A Passing Interest - Redux

Oh, don't mind me. Just getting into the spirit of the season with a new find. Scoundrel says the jingling is music to his ears. πŸ˜ƒ And yes, yes... I'll be creative and write something another day.
Are these on time Hanukkah gifts, early Christmas presents or early Kwanza gifts JAF? I guess we could cover all the options, go the easy route and call them Hanukkristmawanza treats. πŸ•ŽπŸŽ„(No Kwanza emojis 😟).

I know, right. If THAT was the easy route what was the hard one? I'm sure you're already thinking about the hard one and probably thinking about which options get covered by what too. πŸ˜‰

But I digress...

On my third or fourth appreciation of your second bit of artwork it struck me that the bargain boudoir bangles had five lobes. Then my brain said, "Doesn't star anise have five lobes?" and quickly followed up with that goes in the mulled wine you make and smells like licorice.

Which of course led to the thoughts:
  • I wonder if the confined treats taste like mulled wine or smell like licorice?
  • Can something be done to make them taste like mulled wine or smell like licorice?
This is already so long I won't even start on the licorice whips and black licorice cones my mind rabbit investigated. Instead I'll conclude with...

You look mahvelous. πŸ’‹



Still beautiful, any thread you're on. You just have a natural beauty to ya.
Haha! Can ya blame me for re-posting it?
Brutally cold for sure. Stay safe and keep more. Lovely view on this cold winter night.
The local news said one more day of these single digit to below zero temps and a historic record will be broken. Oye... I would rather have a lot of snow with just somewhat cold temps.. not these "exposed skin hurts badly within 7 minute temps."
And you make them look so good and sexy. You're truly an amazing woman JAF.
:kiss: :rose:
Hiya, honey! And thank you. 😊
Nothing fancy here, folks. The weather has been horrid temperature wise. I had to bring out my coveralls/bibs to haul fire wood and thought, "eh, what the hell.." And here ya go.
LOVE me a woman (Justa) in bib overalls!

Naturally braless is even better.
Haha! Can ya blame me for re-posting it?

The local news said one more day of these single digit to below zero temps and a historic record will be broken. Oye... I would rather have a lot of snow with just somewhat cold temps.. not these "exposed skin hurts badly within 7 minute temps."

Hiya, honey! And thank you. 😊
Not at all beautiful, not at all. πŸ˜‰