💫🎲💫 Lit Fantasy Classes: D&D Nerds Unite 💫🎲💫

Our DM was mean tonight. First we were attacked by a beholder. And then after we killed it, it was resurrected by a group of duergar clerics. And then we had to kill a zombie beholder. And it was even meaner than when it was alive. Our paladin nearly got disintegrated.
You gave ‘em the 10 minutes they needed to cast a resurrection spell? Or did they Animate Dead, which is quicker

There’re a number of reasons looting monsters is important, rendering them into gold-worthy bits gets you loot AND it keeps ‘em from getting back up.

It all falls back on the ‘always kill the caster first’ rule of thumb.

At least your dice got a good workout! :D
I've got a couple shelves of game systems I've picked up over time. D&D and its decades of derivatives up to the current (imo) mess. GURPS has awesome source books and an utterly insane system. Different versions of the Hero System and sourcebooks like Champions. Toon, the ever insane, and Paranoia that loves to live up to its name. RuneQuest/Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green/etc.

However I (used) to love playing them more'n collecting 'em. To me, they're springboards into the imagination of the other players - how can we have fun (for many different definitions thereof!) within this framework of rules?

Yeah, I've bought many RPGs that I've not played yet, but they all have given me ideas for scenarios or stories to add to those I do play.

From larger publishers of games like Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Imperium Maledictum to small indie publishers making games like Tomorrow City, Neon City Overdrive, they all bring something new to the experience of playing with other like minded, imaginative folks.