🔎 Hide and Seek 🔍

It was just another ordinary day on Lit when a few crazy and passionate girls decided to put on a photo shoot. Just imagine 13 lascivious ladies running around flashing their bitties! Once the shenanigans started the boys wanted to take their johnsons and heavy balls out to play. After a few rounds of pin the tail on the monkey, they all collapsed in a cuddle puddle.

(At least 12. I think.)

In the independent planetary kingdom of Cascadia lived a lustful lord. He spent his days chasing his muses-the frisky, lascivious ladies of his court-and drinking whiskey and coke. Some of the ladies liked to act bad but were really just love crazy or completely ordinary.

The subjects toiled day and night to please their Lord. They picked flowers like hyacinth, daisy and lupine under sparkling sky. Brave warriors trained animals for his entertainment. There was a sassy, barefoot cat, a singing donkey, prancing panther and magic always talking monkey.

There are at least 20. 🤭
@Lord Pmann

Nice one, PG! I'm sure I missed a few.

One evening that was exceptionally chilly, an investor named Rob stopped into a shop for coffee lovers. It was here he met a sexy Italian lady who called herself Belle. It seemed rather absurd to call it love at first sight, but on his way home heading true north, he couldn't stop thinking about her and, feeling dreamy, pinched himself. "Ouch!" he cried outloud. He finished his walk home pleased with himself.

There are 10.
@Lord Pmann

Nice one, PG! I'm sure I missed a few.

One evening that was exceptionally chilly, an investor named Rob stopped into a shop for coffee lovers. It was here he met a sexy Italian lady who called herself Belle. It seemed rather absurd to call it love at first sight, but on his way home heading true north, he couldn't stop thinking about her and, feeling dreamy, pinched himself. "Ouch!" he cried outloud. He finished his walk home pleased with himself.

There are 10.

That’s all I could guess