What Are You Thinking? Continued 14

Yea, this place is like an interactive zoo. You wanna see your favorite animals, feed and hang out with them the longest. Sometimes you get bit or spit on. Sometimes you accidently hurt or scare one of the little animals. Ultimately, you don't want to leave. You wanna find the ones you scared or hurt and coo or sooth them. You try to give the biters and spitters more space. But, there's not much of fencing, and it's a wide-open expanse where there seems to be a plethora of space to wander. Yet, you keep coming back to or getting chased by those same animals.

It's a wonderous, fascinating, lovely, terrifying, exhilarating, exhausting place.
Yea, this place is like an interactive zoo. You wanna see your favorite animals, feed and hang out with them the longest. Sometimes you get bit or spit on. Sometimes you accidently hurt or scare one of the little animals. Ultimately, you don't want to leave. You wanna find the ones you scared or hurt and coo or sooth them. You try to give the biters and spitters more space. But, there's not much of fencing, and it's a wide-open expanse where there seems to be a plethora of space to wander. Yet, you keep coming back to or getting chased by those same animals.

It's a wonderous, fascinating, lovely, terrifying, exhilarating, exhausting place.
What's the right ratio of Romance vs Other on a ten song valentine playlist?
They can't all be sexy as fuck or else the listener would melt before they got to the tenth song. 6 vs 4?
I need to keep reminding myself that I'm not special, that I'm just another guy to chat with if a woman is bored or lonely or just wants to get off with whoever is available.
These lit women doesn't have the authority to determine if you're special, they can only decide if you're special to them. I've seen ladies and gentlemen treating bum mfers like they're gods, it doesn't make a god.

The only ones who can determine if you're special, are our loved ones who get to see all of us. They can see our shine, know our hearts, see how we treat and see our everyday deeds.

No Litster male or female can truly know if you're special. Don't worry about who doesn't want you and stick with people who likes you. No mfer online or real life has the power to make me feel less than, what people think matters 0, I know my greatest and no one can take that away.

2Pac said this in a song, but it makes me think of this subject.

You could be rolling with a thug, instead you with some weak scrub looking for some love, in every club.
Yea, this place is like an interactive zoo. You wanna see your favorite animals, feed and hang out with them the longest. Sometimes you get bit or spit on. Sometimes you accidently hurt or scare one of the little animals. Ultimately, you don't want to leave. You wanna find the ones you scared or hurt and coo or sooth them. You try to give the biters and spitters more space. But, there's not much of fencing, and it's a wide-open expanse where there seems to be a plethora of space to wander. Yet, you keep coming back to or getting chased by those same animals.

It's a wonderous, fascinating, lovely, terrifying, exhilarating, exhausting place.
I don't know what kind of Zoo you've been to, but that shit doesn't happen in a regular Zoo. It sounds like Clarice visiting Hanibal Lector for the first time.

These lit women doesn't have the authority to determine if you're special, they can only decide if you're special to them. I've seen ladies and gentlemen treating bum mfers like they're gods, it doesn't make a god.

The only ones who can determine if you're special, are our loved ones who get to see all of us. They can see our shine, know our hearts, see how we treat and see our everyday deeds.

No Litster male or female can truly know if you're special. Don't worry about who doesn't want you and stick with people who likes you. No mfer online or real life has the power to make me feel less than, what people think matters 0, I know my greatest and no one can take that away.

2Pac said this in a song, but it makes me think of this subject.

You could be rolling with a thug, instead you with some weak scrub looking for some love, in every club.
I know that wasn’t meant for me, but I felt that message. I am largely undesirable on the dating/sexual market and I spent my best years feeling sorry for myself over it, even attempted suicide a few times because of it.

It took me until I turned 40 to realize that those who don’t want me have no authority on my worth.
I know that wasn’t meant for me, but I felt that message. I am largely undesirable on the dating/sexual market and I spent my best years feeling sorry for myself over it, even attempted suicide a few times because of it.

It took me until I turned 40 to realize that those who don’t want me have no authority on my worth.
It was meant for you and anyone else made to feel less than.

I'm happy you realized your worth ❤️

Edited to add: You tried to end yourself and look at you now, you're here and that's very special. Be very proud of yourself.