🏡PLP's Bazaar of the Bizarre: A Study Hall for the Deviant and Delightful

Trigger warning this post is far more LIT than EROTICA.

I am a person who loves good poetry and likes to write very bad poetry. (Well I don't like that it's bad but hey, we can't all be god's chosen.) This weekend I heard this poem read aloud and I am not exaggerating when I say I felt my brain chemistry change. I have not been able to stop thinking about its simplicity and nuance and how it applies to my life over the past few years. Words are sometimes so inadequate. You can pile them up to the ceiling and they will never express correctly your thoughts or feelings. But sometimes, a few perfect words can be just right. I hope even one person loves this as much as I did.

And yeah, I might post some poetry for the smartypants out there today. Don't worry, filth comes in the morning.


Joy Comes Back - Donna Ashworth