An Apology from an American.

Well that's not true, Farage has had plenty to say. He and Trump may be personal friends and have a fair degree of political common ground but they're very different personalities. Farage criticized Trump's pardoning of the Capitol rioters, he gave Vance short shrift over the "random countries" comment and he made it clear to Musk he would not tolerate a loose canon like Tommy Robinson rattling around his deck.
On the day that Trump and Vance set up Zelensky for a full-scale humiliation, Nigel Farage was asked for a comment but refused to give one.
The rest of your diatribe was totally off topic for this thread and so has been treated with the contempt it deserves
American geography and climate allows a degree of independence and self-sufficiency not possible in Europe. That's why we had the American Revolution, and why many people want less or no government now. Most of Canada is harsher, where they need more government per capita to make their imported European civilization work. With more trust in government, Canadians let the situation become severe before they started pushing back against incompetence and catastrophic decisions. They may be too late to stop the avalanche into failed state status. Annexing some parts of Canada that want to join the USA could happen.
Try to rewrite that so it means something.
I just want to say, as an American, Patriot, lover of my country and of peace freedom and justice,

I am appalled and saddened by what is happening in my country.

This post is mainly for the Non-Americans out there on this forum. The Brits, Australians, Canadians, and others. Just so you know, most Americans do NOT support the actions of our government, both in our country and especially in terms of foreign policy. It is true, many of us did vote for Trump, and we did so under the belief, however naive, that he would reverse the economic trends of inflation that were hurting our pocketbooks, and deliver safety in the form of secure borders.

We did NOT vote for abandoning our allies, breaking our treaties, becoming traitors to everything America once stood for and joining what our former leader, Ronald Reagan, a truly great statesman and American, called the "Axis of Evil. We did NOT vote for supporting Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. We did NOT vote for destroying our infrastructure and all the good that our country does for it's citizens, so that a few billionaire oligarchs could become even wealthier billionaires. We did NOT vote for pollution, for outspoken racism and the return of Jim Crow. We did NOT vote for Project 2025, which Trump himself assured his supporters that he did not want.

We did not vote for this, because this is not what America stands for. This is not what America IS.
There are those on this forum who pretend to be Americans who will insist otherwise. I say "Pretend" to be Americans because I strongly suspect they are not, no matter how much they try to convince us. They also try to be deceptive by creating multiple aliases on the forum, so as to give the impression that their toxic world views reflect a larger percentage of Americans than they do.

Americans are not like this. We never were, and we still are not. We are better than this. This leader does NOT represent who we the people are or what we are about. Even most of those who voted for Trump, for whatever reasons, are not at all supportive of what he is doing to America and to the world, and even regret doing so.

So I will take this time to apologize, on behalf of all Americans, to the world. One day, I hope that America will truly be made great again, to be the beacon of liberty and freedom that it once was.

An American.
This brave soy-milk addict is totally correct. Most Americans did not vote for Trump! If that sounds oddly...incorrect, congrats you did not learn math in the U.S.! You see, math is a forbidden, taboo subject not suitable for the American Edumacation Model. The mission of the Dept of Edumacation is clear - to create a citizenry of very well behaved boys, meaning girls. You see, the male without or "sans" government interfer...I mean, education, is a powerhouse of determination, grit, a free-thinking. Enter The DOE, a.k.a. Mother-guilt, whose motto is "How Dare You!". What the DOE doesn't kill outright the APA picks up via it's Holy Bible, the DSM which stands for Definitely Shaming Males. Happily, the letter writer can honestly claim to be free of anything manly and we celebrate that. In a stunning theoretical advancement by Dr. Gay, former President of Harvard and Plagiarist Extraordinaire, the storied President of DEI's favorite Community College ranked enviably at or about the median, masculinity has been officially declared a mental illness. So boys who are male are mentally ill while boys who think they are girls are The Future of The Nation. This development is not surprising given it was based on the Executive Order of one Joseph R Biden, America's Greatest Paedophile and Chief Dementia Officer. This is the admin that convinced the softest of Americans to call Jan 6 a "insurgency" because as we all know, history's most successful insurrections were done with no weapons. Weaponless insurrections are the definition of this mythical phenomenon and Jan 6th is unique only in the thousands of mythical deaths it caused. Truly Jan 6th caused the deaths of BILLIONS...of brain cells in those who bought in to the messaging of our finest journalist, the good folks at MSNBC. I know my journalism, I studied at the Maddow Institute, thank you very much, under the stern tutelage of Professor's Emeriti, Dr. D. Lemon and J. Reid. I earned my doctorate, my dissertation (awaiting publication) titled "The Mastery of Race Baiting - A Treatise on the Softening of the American Cortex" in which I coined the term "master-race-batory behavior" a form of compulsive sexual pleasure gained by repeatedly subjecting one's cortical structures to the intense heat of climate change thereby ushering in the Ice Age. Because nothing screams heat like an Ice Age. Do not fall for the "Trump mandate" lie. I might have were it not for the philosophers of The View. Thank God for the reasoned pontification of one Whoopie Goldberg a.k.a. The Oracle of Phart. Her predictions as we've seen, are spot on. If Trump gets into office? Slavery will be reinstated (clearly that has occurred) as well as the building of Concentration Camps which, I know my neighborhood has many popping up, they bought out all the Dollar Generals, demoting every one of them to Captain Quarters, company slogan "Give Us Three Cap'ns You Git Yerself a General". Still, I find it difficult to be alarmed. Sure, as a white male it saddens me to see my reproductive rights disappear but then again, liberal women are just "too pretty" what with their natural, blue hair and the attractive nose-ring, signaling their rightful status as cattle. But these are not your ordinary, climate hating cows! No, liberal women have are empowered to hold in their gaseous...gases... which is why they all look so...relaxed. This person bravely penned this letter to the world, and had the courage to sign it An American - obviously educated by the U.S. Dept of Edumacation, this person is not sure WHICH America, who could know, what with the 21 to choose from.