🌶️💃🏻🎸Brat House: Boobs, Bums and Bedlam🌶️💃🏻🎸

I agree it snowed a little here tonight I say enough already its time for spring..
I'm sorry I can't be more empathetic.... my burnout video? I filmed that, today. In front of my house. It's beautiful here now, and I have my AC on in my house to cool it down.


Sorry... inappropriate, yes. But damn funny to my weird ass.
I don't want to pry, and you can ignore me if you want. How is K?b
I would Never Ignore you
She's had a change in her thyroid medication from one that causes less bone pain, but it still exists.
She can take only one brand (Armour Thyroid) which is natural. The synthetic crap causes extreme pain in her body and she can't not take it...it's a life long medication.
The new meds seem to work better.
I would Never Ignore you
She's had a change in her thyroid medication from one that causes less bone pain, but it still exists.
She can take only one brand (Armour Thyroid) which is natural. The synthetic crap causes extreme pain in her body and she can't not take it...it's a life long medication.
The new meds seem to work better.
I know this isn’t worth much, but I have been through this, where the most important person in my life, by far, was always in constant pain. And there was nothing I could do to “fix it”. You well know, I am here for you if you want to talk.

But, if you want to set shit on fire, then @Fiestykitten is your girl.

We got you. 🥰
I know this isn’t worth much, but I have been through this, where the most important person in my life, by far, was always in constant pain. And there was nothing I could do to “fix it”. You well know, I am here for you if you want to talk.

But, if you want to set shit on fire, then @Fiestykitten is your girl.

We got you. 🥰
And I'm a "fix it" type and I can't and she tells me I can't
I still go outside and shake my fist at God...asking Whÿ, why her and not me..
This is from Dr Strangelove, it fits the bill

let me be very clear about something, @Chloe_Harper is her own person and completely capable of making her own decisions about whether she accepts dms and who she accepts them from. even if we are together, she is not property, and if anyone has said or acted otherwise, tell them to fuck all the way off. as long as you behave accordingly, you will hear nothing from me. if she ignores you or does not answer your dms, thats because she doesnt want to. she is the one who controls that decision, no one else.
I'm following in Rafe's lead here as I feel something in a similar theme needs said.

@Sammysub07 is My Little Treasure and I am so glad to see her share herself with the masses of Lit. Similarly to Rafe, I don't care if guys or gals are sliding into her DMs, so long as they are respectful and above board. If you want to chat with her about whatever your heart desires, that's fine, go for it! She's a wonderful person and makes a tremendous friend. However, if you simply want to compliment a photo she posted to everyone, the appropriate thing to do is compliment her publicly. If you feel uncomfortable doing so, I'm sorry, that's how it is.

To summarize:
1. DMing Sammy is fine if you're respectful.
2. Complimenting Sammy is wonderful; be respectful and do it in public.
3. Sammy is spoken for, if that's the angle you're following, just stop.

Feel free to contact me directly or message Sammy and I together if you have any questions.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled pervy activities.