A bold new world

As the group rounded the corner they bumped into Roland and Sith and... Tatianna? Vixen stopped causing all those following to stop also. How can there be two of them unless... but even before she finished the thought, Tatianna's evil laughter echoed around them. "Ahhh you poor dear souls... so easily you walk straight into my trap..."

Everything went dark and when the light returned they all realised they had indeed walked into a trap. They were in a dungeon of sorts and the only entrance seemed to be above them, a small hole covered by bars, through which they could see Tatianna's face. An evil grin spread across her features.

"Simple fools... you have never seen magick as strong as mine, how easy it was to fool you all."
She chortled clearly pleased with herself. "Oh dearest Roland, I must thank you for scaring off my father. Now that I have this castle under my command, it will only be a matter of time before my entire plan is accomplished."

She blew Roland and kiss and Vixen felt the hair on the back of her neck rise she bit back a growl. She couldn't understand her reaction. Was she jelous. She stepped forward and stood beside Roland without thinking. Tatianna laughed, "oh little foxlet, protecting her mate?"
"Shut up you sly bitch, just wait til I get my hands on you, you'll wish you'd never been born..."
Tatianna's eyes hardened... "oh my dear, I'm long past that..."
They heard her laughter fading.
"Shit!" Vixen yelped.
"What is it?" Gardeen asked
"I think we're in a bit of trouble."
"Well hello!" Gardeen replied sarcastically indicating their jail.
"No Knight!" Vixen hissed, "can't you hear that?"
"What?" squeaked Theresa
"Water if I'm not mistaken... coming in real fast"
As Vixen spoke, water gushed out of the small vents circling the top of the chamber. The water swirled about their ankles quickly. The water level clearly rising at a remarkable speed.
"Well if anyone has any ideas, now would be the time to voice them" Vixen said, her voice harsh, but her eyes were filled with concern.
Theresa, her jaw in determination, picked a fresh thread from the spool of silk from her hands.
One knot and the water rose above their heads- bad move! It knocked them all out in the process, toppling onto the floor in confusion. How can water travel upwards...?
"What the-" started Roland, but his words were drowned out by water.
With another knot of the silk, the water span madly like a small tornedo, getting thinner and thinner. As it reached arm thinness, it pushed out of the roof towards the sky. With a final word, Theresa threw her silk onto it. With a sound like thunder the wet-hurricane was gone. All the friends collapsed into a soffy heap; Roland broke the silence first.
"Well, that was interesting."
Another scream shattered the castle. The cold stone floor moved.
"Did you feel that?" Asked Theresa.
Vixen put a hand to the walls. It pulsated.
"The building feels.... alive," she said in a jokey manner, as if she was trying not to believe it.
"Let's move!" Shouted Gardeen with his sword unsheathed. Everyone moved, but something stopped them. Another scream and the castle shuddered even more...

As you all know, Theresa is a weaver that has magic powers through her weaving skills. I was wondering if I could all connect the characters through this, like entwining all their strengths and weaknesses (Gardeen's knowledge, Sith's/ Roland's powers, Vixen's stealth) like each character was a thread, and Theresa weaved them together as one so they are strong- and as this one force they defeat the castle. I didn;t want to do it without asking anyone as it feels like I'm stealing everyone's thunder.
"I- quickly, all of you, hold this." From her pocket, Theresa pulled out several spools of coloured silk thread- perfect for holding magic. She gave Sith a adder-green one. Roland had a flashy purple colour, Vixen a reddish mahogany. To Gardeen, she gave a royal blue spool, the colour of nobles. Herself, she pulled out undyed cotton.
"Whatever you have planned, mistress weaver you better do it now," Sith hissed as the castle floor moved again.
"Put yourself into the thread."
"What?" Said just about everyone.
"Think of you. What makes you. Think these thoughts and imagine putting them into the silk- do you get it?" Roland looked on in question. Sith did as he was told- he saw what she was capable of and did not argue. Gardeen followed the instructions as soon as she started; he had a woven braclet of what is essentially "Theresa". Whenever he felt lost, he touched it and was engulfed with her, of memories, of her touch, her scent... he kind of knew what she had planned.
"Thnk of your strengths and push them into it too." Vixen thought of her assassin skills, of her compassion. Roland thought of (without a shread of modesty) his magic skills, of his ability to fight dirty the back-street way. Gardeen thought of his sword skills- his impressive logical way of thinking. And Sith pushed his skills into his thread- of his tracking skills, his magics... and his calm way of fighting.
When they opened their eyes the threads in their hands glowed with such raw magical energy it burnt. Scooping up the spools, Theresa ran to the room where she was attacked by one of Mikba's creatures.
"What is she-" Roland started, but Theresa had run off.
"She is going to weave us together," Gardeen shouted over another scream of fury that came from the walls of the castle.
"I get it," said Sith. "She will bind us- we will be as one. A more formidable enemy, it seems," he said approvingly. His respect for Theresa has doubled.
"I don't have much time," said a hurried Theresa into the scrying stones to Roland. "I will weave us all together, as one- and we will attack as one. We will be able to communicate telepathically from this. I will make a small weaved braclet. This braclet has all out strengths onto it- when I am finished, you MUST attatch it to Mikba- it will defeat him. In the mean time don't try to kill yourselves and keep Mikba busy." Roland was going to ask a question, but Theresa cut him off, her face vanishing from the mirror.
"I will defend her," said Gardeen. He ran to his love. Another cry sounded, much louder then the rest. The ground moved harder and faster then before.
"It's going to-" started Sith, but the screaming, broken ground that finally split drowned his words. It was like something was pulling the room apart from both sides.
"Great," said Vixen as she hung over one of the jaggered sides, catching it at last minute as she fell. "She said keep Mikba busy. Suuuuure, that's going to be easy." She screamed as Roland fell through the scarred gap of the floor...
With a hiss Sith cast a fast spell under them, creating a jelly like shadow that lessened their fall. But although slow they still where falling.

Havoc :mad:

[Edited by Havocman on 07-23-2000 at 12:38 AM]
Quickly the demon whipped out of the shadows and placed his sword against Tattiana's neck." Surrender or die, you damn bitch!", he screamed at her so the others could hear.

OOC: Sorry Havoc, I was just overly mad.

[Edited by Morgoth on 07-26-2000 at 01:07 PM]
"Don't do it, Demon!" shouted Sith.
"She is the only thing holding together this castle! If she dies, all crumbles and we all die!"
"Got it, but she better think of something quick. I have called Lokken, my emperor here", he said.
"So you have called your master to a crumbling castle? Do you think he will be pleased with you? Wouldn't it be better if you took care by yourself?."
"You have a point, Sith", he said, then told Lokken not come. "Well, what shall we do with this bitch?", he asked.
Out of Charicter: FOr the PLeasure of everyone, I Now give you my very first thread. Please read and remanice, especially you morgoth, because I Do belive this was your first thread as well.

Ah the good old days..
Holy shit! this thread was dead for almost a year? I thought that you liked to futily maintain the antiques by at least posting once a month like others that shall remain nameless

(cough-king and country-hack)
Yup. This thread sure brings back memories. Yeah, it was my first thread. And I loved it! It was great!