Zuckerberg admits White House played a role in suppressing speech, we knew all along,

I'm not.

A convention of the States means that everything is on the table. Given the political divide we're currently undergoing I don't want anyone near the Constitution with the power to abolish it and write a new one.
Jeebus and hallelujah, praise be that you’ve decided to not vote for trump!
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The house is a legislative body, not a prosecutorial body. The corrupt DOJ determines what cases to prosecute, Biden owns Garland.

So glad that you’ve decided to stay away from defending this dumb thread created by this dumb OP.
Is it Zuck's fault that trump handled the response so poorly?
Congress can subpoenas any one for legislative purposes. If during a Congressional investigation they discover a criminal violation they can refer to the DOJ for criminal prosecution and the DOJ can bury it.
There’s no legislative purpose to this.
Me either.

Too late for both of you. America has been represented by criminals by far longer than Trump, Biden, Harris, or anyone else that we can recall. Bush 2 is a war criminal. Ditto both Clintons, Obama, you could make a case with Trump as well, and likely Biden. Remember when Pelosi declined to push for prosecuting or impeaching Bush over war crimes? Why do you think that was? There is a case to make that Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Powell are war criminals, too. The Iraq War and the Afghanistan War, though I don't approve of the mishandling of the pullout, were both regime change wars that exhausted, weakened, and indebted America, and both were bipartisan endeavors. The one thing that I will applaud Trump for was not starting new wars and getting the Taliban to back off American citizens with threats to the Taliban leaders.

There are smart ways to fight wars, and that includes not starting unnecessary, expensive, and endless ones, and there are really dumb ones, which often involve a lot of war crimes. In short, our foreign policy for decades has been both stupid, criminal, and wasteful. No wonder our armed services have difficulty reaching their recruitment numbers. If we have a draft, we're also fucked, because a lot of young men these don't even know that they have to register for the Selective Service, and of course, no women are required to sign up for it...talk about your lack of equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment! Talk about lack of bodily autonomy!

Look, both parties are wings on the same buzzard or vulture. They throw different red meat to their bases to keep them in line. The Dems throw abortion rights and other progressive ideas that don't inconvenience the rich in any way to their base and the Republicans throw a variety of culture war things also don't inconvenience Wall Street to theirs. It's why Beto, a man tied to oil interests by his marriage, needed gun control as an issue to stand out as "progressive" before the recent university riots that endangered Jewish lives made that word more toxic of late. It's why Harris, who never had any trouble keeping prisoners in prison past their sentences for cheap labor, who put people in prison for mere drug possession while laughing about her own pot use, and who kept men on death row by withholding exculpatory evidence until ordered to release it, has found ways of standing out as "liberal," such as "defunding the police," until it was no longer politically convenient for her. It's why Vance made some very loose statements that he now has to backtrack a bit on childless women and other issues. It's why Trump reversed his past pro-choice views to suddenly argue for prosecuting women who get abortions. Both parties are full of crooks, charlatans, and hypocrites.

That's why the Epstein/Maxwell list will never be released, most likely. Too many politicians would lose everything. It's why ABC blocked Amy Robach from covering that scoop, too, something that she revealed in that infamous "hot mic," and why CBS wrongfully fired a woman who was wrongly blamed for leaking it.
Or as George Carlin famously stated, "It's all one big club, and you ain't in it."