You Came... my first erotic Poetry

thenry said:
It's funny you mention it that way. I find that I only read trash for pleasure, to lose a rainy afternoon. There are criteria involved, like writing skills, but the book usually doesn't *say* anything. I save the good books and authors for when I have the time because I am challenged to do more than passively read. I do have to analyze and search and think about what is being said by the author instead of what is being said by the characters, as well as the statement of the book as a product of its time and place in culture. And. And.

It could be that this process is what you mean by engaging, and if so I wanted only to clarify.

I think we are taking different routes to the same destination. :)

I will read something I love over and over and over. I'll search out information about the writer, think about the piece in terms of my formal training in literature, try to learn all I can to create a context, have a broader understanding of what I read.

When I actually read the poem though all that metacognitive stuff is not happening in tandem with me experiencing the language and imagery of the writing. I suppose it is subconsciously but, for me, to be aware of that as I read would kill the joy of feeling the poem as art--if that makes sense.
I suppose the process does change for me over successive readings. Nothing is present in my mind on the virginal pass except a wonder at the next word. Because of this I have poems I read and reread for no other reason than that the virgin interpretation perfectly matched my mood at that moment.

Sadly, because of other personal failings entirely, no poet's name sticks except the most recent two and titles are the fillers I find beneath the page numbers. The image inside the most perfect poem for the mood I'm in right now was of an author's pleasure in her children watching the favorite movie from her own childhood and so connecting with it they would rather believe the television broken than the movie filmed in black and white on purpose.
Wow i really like everyone's suggestions for this poem. i'm trying to make my way to writing poems again but i stopped since i broke up with my ex. i guess he was my muse.