Writing Exercise no. 4: There's a demon under my bed!

Constrained by the format, but I've always had a soft spot for her
“It's not really that different down there,” she said. “I miss the greenery, though. Everything's shades of red and violet; it palls a bit.”

“So what made you go there?” I asked, as I poured her her tea, careful as always not to bang my head on the bed slats above me.

She moved Miss Poppy's head so that Miss Poppy could talk to Ragamuffin the bear.

“Oh, boredom, mostly. Limbo's just full of old, stuffy stiffs. Honestly, throw in a tour bus and a seaside resort and it would be very much like Blackpool.”

I laughed at that. We'd been having these tea parties since I was seven; she wasn't generally very forthcoming with things about herself.

This was novel.

“Were you ever human, Izzy?” I asked, curious.

She grinned. “Me? I wish. No; I've always had a touch of the diabolical, even when I was divine.”

“So you were a god once?”

“Oh, yes. Long, long ago. But then the Church got hold of me and, well... those guys had a weird aversion to powerful female figures.”

She pillowed her head on her arm. Her eyes were an almost turquoise blue, and her beauty put most supermodels to shame.

“So... happy birthday, Rachel,” she said.

“Thanks. I'm getting kind of old for tea parties, I suppose.”

“Childhood always ends eventually. I will miss this.”

I reached out to touch her cheek.

“I'm eighteen now,” I told her.

And Ishtar's eyes widened as I shifted closer and kissed her.
I love the different directions that people have taken with this exercise. If the Pandemonium challenge is anything like this, it's going to be great fun!
My sudden idea for this 250 word challange bloomed into an idea for a 3k word story and then expanded again. I fear I will have to write 20k words at least and in time for Pandemonium.

Darn it. I had other stuff to write.