A cyberpunk roleplay experience.

I'm going to make a flying assumtion and say Aurora and Scorpio were acceptable? I think they're pretty well balanced as these things go. A run of the mil uberhuman with foxlike features, so stealthy and agile paired with a repaired & modified assiasin bot that's her best "friend" hunting rouge bots, etc, though they'll take higher quary if the price is right. I could let someone else play Scorpio if that's nessesary, but I think playing the both of them would be enjoyalbe.
An anthro sounds more like some kind of mutant rather than an uberhuman. Uberhumans go for human traits taken to the highest level, they don't degrade themselves with the (obvious) features of lesser creatures.
Is Armaggedon acceptable now that the technology issue is resolved?
Ok ok... fair enough.

Also, I believe they call the ruining people twinks is because they make the game seem gay and retarded.
I'd rather not share my opinion M. But anyway, there's no need to wait for me. Go ahead and post in here if you like.
IDreamofBunnies said:
An anthro sounds more like some kind of mutant rather than an uberhuman. Uberhumans go for human traits taken to the highest level, they don't degrade themselves with the (obvious) features of lesser creatures.
As you like. *drops the fox ine features.*
Still red hair, adds in blue eyes.
So uberhuman Aurora and Scorpio the bot boy.
Is that more to your liking?
Nevermind about the whole thing, Bunnies. I hate to subvert any writer's original purpose. Just ignore me ever being in this thread.
Please, I don't give a shit about anything. Do whatever you want. I'm not the game master, I'm not the storyteller, moderator, or anything else. I just posted some ideas, and I thought I'd let people take over from there.

Why post the thread if you aren't serious about being involved, and then why keep coming back if you don't care?

Sounds like the sort of thing that happens all the time on the General Board.
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Re: IDreamofBunnies?

ImpWizard said:
Why post the thread if you aren't serious about being involved, and then why keep coming back if you don't care?

Sounds like the sort of thing that happens all the time on the General Board.
ORP is quite a bit different then the GB. We're a bit nicer and a lot less politically inclined over here- or at least we don't bitch about it.
I made this thread to talk about an idea that I had and to let others play with it. I simply post my own opinions but I never intended to play this game myself.

Did this game ever come to fruition somewhere? I think it sounds incredibly interesting.

I like the idea of mechanic/organic confusion assimilating humanity.
Time to make one.

IDreamofBunnies... please change the title so we have something to play around with here. I'm getting antsy. That's all you have to do, change the title of this thread. (If you can... never attempted to make a thread here).