Your feelings about personal ads

should we welcome personal ads?

  • yes

    Votes: 18 48.6%
  • no

    Votes: 12 32.4%
  • maybe

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • don\'t care

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Your feelings about personal ads

Richard49 said:

If I could see a busy tail I would chase it :p :D

aaah what a shame mines all shaved clean then!!! ;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Your feelings about personal ads

petrel said:

aaah what a shame mines all shaved clean then!!! ;)

a shaved one is still a busy tail :p :D
I HATE this idea.

I'm totally alarmed by this idea.

I despise that this was done.

I will watch this thread carefully. There's already been a real addy posted to that Personals thread that i will remove. NO real addys. No real names. No personal info. No Unreg Personals thread posts.

If the Personals thread becomes a place where trolls gather and then come out to disrupt our normal, community-oriented, informational style Forum, then i'll delete the entire thread.

Such a thread is an invitation to people to come here, post an ad (maybe they are who they claim, maybe they are not - who knows?), and leave. I would MUCH rather see people come here to become members of the community whose views and needs and experiences and desires are known to us.

It's not, after all, like we don't have any people coming by to say hello and spend time. It's not like we need to lure people here to be a part of what we've all put our thoughts and time and emotions into building.

There are BDSM-themed personals ads all over the net, and spring immediately to mind. In the Mother thread somewhere are a whole list of BDSM personals sites that i posted one day.

We've never been about personals type activities and i find it distasteful that it's sprung up here.

JMHO, of course.
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It's already begun.

An Unreg posted to the Personals thread and i delete his post.

Then he got a nick, and posted an ENTIRE NEW thread with his personals ad - and i just deleted that one.

It's already getting out of hand.

This was a bad idea.

I don't want to be a police officer here. I've always been a member of this community, just like anyone and i don't need the aggravation of doing fucking police work here to keep the poseurs and pretenders and assholes out.

We decided a long time ago, and all who were around then know it, that we would not have personals ads here.

I still think it's a sucky idea - and that it's inviting WAY more problems than any advantages it could possibly offer to any of us.

We're about discussion and thought. We talk over issues and needs and experiences. We compare techniques and suppliers and how to make our own toys. That's what we've always done here, always been. It's been a hard line to hold at times, but we've kept to the high road, kept ourselves above the chat room type BDSM mentality, kept ourselves from becoming a meet-and-fuck kinda thread...and then Forum.

Personals ads don't belong here, in my opinion. They only dilute our sense of community. Four people have posted to the Personals thread. One is aq community member, who authored it. Two are people i don't know but who may have become members of our community while i've been gone. (Welcome to you both, if so. I'm not usually so hostile. Honestly.) And one was an Unreg who has gone on to post his ad in it's own thread (since deleted).

I would be really glad to see this thread sink into depths, not to be revived.
I deleted the thread. RS and cym have strong feelings against it. And I can see the downside. We'll continue to send the personals to the personal section.
WD and willful - please, i am so very sorry if i made you, personally, feel at all bad about the whole Personals thing. I did not intend to do that at all and am dismayed at the optcome of my rant.

WD - you're always coming up with new ideas for discussion, new thoughts to throw into the pot, and new ingredients with which to flavor our cookpot of BDSM stew. You've been doing that since, like, day 1 of the M/M/M thread. It's a thing you have always done and is part of who you are to us, for us. We depend on you to do it, actually, especially when things are slow. This idea of Personals, of discussing it being here, the pros and cons and need or not, was so in character for you that i'm surprised, looking back, that it didn't come from you before this.

And willful? Darlin', that thread *was* wanted. Look at the poll stats. You did nothing - nothing - at all for which you need feel at all like an apology is due. You opened the thread in a playful yet dignified manner. You responded to the posters appropriately. You handled the thread well, willful. Be proud of that, please.

And the rest of you? If i go off like a crazy woman on any subject, please feel free to cast concerned looks in my direction and murmur soothingly that "it's okay, b, it's okay, and all you need is a teensy bit more sleep at night and you'll know it too."
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cymbidia said:
WD and willful - please, i am so very sorry if i made you, personally, feel at all bad about the whole Personals thing. I did not intend to do that at all and am dismayed at the optcome of my rant.

WD - you're always coming up with new ideas for discussion, new thoughts to throw into the pot, and new ingredients with which to flavor our cookpot of BDSM stew. You've been doing that since, like, day 1 of the M/M/M thread. It's a thing you have always done and is part of who you are to us, for us. We depend on you to do it, actually, especially when things are slow. This idea of Personals, of discussing it being here, the pros and cons and need or not, was so in character for you that i'm surprised, looking back, that it didn't come from you before this.

And willful? Darlin', that thread *was* wanted. Look at the poll stats. You did nothing - nothing - at all for which you need feel at all like an apology is due. You opened the thread in a playful yet dignified manner. You responded to the posters appropriately. You handled the thread well, willful. Be proud of that, please.

And the rest of you? If i go off like a crazy woman on any subject, please feel free to cast concerned looks in my direction and murmur soothingly that "it's okay, b, it's okay, and all you need is a teensy bit more sleep at night and you'll know it too."

Cym, I for one am glad to see you back! Hope you are refreshed!

Things are not the same without you!

cymbidia said:
WD and willful - please, i am so very sorry if i made you, personally, feel at all bad about the whole Personals thing. I did not intend to do that at all and am dismayed at the optcome of my rant.

WD - you're always coming up with new ideas for discussion, new thoughts to throw into the pot, and new ingredients with which to flavor our cookpot of BDSM stew. You've been doing that since, like, day 1 of the M/M/M thread. It's a thing you have always done and is part of who you are to us, for us. We depend on you to do it, actually, especially when things are slow. This idea of Personals, of discussing it being here, the pros and cons and need or not, was so in character for you that i'm surprised, looking back, that it didn't come from you before this.

And willful? Darlin', that thread *was* wanted. Look at the poll stats. You did nothing - nothing - at all for which you need feel at all like an apology is due. You opened the thread in a playful yet dignified manner. You responded to the posters appropriately. You handled the thread well, willful. Be proud of that, please.

And the rest of you? If i go off like a crazy woman on any subject, please feel free to cast concerned looks in my direction and murmur soothingly that "it's okay, b, it's okay, and all you need is a teensy bit more sleep at night and you'll know it too."

Tis okay, cym. And I'm so glad you're back! Sorry you're going through such a rough time and I hope things get better for you soon. :heart:
cymbidia said:

WD - you're always coming up with new ideas for discussion, new thoughts to throw into the pot, and new ingredients with which to flavor our cookpot of BDSM stew. You've been doing that since, like, day 1 of the M/M/M thread. It's a thing you have always done and is part of who you are to us, for us. We depend on you to do it, actually, especially when things are slow. This idea of Personals, of discussing it being here, the pros and cons and need or not, was so in character for you that i'm surprised, looking back, that it didn't come from you before this.

Personals weren't an idea of mine. Someone posted one here and was quickly pointed to the personal section. I made a comment that the personal forum was the general board part 2, and I wouldn't send any one there.

Then I started a poll just to get the general feelings of our group. While we aren't a democracy, I did want to get the pulse of what everyone wanted. I came into it with an open mind, and have been swayed by the no group.
I just want to say that I appreciate the fact that the moderators here are upfront about their decisions, and honest with the group about how they arrive at them. That's not the case everywhere.

Welcome back, cym, I hope all is well.
CarolineOh said:
I just want to say that I appreciate the fact that the moderators here are upfront about their decisions, and honest with the group about how they arrive at them. That's not the case everywhere.

this goes for me too,

I voted yes - purely because I could see how difficult it can be for people to get their ads taken seriously on the general personals board - but then that is just my opinion and I havn't had the experience of a board being taken over by personals - which after reading the 'no' votes I can understand might happen.

I know alot of people make contact after reading posts and threads authored by someone they find interesting and sending them a POLITE!! pm. Its a more natural way to make new friends and I hope that the couple of people who posted genuine personals ads on the thread will meet and greet as the rest of us do - slowly building up friendships on the board.
One aspect to our little community here is that when you see a post by someone that interrests you, you can then do a search on that person, restricted to the Personals Board, and choose the ones that were STARTED by that person to see what kind of ad they have (IF s/he is in the market here). You can also see the responses that are given publicly to others.

I have an ad over there. It is a silly joke thread that got a great response. People can look at that and see a bit of my personality displayed and determine if they wish to know me better. I have done this with others who interrest me here. It helps me to know a bit more about him/her before becoming more friendly.

Even though the Personals Board tends to get overloaded and buried, that is not even an issue with the way I use it.

I am sure I am not the only one who looks at it this way, right?
Here's an idea for those of you who hope to get a decent response to a personal ad placed at Literotica.

Post a link to your ad in your sig line. This way, every time you post, your ad is there. When you no longer need it, you can remove the link. Post it, erase it, over and over, as needed.

The way I did it was:
1.) I hit "reply" to a post
2.) I clicked "http://"
3.) I typed in my preferred title then hit RETURN
4.) I pasted in the link to my ad (using that ever so handy right mouse button)
5.) I then copied (using that right mouse button again) the entire response post (without sending)
6.) I clicked "control panel"
7.) I pasted in the sig line box
8.) I viewed a post and marveled at my genius
9.) I came here to share this with my fellow kinky Literoticans
10.) I typed this all out
11.) I continue to marvel at this display
12.) I debate about adding more nonsense to this list
13.) I determine that there is enough here and point my mouse at the "submit reply" button
14.) I click :p
BlondGirl said:
8.) I viewed a post and marveled at my genius
9.) I came here to share this with my fellow kinky Literoticans
10.) I typed this all out
11.) I continue to marvel at this display
~snorting with laughter in an ungenteel manner~

Thank you, BG, for that truly genius-driven explanation of...whatever it was.