You are NOT Edgar Allen Poet

Oh Boo-

You know you have my wordless thoughts and prayers to you and yours-

:kiss: :rose:
Edgar Allen Poet

I have registered the name, but don't intend to use it. - Boo I will send you the information for using/changing the password/e-mail address if you want it.

Best regards, Rybka
Edgar Allen Poet said:
I have registered the name, but don't intend to use it. - Boo I will send you the information for using/changing the password/e-mail address if you want it.

Best regards, Rybka

You're so silly!! Sure! I'll use it! Everyone needs an alt, right? LOL

Thanks, DollBoy!!
BooMerengue said:
I know I'm not and I couldn't help but laugh when I received an anonymous feedback telling me

"... to get over myself and quit trying to be Edgar Allan Poet and stop being morbid. You are a better poet when you write happy words."

Maybe that was a compliment since Eddie is morbid in an erotic and too intellectual way? MY FAVE POET! Take pride, girl. :kiss: