
The Xmen, now that takes me back a bit, I used to collect all the comic's, although I do have a confession, the Fantastic Four were my favourites.

I've been hearing rumours about the xmen movie now for over three years, and I must say that Patrick Stewart is perfect as the prof.

But like all good movies, I suppose us Brits will just have to sit back until the world has seen it, before we do.

Carl, aka The Rogue.

[Edited by Carl East on 07-14-2000 at 11:03 AM]
Call me crazy but I think that the perfect Storm would have been Iman, the model. Besides kind of looking like her, she has the accent down pat.
Anyone interested in a VG copy of X-men #2.. oh sorry wrong web site.
All right, what is everyone's favorite X-men comic? I personaly like X-men Unlimited #1, with Storm, Cyc. and Prof. But Uncanny #300 was good too, because it actually showed the X-men unleashing themselves. Oh, and anyone know how the legacy virus was finally cured? just wondering, because I missed that part...
ok, I was just kiddding about that previous post. But anyway, more news. Rumor has it that in the second movie, there is a Beast, and in the third, Phoenix (possibly Dark Phoenix...) plays a role. Can't wait to go. I know I'm a dork, but its true! Collosus in in the movie as well, and Stan Lee (the creator) will be a hot dog vendor...
*Eve* said:
Call me crazy but I think that the perfect Storm would have been Iman, the model. Besides kind of looking like her, she has the accent down pat.

OH EVE, that was a DAHM good answer! Wish I'd have thought of that!
About favorite issues...

Yeah, Unlimited #1 was great (I love Bachelo's artwork!), and I also really liked Unlimited #5. But probably one of the best x-yarns I've ever read is not a X-Men issue, but Wolverine #102. It's a terrific story, and not like other comic book stories; it has two parallel storylines going at the same time and, combined with terrific art, is definatly worth buying.

Today's the day! I'm a-gonna see the X-MEN!!!!!!!
Ok, Famke Jansen is playing Jean Grey. Yes Jean Grey has flaming red hair. Since they obviously gave Halle Berry an incredibly bad platinum blonde wig, for the Storm role, wouldn't it be equally right to do the same with Famke?? (btw, anybody know what else Famke played in???? My husband and I would both like to know.)
No Beast? Now who's gonna say "oh my stars and garters"? And no Gambit? Sheesh. What about Pyslocke? She's the babe of X-men... Lucy Liu should play her in the sequal... definitely.
Sorry, I'm an X-Men nerd... And a Tomb Raider one too. Damn Angelina Jolie! Her??? As Lara Croft? Dammit, so badly mis-cast.

Ooops. I'm rambling again... And English ppl..? The film comes out next month... huzzah!
OH MY GOD!!!!!!

I just came back, literally five minutes ago, from seeing what is probably one of the best movies ever made.

I went to the first showing of the X-men movie and it was infuckingcredible. I have never ever ever EVER seen anything so amazing in my LIFE. The special effects, the intricate plot, the amazing acting..

Whoa. Just.. whoa. I walked out of a movie speechless for the first time in my life.

It almost made me cry twice; one for plot reasons, and one for the special effects when Storm walks out of an elevator. (you'll see.)

I didn't miss any of the characters that I was dissappointed about not being in the movie, I was too into it. It SO did not feel like two hours and when the credits came on I couldn't breathe. I wanted to see the sequel and I wanted to see it right THEN.

It is fucking amazing.. There are no words to describe it.. SEE IT NOW.
Yes! A decent comic book movie! It was great! (Okay, so I'm a geeky fanboy at heart.) Anyway, it was incredible, though I could have appreciated a little more on the philosophy and feud between Magneto and Xavier would have been nice ('course, I appreciate intelectual movies).

Hugh was great as Logan! What else can I say? Most of the acting was great.

And hey--in the bar at the beginning of the movie, during a shot of Rogue, was that Stan Lee in the corner of the screen? It was a brief shot, so I'm not sure.

I can't wait 'till the sequel! (And hey--who else wants to see Apocalypse in the next one?)
Oh, and Rogue's hair...

I figure she got the white stripe either from having touched Magneto or from the machine she found herself in. Or from her near death experience.

Any theories?
What Endlessly said.. only more!

I've seen it twice today and it was just as good the second time. Jack whatever is the PERFECT Wolverine, sexy, badass and almost bestial. Dr. Jean Grey was good as well; in fact, I found her portrayal in the movie to be better than that of some X-Men comics I've read. Yes, Patrick Stewart played the idealistic Prof. X to the par. Rogue was a bit 'victimish' for my tastes, of all the character's she's the one that deviated the most from her portrayal in the comic books but I still enjoyed her.
All the villains were excellent, even the comical Toad was menacing. Ian Whatever (Has to work on memorizing these people's last names) was defiantly all Magneto should be and then some, the character was much more sympathetic and human than diabolical.
Special Effect? Yep.
Ultra cool fight scenes? Check.

Any gripes? Of course, this is Never you're listening too.
Storm and Cyclops were not the best, far from it. While I understand writers having problems with Cyclops, I mean, he doesn't swear or beat the crap out of people and his personality has never developed beyond 'Boy Scout', I've found fewer portrayal less interesting the bland, white bread version of Cyclops I saw today.
Then there was Storm. This fan girl was not pleased. For a great deal of the movie, she seemed little better than background. After the wimpy Rogue and the too cerebral Jean Grey, I was hoping for a woman with some badass powers. Yes, she could summon lightening and she fried a few villain but even the above mentioned Elevator Scene fell flat for me with that actresses delivery. The writers wrote good stuff but the character was not carried like Storm should have been.

For me this movie was carried by Wolverine, Professor X, Magneto and (surprise, surprise) Senator Kelly. Instead of including more X-Men into the sequel (and the end of this movie simply begs for a sequel) I'd suggest the director continue developing the main body of the team. Except for Psylocke, of course, they must have Psylocke.

))Oh, and I doubt Rogue will ever absorb the powers of Ms. Marvel in the movie. The entire team seems to have powered down and if I remember correctly the comic book version of Rogue could toss building when she was in the mood. ((
Now we know why they call you Canucklehead.
There is nothing.. I mean NOTHING, I dislike more than someone revealing an important part of the movie.
I know you'll disagree with me on this but your post on Rogue's hair deserved at least a spoiler warning.

I know you think it's some small detail but I'm sensitive about these things. It has something to do with someone leaning over and whispering in my ear in the middle of some obscure movie 'Hey. Darth Vader is Luke's father! Cool huh?'

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :cool: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Meaning less and less..
Great Movie

I have seen and was very, very, happy. Endlessly and Never pretty much summed things up. The effects are great and the story makes sense even for someone who doesn't follow the XMen history.

Like Never, I think that Cyclops comes off a little too wimpy but I don't think that Storm was as bad as some of the lines she gets :) Rogue does come off too much like a victim and it will be interesting to see how they develop her powers for the sequel (yes, must definitely be a sequel and it must be out soon :D) If I remember, Mystique was like a foster mother to Rogue and it was on Mystique's request that Rogue drained Ms. Marvel. But they definitely left plenty of bits and pieces there to make the sequel very easy.

I highly recommend the movie to everyone.

BTW...didn't you just love the way that they.......nope, can't do it. To tell would be a bad thing ;)
Beast has always been my favorite so I kind of lost interest in the project when I heard he was not going to be in it. The reviews have been savage today so I may wait for video or the second run theaters.

I think the developing white streak in Rogue's hair does have something to do with Storm, kind of like a synchronous menstruation-type thing going on due to being together so much.
Ha ha, RonG. *L* You'll see..

My advice: If you're going to wait to see the movie more cheaply, then wait until it hits the second-run theatres instead of waiting for video. I never go see movies in the theatre, but I had a feeling about this one.. And sure enough, I plan on seeing it in the theatre as many times as I can.

It needs a gigantic screen. It needs surround-sound. It'll still be cool on video, but I don't think it will leave you quite as breathless.
I'm sorry Never...I'm given to impulse. I didn't think. I guess I was just somewhat excited after having seen the movie.

Forgive me?
In the comic books, Rogue has always had her white stripe. Also Rogue was supposed to Mystique's adopted daughter, and she wasn't supposed to have a name. I also thought that Rogue was supposed to have a part of Carol Danvers inside her. Yanno, she can fly and that. Dr. Hank Mcoy should have been there (yes the Rock is an awesome choice). Also, wasn't Magneto supposed to have xome into his powers upon the supposed death of his wife Agda, as a young adult?? not a young teenager in a Jewish camp????? The special effects were really good, but they could have chosen someone taller for Cyclops, and Storm's accent wasn't nearly pronounced enough, I mean she is from Africa after all. <g> But it was a really good movie
Loved it. Thats all I need to say, I just loved it.
"Prove it..."
"Your a dick." I loved that line. :)
Two thumbs up

This movie was worth the wait. Yes this was the bastadized version of the comic book but if you haven't followed the comic book it is awesome, even if you have it's pretty good. The fact that Halle Berry was Storm didn't even affect the pic. I loved the character Toad. Ray Park who also played the character Darth Moll in Star War was my favorite and he did his own stunts. It's a muct see!!! :)