📊 The Great Lit Census of 2021 📋


•.° inimitable °.•
Aug 13, 2018
The Great Lit Census 2021

I wanted to just a general census of as many Litsters as possible. Not just the ones who are active and participate in lots of thread but the ones who may lurk or not feel like posting personal information publicly.

This is completely 100% anonymous and only I will ever look at the answers. At the end the answers will be compiled and released as a block of information. (Yes, I know something like Survey Monkey wouldn't have worked better but I didn't want to spend a ton of money and that ish is expensive.)

Instructions (PLEASE READ THIS FIRST!!)​
1. Do NOT leave your answers below. (If you do, everyone has permission to laugh at you for not reading instructions.)
2. Click the anonymous link [[closed]] << and copy and paste the questions, along with your answers, into the anonymous box.
3. Be as honest as possible in your answers.
4. Be as brief as possible in your answers.
5. Submit and invite as many people as you know to participate.
6. Let us know below if you plan to participate or you have!​

The Census will be live for about two weeks. I will announce a final date to get your answers in and then I will begin to compile the date. (Note: I am not a professional. I am just a curious person who likes to make things happen so take it easy on me. I'm new at this!) I hope this is interesting and fun to everyone and that the results will be illuminating. Please share the link to this thread to other threads so as many people as possible will see it. If you have any questions or comments, please PM me! :heart: PLP
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The anonymous link to the submit answers to is -


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The Great Census of 2021

Questions: Please answer honestly and briefly.

1. Are you male/female/non-binary?

2. What is your sexual orientation?

3. What is your nationality?

4. What is your age?

5. How many accounts do you have or have you had?

6. Are you married or are you in a long-term relationship?

7. Does your significant other know you are here?

8. What brought you to Lit initially? (i.e. the stories, the cams, the boards)

9. What year did you first discover Lit?

10. Are you an active participant or a lurker?

11. What is your daily post count?

12. What boards do you frequent most often?

13. Have you ever created a thread?

14. How many PMs do you initiate in a week?

15. How many PMs do you receive in a week?

16. How many stories do you read in a month?

17. If you read the stories, what is your preferred genre?

18. Have you ever written or tried to write a story for Lit?

19. Do you engage with Litsters off the site?

20. If so, what is your preferred platform? (kik, skype, whatsapp, discord, etc)

21. Have you ever “played” with another Litster?

22. On average how many Litsters have you engaged with sexually/eboned?

23. How Lit relationships have you been in?

24. How many Litsters have you had serious feelings for?

25. Have you ever experienced infidelity in an online relationship?

26. Have you ever experienced infidelity in an in person relationship?

27. How often do you masturbate?

28. How often do you have physical sex with another person?

29. How often do you have some sort of tech sex? (audio, text, cam)

30. If you indulge in tech sex, do you prefer cam, audio, text, or other?

31. Do you watch or look at porn?

32. If so, which way do you prefer? (written, pics, gifs, video)

33. Are there any labels which you feel describe you?

34. Are there fetishes or kinks that interest you?

35. Have you learned about any new kink or festish because of Lit?

36. Have your opinions regarding sex changed since you’ve been on Lit?

37. Do you have any sex toys? If so, how many?

38. Have you ever purchased a sex toy from Literotica?

39. Have you ever shared a picture of yourself publicly on Lit?

40. Is your avatar a picture of you?

41. Do you share pictures of yourself privately?

42. Have you ever been ghosted?

43. Have you ever been catfished?

44. Have you ever ghosted someone else?

45. Have you ever catfished someone else?

46. Have you ever been harassed on LIt?

47. Do you feel like Lit is a safe place?

48. Do you feel there is an appropriate amount of support from Lit moderators?

49. Do you have an exit strategy or plan for when you will walk away from Lit?

50. Briefly, what would you change about Lit?
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kudos on the concept and execution of it.

Thank you for sharing.

Can someone assume that a N/A is acceptable , if one doesn’t want to answer any certain question.
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I took the liberty of correcting a couple of typos. Autocorrect can kiss my ass.

You and your friends should pay close attention to my answer to the last question. If you're thinking of starting your own Lit, it's been done.
I took the liberty of correcting a couple of typos. Autocorrect can kiss my ass.

You and your friends should pay close attention to my answer to the last question. If you're thinking of starting your own Lit, it's been done.

Yeah, I'm still catching typos! Sorry about that.
The Great Lit Census 2021

I wanted to just a general census of as many Litsters as possible. Not just the ones who are active and participate in lots of thread but the ones who may lurk or not feel like posting personal information publicly.

This is completely 100% anonymous and only I will ever look at the answers. At the end the answers will be compiled and released as a block of information. (Yes, I know something like Survey Monkey wouldn't have worked better but I didn't want to spend a ton of money and that ish is expensive.)

Instructions (PLEASE READ THIS FIRST!!)​
1. Do NOT leave your answers below. (If you do, everyone has permission to laugh at you for not reading instructions.)
2. Click the anonymous link >> https://app.suggestionox.com/r/VF1c5L << and copy and paste the questions, along with your answers, into the anonymous box.
3. Be as honest as possible in your answers.
4. Be as brief as possible in your answers.
5. Submit and invite as many people as you know to participate.
6. Let us know below if you plan to participate or you have!​

The Census will be live for about two weeks. I will announce a final date to get your answers in and then I will begin to compile the date. (Note: I am not a professional. I am just a curious person who likes to make things happen so take it easy on me. I'm new at this!) I hope this is interesting and fun to everyone and that the results will be illuminating. Please share the link to this thread to other threads so as many people as possible will see it. If you have any questions or comments, please PM me! :heart: PLP
*raising my hand* if you are not on LIT everyday, how do you figure out your daily post count?
That number can be very misleading, though. If you were a lurker for a while first, your post count is going to be skewed lower from what your post count is now.

Yes. Or you can just go with your gut.

Ultimately, this is just a snapshot of right now.
done and done.:)
also, PLP, are you going to rifle through all the answers and create a spreadsheet and connect the dots and give the deets????
