“What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of Donald Trump?”

Ho hum, another day, another fake media "poll."

I guess we're going to have to listen to this stuff for the next 7 and 2/3 years. :rolleyes:
True, however Trump was intelligent enough to get the votes where they counted toward election, not just the large leftist cities.

That's called 'cherrypicking'. Hardly a sound tactic for a future leader of supposedly the world's greatest country to use. Pandering to the lowest denominator and the fears of certain types of people is quite low. But when your governmental system is so broken that tens of millions can't even be bothered to vote I suppose it works. Lot easier than actually fixing the problem.
That's called 'cherrypicking'. Hardly a sound tactic for a future leader of supposedly the world's greatest country to use. Pandering to the lowest denominator and the fears of certain types of people is quite low. But when your governmental system is so broken that tens of millions can't even be bothered to vote I suppose it works. Lot easier than actually fixing the problem.

Cherry picking is a strawman. Every election for government no matter what level or where in the Democratic world consists of opponents using strategy and fighting for every available vote.
Clinton did neither, she felt secure enough that victory would be hers such that she put out essentially zero platform and kept a low campaigning profile.

Also, the lack of voters in areas other than the large cities simply means they did not want Clinton as prez, so they didn't show up. In the areas that she won the jury is still out on how many people voted that were not entitled to vote. Soon to be revealed though, through the federal election committee rationalizing the federal data base of citizens with the state voter rolls.

Stay tuned.

1.Did he truly believe in what he was saying during his electoral campaign (dial down US's warmongering in the Middle East and so on), being an anti- globalist, bring back manufacturing jobs and so on
- and if he failed /or will fail to materialize any of them, it might be due to the fact that the system is so well put in place that it's hard to make changes.

2.Or was he just a populist and opportunist, the other side of the same coin as Obama, right from the start?

1.Did he truly believe in what he was saying during his electoral campaign (dial down US's warmongering in the Middle East and so on), being an anti- globalist, bring back manufacturing jobs and so on
- and if he failed /or will fail to materialize any of them, it might be due to the fact that the system is so well put in place that it's hard to make changes.

2.Or was he just a populist and opportunist, the other side of the same coin as Obama, right from the start?

I believe both are equally true.
I believe both are equally true.

Good point.

As to those who disliked Obama's policies, they seemed to belong to the same 2 categories:
- he was an ill intended populist
- he had good intentions, but got crushed by the system.

You're right.
And it was probably a bit of both for both Trump and Obama.
Especially since contrary to the public's impression, US presidents don't have that much power.
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The "Not Hillary" comment was one of the best from my pov.
Especially since it could be seen as reflecting the views of both teams.
I'd say the same for Obama. Both O and Trump are egotistical. I'd say they have more in common than not, starting with being liberals.
Obama has a rep for being super smart, but other than marketing himself I'm not sure what evidence is available to back that up. Trump is an idiot, according to a few geniuses here, but he took a small fortune and made it to the rank of billionaire, plus he was elected president.
Tell me who contributed more to their communities before they reached the highest office. Is Obama's name on any significant piece of legislation, something he could hang is hat on when people asked themselves, "Why should I vote for this guy?" Was he ever voted Community Organizer of the Year?
Trump employed thousands while making his name synonymous with high-end living, dining and golfing.
America elected an A No. 1 Capitalist against a Democrat who barely beat an I Hate Greedy Capitalists (and Honeymooned in Moscow) whack job in the primary.
Granted, Trump beat a woman many perceived as a mean witch, but she also wore Obama's legacy of failure on her shoulders. In other words, if the Democrats could have fielded someone besides Mz. Corruption 1993-2016 and that oily looking fellow for vice president, yep, he or she would be in the White House.
But ya didn't. You couldn't find someone to beat the unappealing Donald Trump. despite him getting horrible press from pretty much everyone during the campaign.
And now you're hanging your hats on that Russia nonsense and silly word association games, while Democrats who voted for Obamacare try to kid themselves that they'll look good to voters as they continue to defend this piece of shit legislation.
I'd say the same for Obama.

But would you say it for Hillary?

Tell me who contributed more to their communities before they reached the highest office. . . .
Trump employed thousands while making his name synonymous with high-end living, dining and golfing.

Well, that ain't much in terms of contribution to the community, is it? Trump never in his life created a job somebody else would not have -- captains of industry do that, real estate and hospitality moguls don't -- and the rest is probably more detrimental to the community than beneficial.
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According to a new poll from Quinnipiac University, approval of President Donald Trump has dropped to a near-record low of 36 percent. On top of that, 61 percent of those polled said he was not honest, 56 percent of the respondents said he lacked leadership skills and 66 percent expressed that he wasn’t level-headed.

Remember all the polls (from prestigious institutions) which predicted that England will opt to stay in the EU, and that Trump won't be elected?

I'm not claiming tho that Trump's popullarity hasn't dropped - because I wouldn't know -.
Although I would expect a small drop since Syria and other measures.