Endless Ends

Tonight !! A very special and extraordinary blood moon will rise tonight amid a total lunar eclipse and a rare moment of totality.

The March full moon, also known as the worm moon will rise on March 14, heralding the earthworms that spring to life as winter ends and the soil begins to warm ahead of planting season


Even though the eclipse is in intellectual and practical Virgo, it’ll heighten our emotions and urge us to release the past. Letting go is hard but necessary for us to evolve as people.

We’ll be able to take small steps, but not workout growing pains. The process might bring anxiety, tears, and pain — however, the journey forward is divine and beautiful. The only way out is through. So, listen to what your heart desires over what your mind is telling you.

"Capricorn - This Full Moon will bring the appreciation, high regard and respect from other people that you truly admire yourself. Listen to and really accept their compliments, flattery, and insight. You are one of the hardest-on-yourself people in the zodiac. You are ruthlessly perceptive and negative about everything you say and do. It is counter-productive."

"Take a time out and let the kind words and feelings of others sink in. They mean it! You are valued, respected, and thought highly of. You are in demand. You are loved. This Full Moon, let the inner critic rest (permanently) and let a new voice of reason and compassion and encouragement emerge. A game changing moment."
Tonight !! A very special and extraordinary blood moon will rise tonight amid a total lunar eclipse and a rare moment of totality.

The March full moon, also known as the worm moon will rise on March 14, heralding the earthworms that spring to life as winter ends and the soil begins to warm ahead of planting season


Even though the eclipse is in intellectual and practical Virgo, it’ll heighten our emotions and urge us to release the past. Letting go is hard but necessary for us to evolve as people.

We’ll be able to take small steps, but not workout growing pains. The process might bring anxiety, tears, and pain — however, the journey forward is divine and beautiful. The only way out is through. So, listen to what your heart desires over what your mind is telling you.

"Capricorn - This Full Moon will bring the appreciation, high regard and respect from other people that you truly admire yourself. Listen to and really accept their compliments, flattery, and insight. You are one of the hardest-on-yourself people in the zodiac. You are ruthlessly perceptive and negative about everything you say and do. It is counter-productive."

"Take a time out and let the kind words and feelings of others sink in. They mean it! You are valued, respected, and thought highly of. You are in demand. You are loved. This Full Moon, let the inner critic rest (permanently) and let a new voice of reason and compassion and encouragement emerge. A game changing moment."
Thank you, as always, for posting moon news, and my particular astrological scope. :cattail:

It was supposed to be too cloudy here to see the blood moon. It is cloudy, but the moon has stayed steadily visible for the last couple of hours. As Daylight Savings has completed disrupted my already terrible sleep cycle, I am going to try to stay up and catch the Lunar eclipse. 🤞
Algae, odor, water quality, foam, leaks ???? or an extremely tired Enny ?
As for this, I have much to say. But my internet is wonky and I'm afraid it will cut out on me in the middle of venting my spleen. 🤣

Hopefully tomorrow my between two towers in the country internet will be more cooperative.