300 word or less stories

Imagination -the highest kite you can fly.
So why put limits on the length of the string?:confused:


Killer muffin: The pink vibrator was 30 dollars plus tax. She had 20. She looked around to make sure no one was looking, then slipped it in her purse. Smiling, she slipped through the door. Triumph.

Her triumph was short lived however, she was sure that the man who exited behind her was the store detective. “Oh miss.”

She knew instantly she was busted. Even worse, she knew the vibrator would be evidence in her trial. She could only imagine the humiliation of being tried in public. She broke down in tears at the very thought.

“Sir please, I can explain.” Her mind rushed on as she tried to think of something to say. “Oh please sir take pity on me. My husband left me for a younger woman and I have no money. I am sorry I will never do it again.”

She removed the vibrator from her purse, here take it. I just can’t go to jail. I have children. Can’t we work out a deal?”

The deal she proposed was simple. The man followed her home. She was excited as she removed her clothes. He watched. She was equally excited as she watch him undress. For over an hour he used the vibrator on her. After she had orgasmed several time, he entered her. He made love to her slowly. She felt her interior flesh open and close for him. She felt the power of his strokes so deep that the seemed to massage her soul.

When it was over, almost as an after thought, she asked, “You aren’t going to arrest me are you?”

“Why would I? I was a customer too.” From the back pocket of his pants he removed a paperback book which he had shoplifted.

I tried to distinguish your work from mine muffie. I am not smart enough. Let me say here that the first paragraph belongs to killer muffin. The rest is my warped imagination. It is done just to show imho how much more can be done if you use all of it... I think that the idea was to get all the story you could into 300 words not get the story in as few words as possible. That is just my opinion. Take it for what it is worth or not.
i know

dont you just hate when that happens. Stripping it down to the bare essentials is rather freeing.
not quite 'he died' but a good tale anyway

I watched as she awoke from her nap. Seeing her so frail broke my heart. Millie and I had been married five years when the doctors told us she needed to rest more. They said it had to do with her heart. The muscle itself was degenerating. Some kind of rare condition the kid-doctor had said.

Mary was a trouper about it all. She never complained, until she was forced to give up sex. When they told her, she cried for a week. I am not so sure who she was crying for. That had been almost a year before. Since that time Mary had split her spare time equally between resting and being on the computer. What she did on the computer I had no idea. I had a feeling the talk she wanted to have after her nap was about that.

“Hi, sweets,”I said

She had a warm a glow on her face. Somehow she had become even more beautiful the last few months.

“Hi Bear,” she moved back against the headboard as she spoke. She didn’t usually stay in the bed after her naps.

“Bear, we need to talk.”

“I know, you said that.” I smiled down at her.

“Bear, the doctor says it won’t be much longer.” She looked sad but not afraid.

“Sweetie, they can do a transplant. I know there is something we can do.”

“Bear, you know better. My immune system is eating up my whole body. There is not enough strength in me to accept a heart. It would be a waste of a heart. We both know it.”

“I refuse to stop believing in a miracle.”

“While you believe in miracles, I have someone I want you to meet.”

“A doctor?”

“No Bear, a woman.”

“I won’t.” I had known it.

“You will do it for me.”
Control and restraint, but why?

"Many many years ago, in China a pearl of magnifient size came to light. The experts couldn't believe that such a large pearl could be floorless.
So they peeled away layer after layer until there was nothing left. It was floorless.
So no matter how large a thing of beauty is don't try to deminish it by taking it apart and making it small"

"Wow that was really good"--Thats not a story thats an ending
The Ride

She threw her arms around his waist in a panic as he kicked the snowmobile into full gear, both laughing. Hers was tinged with hysteria. Pale puffs of breath faded into the distance in seconds as they tore through the frozen forest.

Her fear never diminuished; rather, it mingled almost pleasantly with the sensation of primal machine and plumb-crazy man between her tightly clasped thighs. Her helmet steamed up immediately; she panted for air. She needed to stop. They spun madly around an acute angle. She screamed as he laughed, but she couldn't make herself form the words. Trees sprang up before them and she whimpered, thrusting her body against him. They almost died. A rumbling need built in her middle, cramped with cold and terror and lust. Her mouth lay open and raw. She couldn't see.

He pulled to a stop as reckless as the ride.
The Exhibition

“And if you’ll look to your left, you will see a fascinating display of the human reproductive methods. Don’t giggle, Q-3.”

Jimbo couldn’t understand a word of the alien tongue, but he recognized the announcement, as well as the twenty sets of eyes that turned inquisitively his way. Grumbling, he pinched Sally to wake her up—though why he bothered anyway he didn’t know—and climbed on top of her. He could barely get it up anymore; not that he wouldn’t relish performing for a crowd under normal circumstances, but the field trips came more often towards the end of the school year, and while the monitors didn’t stop him from doing more than plain old copulation—it WAS education, after all—even that was starting to get old. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d given Sal an orgasm. She’d stopped faking them about two weeks ago. Hell, he had to fake one himself the other day.

He resigned himself to his fate and rolled the now-conscious Sally onto her back before pushing his semi-erect member into her. A chorus of hushed squishy sounds arose from the schoolkids; by this point Jimbo mentally translated them to “ewwww!” Briefly he wondered if requesting a strobe light and some 70’s porn music was worth the effort. These cretins wouldn’t appreciate it anyway.

They were both spared the agony—boredom, really—of continuing when one gang of the things apparently couldn’t contain their hilarity. The guide quickly shuffled the entire class to the right and past the glass room the two humans were in. “Now this is an equally fascinating display of a human female cooking a carbohydrate-based food product…”
Glad to have stowed on board

MW, it's largely due to you that these past two storiettes have been so light-hearted and discreet. I'd'a personally been much more openly sexual, except that now I'm almost afraid to...my imagination pictures this scene:

I post graphic, burlesque novellite. A sudden hostile hush falls over the board, which is soon abandoned. I am an instant pariah.

Well, that's melodramatic too. Yet I do admit to following the flow of traffic thus far. This is actually good for me; lets me develop different styles and finally form my own. Cheers and thanks for giving me the chance!
probably not

The authors here would probably be just fine with anything you write. I just write like that cause i am old and forgot what sex was like
hands round the box of tissues for the tears...
storiette... is that like a vignetta? has it been edited?
isn't it time to weigh the anchor?
omg get me outa here!
299 words

I love shopping at the fruit and vegetable store. It's over the road from the library, so not much of an inconvenience.

I called in, grabbed my wallet and the nearest trolley. You know the kind, they have four wheels which want to race to all four corners of the shop at the same time. Oh and of course, one of them squeaks.

I pushed it ahead of me, stopping at various produce items and ticking them off my list. Oh yeah, I need a list nowadays, something to do with that menopause thing. Often can't remember what I had for dinner the night before, little own what groceries to buy. So, the list, the wallet, the trolley and I collided our way around the shop.

Bananas, laid belly up of course. A magazine said belly up means you're available. Like the flower behind the ear thing. Though I can never remember which ear.

Bag of potatoes, a necessity for a growing family.

Next lettuce, those novelty ones. They look so pretty and taste foul, but that doesn't matter, so long as it looks good on the plate. Right?

I picked over the carrots. Holding each one, checking it for length, thickness, bending it a little for freshness. Nothing quite like a good strong carrot, know what I mean?.

Courgettes. You know them as zucchinis. Those green things that grow into marrows, great big things that don't fit in the fridge never mind anywhere else. Half a dozen ought to be enough.

Mushrooms and broccoli went into the trolley. Apples and Californian oranges, yum.

On the whole, the checkout was pretty painless.

Oh, please remind me to take the carrots out of the fridge an hour before I need them. Maybe I should write myself a note for that..

read the thread lust and murder in small town x. That is where you might want to turn loose your evil thoughts. it has already been set up so that you dont have to waste words explaining why people are hammering each other. Just a five hundred word limit and set the action in small town x.
popcorn anyone

Why the man and the woman with him were doing it was beyond me. The movie wasn’t porn. Hell, it was one of those silly B sci-fi things. I watched as something which looked like giant grasshoppers tried to take of over the world.

Well I watched it until the guy and girl sat down near me. It took them about three minutes tops to being doing it. When I say doing it, I mean she sat in his lap after she had stoked him hard. She worked his cock into her then began to rock on it. She moved as if she were riding a rocking horse. Her hips moved back and forth not up and down. As she rocked on him, her mouth hung open and her eyes glazed over.

He kept that look as he moved his hips in response to her. I thought it must be the fact that they were doing it in public which aroused her so much.

They were really going to it. I couldn’t see skin or anything, but I still knew there were doing the dirty. Hell, how could you not know. She moaned and generally looked exactly like a woman getting laid.

She was deep into the build up when he lifted the knit top she wore. It seemed she did not wear a bra to the movies. She didn’t seem to notice that half a dozen of us watched her as she came. The man was not far behind.

When she finished she said, “God I love fucking to that cheezie music.”

They didn’t stay for the movie. I guess he couldn’t get it up again so soon. I almost volunteered to help but thought better of it. The guy looked like a biker. I am dumb not stupid.
LOL. Ahhh, teenagers. Gotta love stamina, tact, discretion....and the total lack thereof. Though I do think mine was more truly exhibitionism... o)
interesting that you thought it was teenagers Quint. or maybe it's interesting that i didn't think they were teenagers...
ia agree?

quint definitely wins exhibitionism hands down. As well as the nation education association prize for lit... the details are different for everyone that is what makes these so much fun...
Ha, see what I mean about "self-projection"? Oh well, when an author has the incredibly dubious taste to not spell out every minute detail of his or her characters, the author leaves it up to the reader to fill in the blanks.

That was sarcasm about the dubious taste, in case it didn't come through well in type. o)
“Thank you for driving me home Nora. That damn Jim is gonna be one sorry asshole on Monday.”

“You are welcome. Don’t be too hard on him. He is just a man. Everyone knows they have no taste.”

“Well the boss’s niece was a knockout. Still, what ever happened to dance with the one who brung you?”

“That was about a woman, men have no loyalty.” Nora pulled the Jag to the curb by Beth’s condo. Beth was about to open the door when Nora pulled her around gently. Nora got her first kiss from a girl. It started kind of friendly, but she didn’t stop it soon enough. It moved on to maddeningly passionate. She almost ran from the car. She was surprised that Nora didn’t laugh as she hurried away.

Inside her condo Nora could not get the kiss off her mind. She tried to tell herself that it meant nothing. Then, even if it had meant something to Nora, it meant nothing to her. Finally she admitted that she had kissed Nora back, but it was just reflex. It most definitely was not desire. Okay it was probably normal that she had been excited, but that did not make her eager for it to happen again. She had been taken by surprise.

By Monday she had convinced herself that she needed to set Nora straight. She waited until everyone else had gone to lunch. She found Nora in her office reading a brief.

“Can we talk?” she asked through the open door.

“Sure come on in.”

Beth closed the door behind her. The realization of why she was really in Nora’s office almost knocked her to the floor. It was when she closed the door after Nora smiled that she knew why she was really there.