Writing Exercise 2: Can we guess your identity from your writing style?

It's a bit more uneven than the later series, but I find it hard to rank it against them because it's not quite the same style of comedy.

I'm no historian of comedy so I may well be talking out of my arse, but last time I re-watched the first series it felt a bit like a transition between some older British comedy styles - Pete and Dud, 1066 And All That, the short-skit focus of stuff like Monty Python - and the more sitcom-ish style of the later Blackadders.

It also relies much more heavily on assumed audience knowledge; people who didn't do a lot of Shakespeare and medieval English/European history in school will miss a lot of the jokes about Thomas Ă  Becket, papal indulgences and schisms, and so forth.

I think I'd agree that it's weaker than the others overall but sometimes I appreciate the chaos of Series 1. I did feel like the "Baldric is stupid, hur hur" gags were wearing a bit thin by series 4, as funny as some of them were.
Allow me a semi-digression into British comedy styles, since you brought up the topic. I saw this Monty Python bit at a movie theater in Brooklyn, NY. Brooklyn audiences back then were a tough group to please. What happened was that my wife and I were the only ones laughing at this while everyone else was staring at the screen with a silent lack of comprehension.

It was now-gone Fortway theater on Fort Hamilton Parkway in Bay Ridge.

8 people have PM-ed me some cool/hot scenes already! Totally different styles of course.
I'm working one up now - hope to get it to you shortly.
I was thinking 10? So two more -- quite a few people are weekend visitors here, so maybe I should wait until Monday
I'd like to see them sooner than later, but I guess setting a weekend deadline and putting them up Monday makes sense.

Problem is, once you start posting, since you're going to give the names of who has submitted so we have a multiple choice quiz, it doesn't make sense to add any after the deadline. It would be a dead giveaway. But maybe a second round or something.
I started to write one myself, but my writing Mojo is completely depleted after a manic writing phase last week.
I second the Monday suggestion.

The first exercise by @StillStunned had a writing prompt so it was something you could knock out in like 30 minutes tops (at least I did), but this is trickier. You have to come up with the entire setting, along with the crucial element of it, i.e., the secret. For me it'd be a similar effort to coming up with an initial outline of a full story.

And given that I'm still writing the ending of my Geek Pride submission, I could definitely use some more time for this :)
I second the Monday suggestion.

The first exercise by @StillStunned had a writing prompt so it was something you could knock out in like 30 minutes tops (at least I did), but this is trickier. You have to come up with the entire setting, along with the crucial element of it, i.e., the secret. For me it'd be a similar effort to coming up with an initial outline of a full story.
Yeah, I totally agree. I thought I was making it easier by being less specific, but it's much harder.
Different exercises. Mine was about seeing as many different approaches as possible to a very specific situation. This one is about seeing how distinctive our styles are.

From the number of very responses to my thread, I think we can draw the conclusion that the hardest part of writing is deciding what to write about. :)
As far as I'm concerned, the both of you are very. So very, very. I don't think I can put into words just how very I think you are right now.
Yeah, I totally agree. I thought I was making it easier by being less specific, but it's much harder.
I think I need more coffee. Maybe I am missing something, but I don't think I can attach a file from my folders into a PM to you. That means that I'd have to copy the entire text into the message to you?
I think I need more coffee. Maybe I am missing something, but I don't think I can attach a file from my folders into a PM to you. That means that I'd have to place the entire text into the message to you?

Yes, the entire whopping 500 word file. We've all written posts far longer than that multiple times. Cut/paste is such a bitch, I know. : P
I think I need more coffee. Maybe I am missing something, but I don't think I can attach a file from my folders into a PM to you. That means that I'd have to copy the entire text into the message to you?
Yup, the ol' Ctrl+C Ctrl+V. No attachments in PMs here on Lit.
I watch these guys sometimes struggling with, but clearly loving, British comedy.
Oddly, the two Yanks watching him have a slightly more mature Beavis and Butthead vibe going on - like wearing wearing baseball caps backwards is a very American habit I think. In military matters, the British have had their share of snafus - Singapore, Gallipoli, the Somme, the First Boer war, their initial battles in the Sudan and Zululand - hell, the whole American Revolution. Perhaps it's best that they have let us take over the reins of building an empire and making the biggest mistakes.
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