🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Day 15: Post a song about things ending.

trigger warning, skip this post if you are in a dark mental space*

Gloomy Sunday, various artists.
I won't post the song, here's a link to the Wiki about it.

Sarah McLachlan's version was very nearly the last song I ever heard. I was a 20 year old college kid. Every time I hear the song I'm taken back to that night in my dorm room, my perspective shrinking further with each breath. I could only see one way to stop hurting.

But I dragged myself off the floor and to a psych ward instead of a bridge. And so here I am.. almost smiling at a song that is about an ending and became my beginning.

Link to a list of mental health and crisis lines worldwide
Day 15: Post a song about things ending.

trigger warning, skip this post if you are in a dark mental space*

Gloomy Sunday, various artists.
I won't post the song, here's a link to the Wiki about it.

Sarah McLachlan's version was very nearly the last song I ever heard. I was a 20 year old college kid. Every time I hear the song I'm taken back to that night in my dorm room, my perspective shrinking further with each breath. I could only see one way to stop hurting.

But I dragged myself off the floor and to a psych ward instead of a bridge. And so here I am.. almost smiling at a song that is about an ending and became my beginning.

Link to a list of mental health and crisis lines worldwide
Thank you for sharing. Glad you’re still here :)
Day 15: Post a song about things ending.

trigger warning, skip this post if you are in a dark mental space*

Gloomy Sunday, various artists.
I won't post the song, here's a link to the Wiki about it.

Sarah McLachlan's version was very nearly the last song I ever heard. I was a 20 year old college kid. Every time I hear the song I'm taken back to that night in my dorm room, my perspective shrinking further with each breath. I could only see one way to stop hurting.

But I dragged myself off the floor and to a psych ward instead of a bridge. And so here I am.. almost smiling at a song that is about an ending and became my beginning.

Link to a list of mental health and crisis lines worldwide
Thank you for posting all of this, including the resources.

The world is better with you in it.
Day 15: Post a song about things ending.
This one could be for a number of these theme days, including songs to play to get hyped up. But it definitely fits the “things ending” theme. ✌🏼

You're on a differеnt road, I'm in the Milky Way
You want me down on Earth, but I am up in space
You'rе so damn hard to please, we gotta kill this switch
You're from the '70s, but I'm a '90s bitch
I love it!
I got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone
I crashed my car into the bridge, I watched, I let it burn
I threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs

I crashed my car into the bridge, I don't care!

Day 15: Post a song about things ending.

trigger warning, skip this post if you are in a dark mental space*

Gloomy Sunday, various artists.
I won't post the song, here's a link to the Wiki about it.

Sarah McLachlan's version was very nearly the last song I ever heard. I was a 20 year old college kid. Every time I hear the song I'm taken back to that night in my dorm room, my perspective shrinking further with each breath. I could only see one way to stop hurting.

But I dragged myself off the floor and to a psych ward instead of a bridge. And so here I am.. almost smiling at a song that is about an ending and became my beginning.

Link to a list of mental health and crisis lines worldwide
I understand. I am glad you’re on the planet and with us here. ❤️
Day 15: Post a song about things ending.

every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end...and while time is undefeated, the story is neverending...​

The Full Dustin and Suzie NeverEnding Story Scene | Stranger Things S3​

The Neverending Story • Theme Song​

The scene where Lucas and Max sing the duet to make fun of them lives rent free in my head.