A Letter of Hope and Compassion


Nov 7, 2024
Dear Fellow Americans,

You all have seen the results of the 2024 Presidential Election and I realize that surely as pleased as many of you are, and I share that, you have also stopped your lives in anticipation of my thoughts. I apologize, I had neglected to consider all of you - the people who pin every hope, dream, thought and aspiration, as well as the direction of their lives, on my thoughts and philosophies. I will share my thoughts and they are, of course, brilliant, without flaw, one could say - divine.

My disciples, as much celebrating as you may be doing, please take a moment and think of the leftists in your lives. Right now, they are in great pain. I know, I've seen the videos, perhaps you have as well. Expressions of genuine agony, choreographed and recorded, evocative music in the background, certainly not one-take videos but performed repeatedly until that perfect, totally spontaneous and authentic expression of faux personal pain is captured, then edited, put into post-production, shopped around for a corporate sponsor and finally, uploaded. Regarding those people in your lives, I just want to say...be gentle. Even though these people are operating under a delusional mindset characterized by narcissism and psychopathy, two pillars of the Dark Triad, but let us never forget that while they may be delusional, they are still morons, idiots and complete numb-nuts, irredeemable, and sadly, deserving of mass incarceration.

Still, we should be gentle. Because for many, they had no choice. They are inbred, the products of wanton, unchecked lust between siblings. But these people are the effect, not the cause! They were not the ones buggering their sisters or less commonly, brothers, no! Yes, they may be carrying on that ‘family tradition’ of liking their own kind and I mean really, really liking their own flesh and blood and yes, it does give one the ick. But until we know this, or are at least pretty sure, we need to be forgiving. It's easy to point and grin but understand they do not want to eat crayons, they are compelled. They did not choose to be exposed to massive amounts of lead and methamphetamine and can you fault them for eating the very bright and pretty paint chips? The answer is, of course, yes. But we're not going to do that. We're better than that. Well, I'm better. It is enough to know that during these last 4-9 years, you, my friend, were right and they…they were wrong. Every. Single. Time. How they lived to become adults or, rather, of the age of majority is an enigma that will haunt scientists and philosophers for centuries to come.

Did not Jesus once say, "He who hath no sin cast the first stone"? That is not a rhetorical question, I'm asking wasn't that...? No, that was Carl...I think...hold on. No matter, the sentiment still captures an important truth. Because when I was a young man, I had only brothers and I don't look at dudes that way, gross, are you kidding me, so I am not guilty of that unspeakable act and I, for one, am gathering some pretty kick-ass rocks to hurl at those moral reprobates. But can you all say the same? All of you? I'm looking at YOU, Larry, do you have something you'd like to share with the group? No? Fine....denial ain't just a river in Egypt, buddy. Jesus’ words.

I would also like to point out that as much as many of you may admire Trump, you do not admire him enough. This is not just a great man; he is a hero. The Greatest American Hero. Why? Because Donald Trump single-handedly not once but TWICE stopped a woman from becoming President. While I’ve never been one to engage in hyperbole, there is no way we can overstate the importance of that. It is equivalent to avoiding a comet from striking the planet - twice - and we all owe him our eternal gratitude. An apology is also in order, amirite?

Finally, I want to look ahead to 2028. Because I do believe we will see 2028. Had Harris been, well, she wasn't going to be "elected" but dang did she not get pretty close for a person who has never secured a single vote? I'm not one to criticize, I obviously don't understand democracy. But I do think we will see a 2028 and sadly Trump will not be allowed to run again, barring sweeping changes in American election laws, changes that are long overdue. With this in mind, I want to be prepared for this upcoming leadership gap and am announcing my candidacy for POTUS in the 2028 election and to that end, I want to offer an olive-branch if you will, to the source of many of America's ills - the emotionally imbalanced, feelings-based, if-there-weren't-logical-fallacies-I'd-have-no-logic-at-all...womenfolk. So it is with great pride, because how could you be me…and not be proud? I mean…right? It is with pride that I announce the First Pillar of my New American Agenda - End Women's Suffrage. Have not our women...suffraged enough? You cannot have suffrage without ‘rage’ and the time for anger, has passed. It is time, rather, to gently tell certain voices that have reigned these last several years, to STFU.

It is time to show compassion, with a healthy dash of yes, disgust and 2nd hand embarrassment the kind typically reserved for cringy performances of our National Anthem, you know, the ones where they totally forget the words? That kind. Gentlemen, I will be counting on your votes as I seek to end women's suffrage. Ladies, I will count as well on your vote because you will do as your husband, father, or any male at or over the age of majority, directs you do to, so sayeth the Bible. I will over the next 3 years, be announcing the other Great Pillars of my 2028 platform, announcements that I realize all of you stop your very lives to hear, know, commit to memory and incorporate as cornerstones of your daily lives. This is not for me; it is for you. My disciples. Thank you all and…may I bless you.

R S, yes, The R S.
Philosopher, Statesman, Intellectual & Patriot
P.S. Don't forget to check out my OnlyFans page! It's muy caliente!
It's so weird that the Republicans can't even enjoy winning.

It's because they aren't.

I live in a very Conservative county. The euphoria of getting their traitor back in office lasted for a bit...and then they started looking at FB, IG, etc. and realizing they're about to be isolated exponentially more than before.

The ones who do side hustles to get by are in big trouble. People are checking out their social media history and simply unhiring them. 🤷‍♀️
Dear Fellow Americans,

You all have seen the results of the 2024 Presidential Election and I realize that surely as pleased as many of you are, and I share that, you have also stopped your lives in anticipation of my thoughts. I apologize, I had neglected to consider all of you - the people who pin every hope, dream, thought and aspiration, as well as the direction of their lives, on my thoughts and philosophies. I will share my thoughts and they are, of course, brilliant, without flaw, one could say - divine.

My disciples, as much celebrating as you may be doing, please take a moment and think of the leftists in your lives. Right now, they are in great pain. I know, I've seen the videos, perhaps you have as well. Expressions of genuine agony, choreographed and recorded, evocative music in the background, certainly not one-take videos but performed repeatedly until that perfect, totally spontaneous and authentic expression of faux personal pain is captured, then edited, put into post-production, shopped around for a corporate sponsor and finally, uploaded. Regarding those people in your lives, I just want to say...be gentle. Even though these people are operating under a delusional mindset characterized by narcissism and psychopathy, two pillars of the Dark Triad, but let us never forget that while they may be delusional, they are still morons, idiots and complete numb-nuts, irredeemable, and sadly, deserving of mass incarceration.

Still, we should be gentle. Because for many, they had no choice. They are inbred, the products of wanton, unchecked lust between siblings. But these people are the effect, not the cause! They were not the ones buggering their sisters or less commonly, brothers, no! Yes, they may be carrying on that ‘family tradition’ of liking their own kind and I mean really, really liking their own flesh and blood and yes, it does give one the ick. But until we know this, or are at least pretty sure, we need to be forgiving. It's easy to point and grin but understand they do not want to eat crayons, they are compelled. They did not choose to be exposed to massive amounts of lead and methamphetamine and can you fault them for eating the very bright and pretty paint chips? The answer is, of course, yes. But we're not going to do that. We're better than that. Well, I'm better. It is enough to know that during these last 4-9 years, you, my friend, were right and they…they were wrong. Every. Single. Time. How they lived to become adults or, rather, of the age of majority is an enigma that will haunt scientists and philosophers for centuries to come.

Did not Jesus once say, "He who hath no sin cast the first stone"? That is not a rhetorical question, I'm asking wasn't that...? No, that was Carl...I think...hold on. No matter, the sentiment still captures an important truth. Because when I was a young man, I had only brothers and I don't look at dudes that way, gross, are you kidding me, so I am not guilty of that unspeakable act and I, for one, am gathering some pretty kick-ass rocks to hurl at those moral reprobates. But can you all say the same? All of you? I'm looking at YOU, Larry, do you have something you'd like to share with the group? No? Fine....denial ain't just a river in Egypt, buddy. Jesus’ words.

I would also like to point out that as much as many of you may admire Trump, you do not admire him enough. This is not just a great man; he is a hero. The Greatest American Hero. Why? Because Donald Trump single-handedly not once but TWICE stopped a woman from becoming President. While I’ve never been one to engage in hyperbole, there is no way we can overstate the importance of that. It is equivalent to avoiding a comet from striking the planet - twice - and we all owe him our eternal gratitude. An apology is also in order, amirite?

Finally, I want to look ahead to 2028. Because I do believe we will see 2028. Had Harris been, well, she wasn't going to be "elected" but dang did she not get pretty close for a person who has never secured a single vote? I'm not one to criticize, I obviously don't understand democracy. But I do think we will see a 2028 and sadly Trump will not be allowed to run again, barring sweeping changes in American election laws, changes that are long overdue. With this in mind, I want to be prepared for this upcoming leadership gap and am announcing my candidacy for POTUS in the 2028 election and to that end, I want to offer an olive-branch if you will, to the source of many of America's ills - the emotionally imbalanced, feelings-based, if-there-weren't-logical-fallacies-I'd-have-no-logic-at-all...womenfolk. So it is with great pride, because how could you be me…and not be proud? I mean…right? It is with pride that I announce the First Pillar of my New American Agenda - End Women's Suffrage. Have not our women...suffraged enough? You cannot have suffrage without ‘rage’ and the time for anger, has passed. It is time, rather, to gently tell certain voices that have reigned these last several years, to STFU.

It is time to show compassion, with a healthy dash of yes, disgust and 2nd hand embarrassment the kind typically reserved for cringy performances of our National Anthem, you know, the ones where they totally forget the words? That kind. Gentlemen, I will be counting on your votes as I seek to end women's suffrage. Ladies, I will count as well on your vote because you will do as your husband, father, or any male at or over the age of majority, directs you do to, so sayeth the Bible. I will over the next 3 years, be announcing the other Great Pillars of my 2028 platform, announcements that I realize all of you stop your very lives to hear, know, commit to memory and incorporate as cornerstones of your daily lives. This is not for me; it is for you. My disciples. Thank you all and…may I bless you.

R S, yes, The R S.
Philosopher, Statesman, Intellectual & Patriot
P.S. Don't forget to check out my OnlyFans page! It's muy caliente!