🌶️💃🏻🎸Brat House: Boobs, Bums and Bedlam🌶️💃🏻🎸

Rafey-Bear it's been too long without your sassy mouth...


I’m not kink shaming by any stretch but…
I never got the feet thing?
Is just like a natural affinity towards them? Or maybe an extremely positive sexual experience that then shaped one’s fetish for them?
I always thought of feet like the same I feel about elbows…they are just there?
I’m not kink shaming by any stretch but…
I never got the feet thing?
Is just like a natural affinity towards them? Or maybe an extremely positive sexual experience that then shaped one’s fetish for them?
I always thought of feet like the same I feel about elbows…they are just there?
I guess it's like any kink, starts off as an inkling then grows to arousal.

I was once out at a shopping centre, and a man asked about my elbow reconstruction scar. As I ran my finger along it his eyes followed it so closely and by the time I showed him the second scar on the inside... He was struggling to speak.

He ran off after that but I'm guessing he had both an elbow kink and a scar kink, and I was his unicorn 😆
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I guess it's like any kink, starts off as an inkling then grows to arousal.

I was once out at a shopping centre, and a man asked about my elbow reconstruction scar. As I ran my finger along it he eyes followed it so closely and by the time I showed him the second scar on the inside... He was struggling to speak.

He ran off after that but I'm guessing he had both an elbow kink and a scar kink, and I was his unicorn 😆
im just curious what "awakens" a kink
I guess it's like any kink, starts off as an inkling then grows to arousal.

I was once out at a shopping centre, and a man asked about my elbow reconstruction scar. As I ran my finger along it he eyes followed it so closely and by the time I showed him the second scar on the inside... He was struggling to speak.

He ran off after that but I'm guessing he had both an elbow kink and a scar kink, and I was his unicorn 😆
I saw this in a Cronenberg flick once I think.
I’m sorry I did not mean to demean that pain. I was mainly talking about the guy’s response. And Crash. Which was a weird af movie that I been thinking I should rewatch as an adult before this conversation 😁
I didn't read it that way at all! I have been a clumsy person my whole life so have the scars to prove it....

And yeah rewatching movies after certain experiences makes you see them differently.

Morning BH. It's been the week from hell for me. 7am starts every day and this night owl becomes a hermit. But yay for a quiet Saturday of medical imposed stillness.

I can agree with y'all that it sucks to work until your bones ache. But hey, we're here to have some fun, pleasure and giggles.

And yes, even I think of this once a week! The going rate for a good set of five feet pictures in high heels with nail polish on is around AUD$500 so don't sell yourselves short.
Hello your worship! So glad to hear from you. Sorry about work, but if there is anything I can do to amuse or distract you, as you know, your wish is my command...
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen any of my posts… but being a guy with a huge scar… most women, in my experience do not like scars.
Oh Jack. I'm sorry that you've had that experience. So far most people have been very accepting of my scars but they have healed very well as you can see...1000014386.jpg
There you go @Rj_1954, an image for your spank bank 😝
Oh Jack. I'm sorry that you've had that experience. So far most people have been very accepting of my scars but they have healed very well as you can see...View attachment 2516761
There you go @Rj_1954, an image for your spank bank 😝
No need for apologies. But I do appreciate it.
Yours look great! And mine can’t really “heal” like that 🤣