Younger women, older men

I love this talk of older men, younger women, I really long for an experience with a much younger lady! I’m 65 so much younger could mean lots of age range
My first two proper lovers, as opposed to casual fucks were older than me, much older. I would have been 19 or so, and they were both into their late 40's. Neither knew about the other, but they both benefitted because what I learned form one, I practiced on the other. We all had a fucking great time for about a year, until I met my husband to be. That sort of put a stop to the fun....
My first two proper lovers, as opposed to casual fucks were older than me, much older. I would have been 19 or so, and they were both into their late 40's. Neither knew about the other, but they both benefitted because what I learned form one, I practiced on the other. We all had a fucking great time for about a year, until I met my husband to be. That sort of put a stop to the fun....
There is no need to stop dating older men if your discreet.
By all men, I mean any men. ‘All’ men don’t perv 😊
I would say that all men perv in some circumstances, and most are respectful and do their best to let women get on with their lives without making them uncomfortable, scared and worse, my motto is a simple one, try not to piss people off, if you can possibly help it :)
Im 36 and my wife is 27, for her 50+ old men r a big turn on.
Do you have a time machine or something? 😂

Over the past few months you've made similar posts in various other Lit threads while you claimed to be 33, 34, 40, and now 36 years old. In those same posts you also told us that your "wife" was 29, and then 30, and now she's somehow aged backwards to 27 years old.

Your lies are so confusing to follow. Please at least try to be consistent in your deception. 💡

I'm mid-30s and have a huge preference for men aged 50+. In my early 20s I dated much older men as well. So for me, I've always had a preference towars someone older and experienced.
Only 6 months to wait until I'm in your age range. 🙂