pussies not weaned from their mommy's milk

But all too soon I was used and whacked
quite a bit, I did my job and more
until my cups cracked
and left my poor laddy's balls quite sore

and then they had the nerve
to toss me away
like worn out sports socks
oh the pain! I must say

that if I were to do it again
I'd squeeze those 2 testes
and cause them great pain
but that would be wrong...
and being me, I'm always right!

this is lousy but really? jock straps.. eew.

I started laughing with the title. pretty good but , like all jock straps, it did begin to smell a little by the end of the day so, all in all, very well done... :)
the dream of the lavender frisbee

wrap your fingers round my curves
feel my form, my mass, my - need
and then, in one wrist flick, unleash


send me to skim the lush, the damp
the moistly green and growing leaves
or arc me into blameless sky

i fly

suspended in a timeless space
with weightless, guileless, crafted grace
till, snatched abruptly from the dream

by soggy, noisome jaws

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Not All Athletic Supporters Are Equal

There I was all firm and pristine
willing to hold them in place
and nestle the string close between
these round globes of leather not lace

although some athletic supporters
boast of garters and silk
I'm sure they're not manly sporters
but pussies not weaned from their mommy's milk

But all too soon I was used and whacked
quite a bit, I did my job and more
until my cups cracked
and left my poor laddy's balls quite sore

and then they had the nerve
to toss me away
like worn out sports socks
oh the pain! I must say

that if I were to do it again
I'd squeeze those 2 testes
and cause them great pain
but that would be wrong...
and being me, I'm always right!

this is lousy but really? jock straps.. eew.

have you noticed that I've given the hard and/or gross subjects to the more (IMO) able poets? Or in the case of Remec awaiting his tittilation (hopefully!)
wrap your fingers round my curves
feel my form, my mass - my need
and then, in one wrist flick, unleash


send me to skim the lush, the damp
the moistly green and growing leaves
or arc me into blameless sky

i fly

suspended in a timeless space
with weightless, guileless, crafted grace
till, snatched abruptly from the dream

by soggy, noisome jaws


Wow! that was worth the wait, well done indeed!
Wow! that was worth the wait, well done indeed!

aw, bless you, annie :D didn't know what to write so it's a live-write in the box. just a small edit now, though no doubt it could do with rather more attention from me. i'm too lazy :eek:
Aha you are an 'old hand' I must think of something harder for you :)

Oh god. Just don't give me something impossible.

My initial reaction was I didn't want to do it because I like to find my own way into a poem but, upon reflecting, I should be able to put the "me" stamp on any topic within reason. Um theoretically.

Also, Neo's point about grade school assignments is scary correct! I don't know if it is commonly done this way in England, but in America it is typical for a schoolkid to walk into class and get an assignment like "Pretend you are a pencil and write what happens." Don't think we ever had to write about jock straps though. :D
Angeline your subject is The Witchfinder General, the person as opposed to the film :D
well the film is about the person but I hope you see what I mean
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wrap your fingers round my curves
feel my form, my mass, my - need
and then, in one wrist flick, unleash


send me to skim the lush, the damp
the moistly green and growing leaves
or arc me into blameless sky

i fly

suspended in a timeless space
with weightless, guileless, crafted grace
till, snatched abruptly from the dream

by soggy, noisome jaws

now you know why she won the last challenge *holds out potato* more butters please.
Remec your subject is duct tape

The Subject was Duct Tape

Party night found me looking
throughout the house, up and down
the stairs, searching every room
for all the toys we would need,
“But don’t forget the duct tape,”

she called up to me from down
in the foyer. “There’s no need
for reminders, I’m looking
in each and every room.”
Sure enough, there’s the duct tape;

giving me all that I need
to start things off in the room
Everyone was getting down,
but I knew they were looking
forward to feeling duct tape

When I appeared in the room,
after all that time looking,
I thought maybe I’ve a need
to go and write it all down,
maybe an “Ode to Duct Tape”?

Telling all my love for duct tape,
So they know, no sense looking
anywhere but the mud room
for just exactly what I need
to properly tie me down.


Just a first draft, prolly needs tweaking here and there.
The Subject was Duct Tape

Party night found me looking
throughout the house, up and down
the stairs, searching every room
for all the toys we would need,
“But don’t forget the duct tape,”

she called up to me from down
in the foyer. “There’s no need
for reminders, I’m looking
in each and every room.”
Sure enough, there’s the duct tape;

giving me all that I need
to start things off in the room
Everyone was getting down,
but I knew they were looking
forward to feeling duct tape

When I appeared in the room,
after all that time looking,
I thought maybe I’ve a need
to go and write it all down,
maybe an “Ode to Duct Tape”?

Telling all my love for duct tape,
So they know, no sense looking
anywhere but the mud room
for just exactly what I need
to properly tie me down.


Just a first draft, prolly needs tweaking here and there.
oh, bravo! what form is this again? was it the glosa or ...? i forget the names too quickly. i thought it'd be a sticky one, this, but you worked it :rose:

Annie, did you score points for inventive-evilness before? :D dandruff, jockstraps and acne? awesome. :cool:

harry :kiss:
Hadrian's Wall.

West from Ravensglass
to South Shields run
these ancient stones.
Diminished by time
and local plunder,
bordering farmer's
fields now to hold
livestock instead of
keeping barbarians out.

I have seen its ghost
stride out across gorse
covered waste where
curlew and lark startle.

A memory of one man's
wisdom, the halt of the
Romans' greed but a what
glory it must have been.
oh, bravo! what form is this again? was it the glosa or ...? i forget the names too quickly. i thought it'd be a sticky one, this, but you worked it :rose:

Annie, did you score points for inventive-evilness before? :D dandruff, jockstraps and acne? awesome. :cool:

harry :kiss:

Bravo indeed! Butters, yours is stellar too. How you all did them so quickly ( Champ took my breath away). I looks like a sestina of sorts. :D
oh, bravo! what form is this again? was it the glosa or ...? i forget the names too quickly. i thought it'd be a sticky one, this, but you worked it :rose:

Annie, did you score points for inventive-evilness before? :D dandruff, jockstraps and acne? awesome. :cool:

harry :kiss:

Bravo indeed! Butters, yours is stellar too. How you all did them so quickly ( Champ took my breath away). I looks like a sestina of sorts. :D

It's an Annikey. :D I have been trying to work one out forever, and this seemed a good time to choose to make it happen.
