Are the same few people ruining your Lit experience?

I've kind of stopped caring about who uses it on me. That's taken a lot of work. I've always cared too much about why someone doesn't like me, or who/ what they are basing their opinions of me on.
Mostly because I did that for too long myself. Judged others off my friends opinions. I shouldn't have done that. 😔
Same. Not caring is so freeing!
I'm kind of curious about posting on this thread. I've probably been on the hot seat a few times in a previous Lit. life. But, since I had hardware problems and was off Literotica for a four month hiatus I am a vastly different person. I've made friendships with people who wouldn't bat an eyelash before. It matters to me that friendships are worth everything and I'm Not making the same mistakes again. I know this thread is for a different reason, but I needed to say a few words and I'll go back to my own popular threads.
I've kind of stopped caring about who uses it on me. That's taken a lot of work. I've always cared too much about why someone doesn't like me, or who/ what they are basing their opinions of me on.
Mostly because I did that for too long myself. Judged others off my friends opinions. I shouldn't have done that. 😔

One day I'll get to this point. Until then, I'm relegated to worrying what everyone thinks about me. Sigh.
For a little bit I let people ruin lit for me but that was on me and it was NOT worth it. I just chose to move on and not let folks bother me. Plus if they are really gross, I use ignore but that is saved for extreme situations.
Nope. Someone tried to once, by lying about me that I don't 'let' my male friends/partners have female friends/partners... FFS. :ROFLMAO:

I'm sure there have been other lies about me but that one was really far fetched, especially about me: the one who refuses to keep a stable and runs a revolving door policy instead.
Alternatively you can simply tell whoever is bothering you to fuck off and be done with it. Really...who the fuck cares what anyone else thinks of you...ever? The sole exception are clients/customers and even then you probably know whether you fucked up or...they need to be fired as a client. Otherwise? Who cares? It's called "resilience". And guess what? If you have any convictions, resilience, ability to not give a shit? You are now the intimidating force. Toughness is solely a property of your mind and the means to that toughness is adversity. Trust me. I was literally hated...before I drew one breath. That is a literal statement. Only when I went against "societal norms" and isolated did I find all my capabilities. People...are a distraction. Not always a bad distraction, sometimes quite entertaining. But to have a human "ruin" something? Sure, you can be assaulted, your things stolen, etc. And you deal with that (and NOT via law enforcement, ideally!). You don't need any button or feature external to your brain, to ignore someone.
I've gotten better at ignoring annoying posters. The trouble is when they derail interesting threads. Ignoring them doesn't help with that.
You give me your number, I'll call you up
You act like your pussy on interrupt
I don't have no problem with you fucking me
But I have a little problem with you not fucking me
—Ol Dirty Bastard/Big Black Baby Jesus/Dirt McGirt/Peanut the Kidnapper
I’m gonna call you Dirrrrty and then lift up my skirt.

No one ruins my lit experience. I love Lit. Lit is all that is good and perv