🗣️ Which Litster's Voice Did You Hear Today? 🎧

Fara - check in - her voice is very warm but also "yankee"
Meister - teaching me a new word - patient


Alpine - demanding I edit this post - smarmy
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A few voices in one of the audio threads.

Alpine's reminded me of the argument I had with a Brit friend years ago over aluminum/aluminium. I finally looked it up and discovered both are correct. (The only reason I argued with him instead of doing my research straight away was because he was such fun when he got on a tear. ;) )
Avery, pronouncing Welsh names.
Pulpy, rambling incoherently.
Base10, being American.
Orchidea, talking herbs.
Whiskeyjack, being American.
All of the wonderful people on the voice thread

ShyNaughtyGirl awesome post
BeardPositive longtime no hear
Angelica #### not sure of the numbers but another welcome returning voice