youngest & oldest partner you had for sex....

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Oldest was 9 years older, youngest was 12 years younger.

Unless you’re talking about my first, and that age isn’t allowed here..
I fucked a 27 year old recently. She's not my youngest but I was under 27 last time I fucked someone younger. Oldest is my age but when I was in my twnties, I fucked women six years older.
Youngest was college. We were both 19. Nothing crazy. Several years ago when I was 29 I fucked a man over twice my age.
When I was about 32 I dated a 19 year old. Never had anyone older than I though!
I am 29.. Im a bisexual lady.
The oldest I had with was my aunt... I was 19 and She was 33....
Youngest was well a couple of weeks ago... Me as I said 29 and he was around 11
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