You poeters' !!!

is no-nonsense,
malt and peat prepared
Born to be held
against the teeth.

*puts teeth back in*
Tristesse said:
is no-nonsense,
malt and peat prepared
Born to be held
against the teeth.

*puts teeth back in*

That AV and " Puts teeth back in"..............
That's dark and scary
Soooo....does this mean we still drink Scotch together or not? I have a sealed bottle of Chardu begging to be opened....

Thank you Fool for the gracious welcome back. But of course ... make mine a double. Might I suggest inviting the always well-dressed Tristesse (who seems to have an exquisitely articulate palate).
is no-nonsense,
malt and peat prepared
Born to be held
against the teeth.
What ever happened to that charminingly forthright sweety who shared a love of bubbly wine, dark and steamy (er fluffy) poetry and bad French?
Fonce! Mon cher ami! Je suis overjoyeaux to see your hairsute yet fluffy visage. Mais Disposa has missed you et votre compagnon très drôle le Foolio so so tellement. I've only just reurned from le asile erm Paris, oui Paris. Nous devons célébrer! Bring on le chamgane, le single malt, le Tristesse (qui aussi très drôle et presque nu!), et le Bobby Short at le Carlyle. Bien? Bien!

Disposa Girl said:
Fonce! Mon cher ami! Je suis overjoyeaux to see your hairsute yet fluffy visage. Mais Disposa has missed you et votre compagnon très drôle le Foolio so so tellement. I've only just reurned from le asile erm Paris, oui Paris. Nous devons célébrer! Bring on le chamgane, le single malt, le Tristesse (qui aussi très drôle et presque nu!), et le Bobby Short at le Carlyle. Bien? Bien!

'tite cherie

T'as pas changer...encore scandaleuse. Peut etre une dejeuner sur l'herbe avec nos amis. Passe moi ton verre.

Pauvre Tathagata! T'as lui choquer.
Re: 'tite cherie

darkmaas said:
T'as pas changer...encore scandaleuse. Peut etre une dejeuner sur l'herbe avec nos amis. Passe moi ton verre.

Merci chéri. Un peu de champagne, svp. Tellement pour célébrer...
Re: 'tite cherie

darkmaas said:
T'as pas changer...encore scandaleuse. Peut etre une dejeuner sur l'herbe avec nos amis. Passe moi ton verre.

Pauvre Tathagata! T'as lui choquer.

Omelette du fromage

that's it for my french
except for wine names
Tout le monde parle francais maintenant?
Les mots chanter extraordnaire!
Je peux comprende, mais je crois que je tuer la langue.

you loose so much when you don't use it after oh...about 8 years or so...:rolleyes:
echoes_s said:
Tout le monde parle francais maintenant?
Les mots chanter extraordnaire!
Je peux comprende, mais je crois que je tuer la langue.

you loose so much when you don't use it after oh...about 8 years or so...:rolleyes:

Well I wouldn't high school French is limited to totally useless stuff I'd never say like "How is your friend after the skiing accident?" Whatever were those teachers thinking????

Tathagata said:
Donde estas los banos?

Dos cervezas muy frio

Muy bien. Um Yo pienso. Estudié español en universidad, y ésa es la razón verdadera que me olvidé de los franceses. Pero, Lauren dice que no sé que tampoco.

Angeline said:
Muy bien. Um Yo pienso. Estudié español en universidad, y ésa es la razón verdadera que me olvidé de los franceses. Pero, Lauren dice que no sé que tampoco.


Yo habla muy poqueno espanol

i get something about studying spanish at college..and true something french

and lauren.....
i can never remember what Tampoco means
Tathagata said:
Yo habla muy poqueno espanol

i get something about studying spanish at college..and true something french

and lauren.....
i can never remember what Tampoco means

Basically, I said that according to Lauren I can't speak Spanish either, lol.

Tathagata said:
remind me never to back to mexico

The last time I was there, I was so proud that I could use my little bit of Spanish---until anyone moved beyond the present tense and then I was totally sunk.

I'm very zen when I speak Spanish, lol.
Angeline said:
The last time I was there, I was so proud that I could use my little bit of Spanish---until anyone moved beyond the present tense and then I was totally sunk.

I'm very zen when I speak Spanish, lol.

I was there once
I loved it
but i was limited to asking for beer
saying thank you
telling women they were pretty
and asking for the bathroom

it got me amazingly far