15-year-old sex

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originally posted by MrFrost

i dont understand why people ont just let the kid sex thing alone....

First of all: I think kid sex is something different then underage. In my eyes, underage means something like maybe 15 or 16. I think everyone below 12 could be called a kid. And usually, kid sex involves rape, since kids are not interested in sex, until they reach their puberty (by then, they turn into teenagers, I think). Of course, every rapist, no matter how old is victim is, should be punished very hard.

But like Svenskaflicka said: every country has its own laws. But this is the Internet (the so called "World Wide Web") But of course, I know that the Lit server is in the USA, so I guess it is best to follow the US-Laws.

Anyway, I just want to mention: As far as I know, here in Germany, it is like this: If your parents allow it, you can have sex at the age of 14. If they don't allow it (or you don't want to ask them) then you have to wait until 16.

I am really curious about other countries ... I think the Netherlands every very open minded when it comes to sex. I am not sure, but as far as I know, in the Netherlands, Incest is not illegal. So consent family members can have sex without being punished ... (anyone please correct me if I am wrong)
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<sigh> ages

an interesting point was brought up in another thread I'm participating in...I think it's Pretty_lil_Strangers' "new idea to run by you all" thread but I'm flighty and I could be wrong.

I'm 20, going to be 21 in a few months. I can deal with porn, vote, fuck whoever or whatever I want (within certain laws, of course) and join the army to sacrifice my fragile body for "the good of the nation" but I can't drink. When I went to europe I saw beer coming out of vending machines! This boggled my mind! I don't know why the US is so picky about ages, but it irritates me.

just a rant. I'm tired. Goodnight.


NASCARaddicted said:

And usually, kid sex involves rape, since kids are not interested in sex, until they reach their puberty (by then, they turn into teenagers, I think).

I was 9 when I got pubes, boobs, and a period...

Re: <sigh> ages

Chicklet said:
... I'm 20 ... I can deal with porn ... fuck ... but I can't drink ... Chicklet
Yes, and I understand there is a strong campaign to raise the drinking age to 24 in the USA. Also you may not remember, but you must have heard of the 18th and 21st Amendments to your constitution. Do politians anywhere learn anything, ever.
In Britain we found the "scandal" of the Bush girls drinking at 19 very odd. Our own Prime Minister's son was found falling-down drunk in the street in the middle of London at 16 years old and it was regarded as "what all boys try once" and the most common response was "the hangover will cure him of that". Prince Charles was reputed to have bought a Cherry Brandy in a bar at 16 years old accompanied by his police bodyguard. Ditto his son, Prince Harry.

I think the USA should grow up on this issue as it is stupid situation to say that a twenty year old is not able to drink but can have sex. There again in UK on a bus you are classed as an adult at 13 in the cinema you pay full price at 14 at 16 you can have sex with a man and 18 you can drink 16 you can buy cigarettes and have to wait till you are 21 to have sex with someone of the same gender in some country’s you would be put to death for writing such things how strange we all are…

love Lin
I don't see what the big deal is about? Who cares of the age, You wanna look, look! wanna smoke, SMOKE! wanna drink, DRINK, isn't it but a free Country????

Hi MsLinnett!!!!!

Having seen all the "clever" things people do when they are drunk, I'm glad that it's not easier for young people to get hold of alcohol. But I do agree that the rules are confusing and weird... In Sweden you can buy a drink in a restaurant when you're 18, but you canät buy a bottle of wine in a shop before you're 20... (Then again, we Swedes even have state control for liquor shops...)

But what REALLY bugs me about weird rules in USA is that you can show scenes on TV where people get their heads shot into smitherins, their torsos wripped up from inside by aliens, and their throats cut up by knives or razor blades, BUT if you try to show a naked dick, there will be a lot of commotion.

How come it's OK to show a gun taking a life, but not a dick giving life?

How come it's worse if teenagers fuck each other than if they kill each other?
Stylez said:
... isn't it but a free Country???? ...
Quote (from one of the Marx brothers, I think) "When you see how much taxes you pay just to live here, why do they call it a free country?"
just to add this:

In Germany, they sell cigarettes in vendor machines. Almost every street (in a city) has a vendor machine. They are hanging less then 2 feet above the ground, so even kids can use them. And I know that some kids start to smoke at the age of 9 or 10 ...

Also, similar to what Svenskaflicka said: Over here in Germany, you can see naked people on tv (but no vaginas, and no hard dicks). But when it comes to brutality, they censor.

There is this movie "Robocop". It is about a police officer who was brutally killed and then returns as a cyborg. The unrated Directors cut version is 102 minutes long. In Germany, the same movie is cut down to about 80 minutes ...

Also, when it comes to games like Doom, QUake or even Command and Conquer, they are edited (just an example: In Command and Conquer, if you drive over an enemy soldier, he screams and dies in a puddle of red blood. But in Germany, they edited this. In the manual, they call them "Battle Robots". If you drive over one, there is a sound like crumbling sheet metal and the robot ends in a pool of brown oil ...)

But I just want to add this: Yesterday, I saw this one french movie on tv: The name was "36 Fillette". It was about a girl aged 13 that wanted to lose her virginity. There are some scenes where she is naked and an older guy (I think about 40 years old) touches her breasts and lies with her in bed. Now, when I saw the movie, I thought: They used an actress that looked like 13. Of course, she has to be 18. Then I looked at IMDB.com (a very good movie data base). The movie is from 1988, the actress was born in 1974 ... so she really was only 14 .... now remember: she was nude - and the whole movie was about how she wanted to lose her virginity ...

Originally posted by Puppi

I was 9 when I got pubes, boobs, and a period...

I heard similar things about a girl that was only 7 years old when she got boobs ... very strange. Just think about it: This girl even could become pregnant .... I remember, 15 years ago (when I was 12), all the girls of my class just entered puberty .... But when you think about it: 20 or 30 years ago, girls came into puberty at the age of about 14 or 15. Most of them had their first sex at the age of about 18 I guess. Nowadays, many girls have their first sex at the age of 14 or 15.

Now, imagine. When this "9-year old girl entering the puberty" thing becomes the norm (not the exception) ... how young will they be when they have their first sex ... Really strange.

By the way: I know this one model (I only know her from tv). She once told that her boobs started to grow when she was 9. Now she is 24, and her boobs are about 36 DD ...

But just to add: I think, sometimes, laws should be changed. What I mean is: Over here, if a teenager below 14 commites a crime, he cannot be punished. But then, there was this kid. He commited his first crime when he was 10. By the time when he had his 14 birthday, he already commited 60 crimes (including things like blackmail, robbery, thiefery, burglary ... and he beat some other guys up, he broke some noses and that crap ....) But since he was below 14, he couldn't be punished ...
NASCARaddicted said:
Over here, if a teenager below 14 commites a crime, he cannot be punished. But then, there was this kid. He commited his first crime when he was 10. By the time when he had his 14 birthday, he already commited 60 crimes (including things like blackmail, robbery, thiefery, burglary ... and he beat some other guys up, he broke some noses and that crap ....) But since he was below 14, he couldn't be punished ...
Similar in the UK. Cardiff crown court just convicted a teenager for the first time at a punishable age (12) with 182 (one hundred and eighty two) youth court offences as his previous record! That included robbery with violence, stealing cars, etc.

Anyway, for the record, NO UNDER 18s HAVE SEX IN LIT STORIES.
15 year old sex

A strong push to raise the drinking age to 24 in the states? First I've heard of that one, Charm. Makes me wonder where you get your news about issues in the states.

I live in the one state in the union that has "legal" prostitution in all but one county - the one with all the people. Interesting inconsistencies are everywhere. Customs differ. Life is unfair. No big news flashes there. Don't we all just muddle through and do the best we can?
Consent: Maturity, Biology and Balance

Again, my unsolicited opinion given and a paper dollar will still not buy anything at Starbucks but here goes: Each individual, male or female, matures differently in both sexual development and the mental-emotional ability to understand all the responsibilities connected to sexual activity. It's the imbalance of the two states never being achieved at the same time which causes conflict of unimaginable scale that in turn fuels the moral debates about the correct age of consent.
If you establish an age of consent on the basis that the person is developed enough physically to participate in sexual activities, hence the expression, old enough to bleed, old enough to breed, then we are going to be up to our armpits with pregnant nine and ten year old girls. The same to be said of young males running about mounting anything and everything with no thought to consequence of their actions or accountibility thereof.
And there's the school of thought that an age of consent be agreed upon by the governing social body construed from religious or moral observances, another can of worms I shall leave untouched at the bait shop for now.

For sake of argument, let's say we set the age of consent at 12 years of age, now two 12 year olds having sex is a far cry from a 12 year girl being intimate with a 40 year old man. Mind that I frequently boast that all I need is a pair of 16 year old bisexual twin sisters as personal concubines to make my life more interesting but that's a fantasy and perhaps that's where the such pursuits are best left for all concerned.
No one is saying not to write about 'under-age' sexual encounters, whom among us hasn't thought about being kidnapped by a troop of overly precocious girl scouts (Show of hands, please) or did a bit of role playing with another adult in an online conversation concerning a favorite niece and her first bikini (Another vote of confidence here, please), that's harmless and if it keeps one from being the lead story in the local news, have at it untill you've blistered your palms so severely that you are now typing with a pencil in your mouth.
All I'm saying is this, keep what excites and arouses you within some reasonible distance of personal accountability, let children be children and for the sake of anyone you might be shaking hands with, keep some lotion by the PC, you'll thank yourself and so will your friends and aquaintences.....
Re: 15 year old sex

Axeltheswede said:
A strong push to raise the drinking age to 24 in the states? First I've heard of that one, Charm. Makes me wonder where you get your news about issues in the states ...
It was my understanding from an American friend that the woman in the Health & Welfare part of the executive who bulldozed the 21 minimum through the individual States by means other than a federal law (ie budgetary threats) was now heading up the campaign for 24 minimum. I appreciate that the administration has changed since she was in power, but administrations change regularly and politicians do not give up their crazy ideas.
Stylez said:
I don't see what the big deal is about? Who cares of the age, You wanna look, look! wanna smoke, SMOKE! wanna drink, DRINK, isn't it but a free Country????

Hi MsLinnett!!!!!

Thanks for the HI

Nothings free in this world except maybe speech but it can cost you dearly if you say the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time

love Lin :heart:

"Of 8 words consists the wiccan law;
and hurt ye none, do as ye will."

In other words, as long as you don't hurt yourself nor anyone else, directly or indirectly, do whatever you want.
Another way of putting it

I once read a very clever saying:

"Before you decide whether you are going to obey a rule or break it, you must first understand why the rule was invented in the first place."

If you know why people made the rule that, say, you musn't cross the road when there's a red light, then you can think about the fact that they wanted to prevent people from getting into accidents with cars and people trying to get where they wanted at the same time, and when you understand this, then you can decide if you too think it's a good idea of cars and people taking turns or not.

Same thing applies everywhere, I think. All rules were initially made to make peoples' lives easier, not harder. But everything depends on the situation.

i just have to say that I didn't notice the poll before now...has it always been about my good buddy charm?

pretty_lil_stranger said:
Why can't we make this go away?


I believe that a lot of replies are made to threads questioning underage sex, because so many people had underage sex, and those experences were better or they believe they were better than the ones they are currently having. "When I was ..."

You don't have to write about underage sex, so just don't do it. It's better for everyone that way.
This thread did go away for 3 days...

As a couple others have stated, if ya'll finally stop responding to the kiddie porn requests, they will go away!
