Your Favourite Slutty Outfit is ???

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Your Favourite Slutty Outfit is ???

Etoile said:
Okay, just checking! I figure most of us in this forum have seen it. :)

not me :(
I prefer her in skirt and blouse

no under things
and easy access for me
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Your Favourite Slutty Outfit is ???

Richard49 said:
Get thee to a video store! (Or perhaps Netflix would be of help?)
Not telling what I have or don't *grins*

Maybe a sheer black stretch lace top, black leather miniskirt, black fishnet thigh-highs, over-the-knee boots.

Possibly my black satin corset, a fluffy black tulle petticoat, lace-topped black thigh highs, and heels.

A lacy, virginal Victorian era dress with open-crotch bloomers and petticoats, stockings and high button boots.

Denim miniskirt, white peasant blouse with blue trim, sandals.

Oh yes, hold the undies *wink*

Damn, I love playing dress-up! :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Your Favourite Slutty Outfit is ???

Etoile said:
Get thee to a video store! (Or perhaps Netflix would be of help?)

I'm waiting to have someone to watch it with
Arden said:
Not telling what I have or don't *grins*

Maybe a sheer black stretch lace top, black leather miniskirt, black fishnet thigh-highs, over-the-knee boots.

Possibly my black satin corset, a fluffy black tulle petticoat, lace-topped black thigh highs, and heels.

A lacy, virginal Victorian era dress with open-crotch bloomers and petticoats, stockings and high button boots.

Denim miniskirt, white peasant blouse with blue trim, sandals.

Oh yes, hold the undies *wink*

Damn, I love playing dress-up! :D

Leather boots, leather mini-skirt, and leather bra. Oh, and leather wrist cuffs.
I bought myself a black velvet bra and it looked simple black velvet in the pic..when it arrived though..heck this thing has got more buckles and D rings than a bridle for an endurance horse LOL
SilkVelvet said:
I bought myself a black velvet bra and it looked simple black velvet in the pic..when it arrived though..heck this thing has got more buckles and D rings than a bridle for an endurance horse LOL can you teach me to ride?!!
LOL.. good job I'm bisexual ..cos I haven't got a clue which one of you feels in need of riding lessons.. well as long as you bring your own whip :)
SilkVelvet said:
LOL.. good job I'm bisexual ..cos I haven't got a clue which one of you feels in need of riding lessons.. well as long as you bring your own whip :)

which whip?

catalina_francisco said:
So would that be our 6 foot kangaroo leather handcrafted bullwhip? lol
They make leather from kangaroos? Eeeek.
Etoile said:
They make leather from kangaroos? Eeeek.

Yes and very beautiful leather at that...softer than the other options as well. Must say though being an Aussie through and through I have to try not to visualise the animal I adore and respect highly. Did you know female kangaroos become pregnant, then if there is a drought or bushfire or any other reason to make food scarce, they suspend the pregnancy and resume it when conditions improve, sometimes months in huh?!!

My son tells me to think of the fact they are considered a pest by many farmers etc., and exist in thousands, but is difficult. Definately can't eat kangaroo steaks either despite the fact they are free of any cholesterol inducing fat and considered the best meat you can eat for your heart and health in general.

Oh well I do love the whip and the craftsmanship is exquisite.

catalina_francisco said:
So would that be our 6 foot kangaroo leather handcrafted bullwhip? lol


Er, nope..shaking head..lungeing whip not something like a Ringmaster's whip for lions lol.. eek who killed Skippy ?

Velvet :)
SilkVelvet said:
Er, nope..shaking head..lungeing whip not something like a Ringmaster's whip for lions lol.. eek who killed Skippy ?

Velvet :)

Well what do you expect with all that chittering and hopping everywhere holding up crooks who are trying to be about their business? if he'd been a cat he would have had a few more lives. lol

Oh you will hate us but we also have a 7 foot stockwhip from kangaroo leather too.

While we're on this topic, does anybody remember what the site is for that vegan BDSM equipment?
Kangaroo is an excellent RED meat. But Ostridge is a better meat -- you can even make a type of bacon out of it. Then there's crocodile, for something a little "gamier".

Personally I don't eat any of them. Well, I might eat ostridge if it weren't so expensive.
Actually Ostrich is not that expensive in Europe.

I have eaten kangaroo, ostrich, snake, and crocodile and I must say that of those the kangaroo meat was the tastiest. Did not find much difference in taste between crocodile and snake to be honest and ostrich is a very red meat, very rich, very filling with only very small portions you feel filled very soon.

I've had barbecued frog's chicken but lots of fiddly bones :( and jellied eels urgh urgh urgh