A pretty good future... not really!


Ol' Bastard
Jul 5, 2000
OOC: I want to make a future story. Laser kind of future, you know the kind. The whole world is pretty much junk. It's all metal or desert, and a war's been raging for years. 4 sides are duking it out. 1: The Drak Empire: Interested in energy in laser weapons, more so than the others. 2: The Borkat Empire: They love explosives. 3: The Interast Republic: Use conventional weaponry.(note that the three previous sides ar human) 4: The Automation: A group of heavily armed killer robots, they came from a crashed spacecraft. They multiply by gaining control of factories. Anything mechanical that is touched by them becomes one of them. A gun would grow a new body.
Note that the Automation is not for players. It's just too, well, evil. Meanwhile, all others can be played.
My character:
Name: Major Brad Creel
Side: Drak Empire
Weapon: Can use just about anything, but is usually armed with a heavy proton rocket launcher(rarely used), a high claiber machine pistol(Uzi, non-energy), a high power laser chaingun, and a high yield laser sword.
Description: Blue eyes, Blonde hair. Heavily muscled. Rapidly advanced to major because of instincts and intelligence. He works with special forces, as he has a laser sword. Also, because of special forces training, knows JuJutsu, and Tang Soo Do.

Join in as anyone you want. Don't start the story quite yet.
Hey, you were the first one to show interest on my Wheel of Time thread, so here's repayment:

Name: Samir Duran
Captain of the 1st Kamikaze, a suicidal regiment trained in Automation disablement

Faction: Interast Republic

Weapons: HMK Assault rifle, increased 60 round magazine with 7.92 calibar rounds, additional AT Grenade Launcher Upgrade, Standerd issue. Berreta 9mm with 15 round magazine of 9mm Explosive Shells. Stolen Photon Pistol, Military Model.

Armour: Standard issue Republic Combat Armour complete with Stop-Alltm Combat Helmet with built in Threat Detecter and Long range scanner. Included microphone.
Height: 6'5

Weight: 240-260

Eyes: Frosty Azure

Hair: Dark
Build: Heavily muscled, barrel-chested and shoulders more

then an axe-handle across.

Good? Professional??
OOC: Very nice. Beautiful. But are you sure you want to be kamikaze? They die pretty quick, don't they?
;) Well thats really the point, isn't it? All my men die in a much hyped automation raid and I am the lone survivor....
"PeaceKeeper! Respond Immediately! I say again, this is Sunrise two-one-four-eight! Mayday! I'm going down!"
"Shit!" I said, and let go of the intercom. I grabbed at the helm controls, but the Sunrise tilted toward Vel-seven. "Don't you do it!" I said, but she did. She fell onto the planet. Everyone else on the bridge was dead, and I was holding my breath when the Sunrise levelled out and crashed along the surface of the desert.
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um..sorry didn't mean to interrupt..I didn't realize until the next day that y'all were into that hardcore Mech Warrior stuff...pay no attention to me
Repayment, again..

Name: Seargent Darrel Owens
Nation: Drak Empire

Unit: 451st Rapid Response Infantry Brigade, 3rd Battalion, Heavy Weapons Company

Nickname: Madd Dogg
Unit Nickname: The Devils Children

Weapons: Vulcan Pulse Rifle, Glock 9mm auto pistol, Onager Plasma Cannon.

Armor: Drak Heavy Combat Battle Suit with enclosed environment,hydraulic assists, and short range mini gun. Helmet equipped with radio and Target Aquissition Gear.

Descirption: Stands in at 6'2", brown hair, green-blue eyes. When in combat armor, stands in at 6'4". Dark skin color from years in field and weapon back wash. Nose and knuckles broken several times. Weight: 240 lbs.
Major Brad Creel sat atop his command track and watched his men advance. This would soon be a slaughterhouse. He pulled free his chaingun, and armedit to full power. Borkat men and tanks filled the horizon, and Brad's major signaled. Thiusands of artillery pieces shot off at ne time, a heavy rocket launchers backed them up. Hundreds of Drak bombers and fighters dove onto the unsuspecting enemy and hammered them. Then, the millions of Drak men and tanks moved forward. "Oh SHIT!!" he yelled loudly, as he saw a sleek black jet inscribed with the insignia of Bortok. He jumped into a ditch just as the jet released it's load. Small rockets too flight, each wheeling into different directions. Thankfully for Brad, he was in the middle. Each of these small missiles was to cause th death of hundreds of thousands of men. He clutched for his radio. "All officers and men. Major Brad Creel reporting. Incoming Typhoon-class Protonicam particle missiles", he said quickly. But it was too late. The missiles hit, and exploded in their bright blue flashes. Theses made a nuclear missile seem like a leaf. The Protonicam particles would attract themselves to living fleh within 10 feet and hit it like anti-matter, completely destroying the whole organism and the particle. When they had finished, Brad stood up with the few other survivors. They were dazed out of their wits, and didn't expect it when Automation assassins bounded over the hill. The Assassins were in escence a ninja. Except for the minor facts that they were completely cibernetic. They could run at 80 miles an hour until their energy ran out. Het and motion detectors made them excellent trackers. They carried two katanas, and multiple buzzsaws and drills could emerge at will from them. Also, as their main weapon, they had protonicam generators. They could simply shoot a single protonicam particle, and, no matter where it hit, even if it grazed the target, the target would dissolve. Now they bounded over the hill, protonicam generators sticking out of their forearms. Brad was no fool. He jumped into a densely wooded area and watched in anger as the Assassin bots killed his last men. They would not sense him, he knew, because of the forest. They turned and went back to their recharge station, as Brad sighed and prepared for the long trek back to Fort and tons of paperwork and explanations.
OOC: Mind if I join?

Name: Nikki
Eyes: Violet
Skin: slightly dark
Nation: Drak Empire

BIO: One of the few women to join the Army Nikki is well versed in almost any wheapon you hand her. She also is a skilled fighter. She continually proved herself ready for a higher rank but because she was a woman they did not consider her for it.

IC: Nikki slammed the folder down on the table. "Damnit General, I demand a promotion. I have faught and bled for this damn empire for most of my life and proved myself countless times worthy and yet you don't even glance my way!" Nikki began pacing "I am sick and tired of all this shit, just because I am a woman! I am just as strong if not stronger then most your men, I'm one of the best shots in this damn place and you know damn well I know strategy!" she stopped and glared at him "Now I will say it again I demand a promotion!" General Parkings just smiled at the woman "Listen my dear you are in no position to demand, we have plenty with your qualifications and we cannot promote a woman. I'll tell you what, I will give you one chance to prove yourself. There is a Major Brad Creel that will be here soon, I am assigning you to him and I have a mission for him to carry out. As soon as he arrives I will send for him. If this mission is carried out properly and you happen to survive then you will get this promotion you so crave" He leaned back his eyes admiring her ample breasts. Glaring she turned and headed towards the door "Good day sir!" she said and slammed out. Parkings called in a private "Sir?" He smiled "As soon as this Major Creel arrives I want you to send him to my office ASAP ok?" The Private nodded "yes sir" and he left. General Parkings leaned back in his chair chuckling softly to himself. With any luck that damn woman won't survive.
It was another lazy afternoon at Ontario Base for the 451st, only three major raids had occured that morning instead of the usual 5 or 6 so most of the troops had decided to catch some shut eye. Sgt. Owens wasn't one of them, he and his company of heavy weapons were set to watch delta zone, where the major push for that afternoon was to happen against the Automations. "Hmphm, if I know those damn robots they'll have probably fixed up an ambush for the boys just over that ridge their going to storm. Damn brass can't figure it out that the fricking 'bots know all the tricks in the books." just then to the north of the base the sky lit up in a spectacular array fo colors. "Shit, that was protonicam ammo going off if I ever saw it!" flipping the visor to his suit down he began to scan the horizon swiftly. There, a long trail of many sized shapes. Grunting at the numbers he flipped on his mike to the Officer on Duty. "Captain? This is Sgt. Owens of the 451st, we have hostiles approaching from the North, I repeat Hostiles on approach. It looks to be several regiments of 'bots and associated scum, and I warn that I saw protonicam weapons in use by the planned assault this morning sir." as he finished talking he tuned to the regimental and company radio band. "Listen up boys! We've got 'bots coming in on us from the north in Delta Zone, I repeat 'Bots to the North, MOVE IT!" with that he turned to his men and started to spread them out along the base walls and in the heavy weapons bunkers. "Come on Bastards, were ready" was the only thought in his head as he directed preperations

The command tore through the air and the elite fighters of the Interast Republic snatched up weapons and scant peices of armour and rushed outside, prepared to die...........

The had awoken to a heavy assualt by Drak forces. Quickly responding to the threat, they returned full slavoe's of machine gun fire as well as laser rifles and plasma cannons. The attackers found themselves holding onto a viper that was very angry. The screams of men suddenly transformed into the defenders flooded out all other noise and even the explosion's caused by close-range artillery were blocked out.

Samir Duran, tightly griping a Berreta 9mm and a photon pistol in each hand endlessly fired directly into the enemy advancement. His men being on the west flak of the army, they were the main cause for concern to the enemy. Drak Rocketeers andLight, Heavy and Elite Infantry retreated when facing the slashing Cython blades and roaring gun barrels of the 1st Kamikaze....

Then, out of the night came Automation Night Hawks, Combat Mechs that were assimilated. They broke from the trees and opened fire with their win chaingun cannons and quad grenade launcher.

Captain Duran whirled and fired off a shot from his HMK Grenade launcher. Responding to the new threat which had completly wiped out the enemy flank, the 1st Kamikaze fought valiatly against evil and succedded in disabling 23 of the 35 Night Hawks. But the remaining troopers of the Automation did not know retreat, surrendor or rout. They knew only combat and victory.......

Slowly, one by one the brave defenders of the Republic stood their ground until their position was all but overun and their support gun's long destroyed.

And there they fought, valiantly but vainly........

And there they died........along with 10 000 men of the Ever

Victorious Army that proudly displayed Republic colours....
Nikki stood on the air feild speaking to her good friend Joshua Hayes. "This is just so not fair, he is assigning me to some Major Creek or something! I'm just as good where I am now, what is this going to prove!?" Josh smiled used to Nikki's temper "Thats Major Creel not Creek and you shouldn't be complaining at least he is giving you a chance. Do you know what the mission is?" Nikki shook her head "I suspect it is something big but I won't know until this Major Creer gets here" Josh looked thoughtful "thats Major Creel, and I am curious myself, it will more then likely be dangerous maybe he is counting on you not surviving" Nikki looked at Josh and the look in her eyes told him she already suspected that "He may count on it all he wants but he will be sorely dissapointed when I return as healthy as when I left!"
Can I join?


Name: Roger "Warlock" Hilliard
Rank: Sergeant of the Manwe province Rangers
Faction: Drak Empire

Bio: Warlock is a competant Warrior, whose brother was killed in a firefight with the Automatons, giving him a a sort of vendeta against the machines. Rangers are the elite of the elite of the elite. Trained in assassination, anti-terrorism, you name it.

Equipment: Two Smith and Wesson nickle plated Pistols a la Lara Croft, Combat Fatigues, Cobra class assault rifle, carries a Fire-breather Laser rifle with him but rarely uses it, Survival knife, Kevlar body armour, Cantine, Micro-blade Katana, combat boots and a compass.

"What?! I'm being posted under some jack-ass Major Creel?!! What is this Bull-****?!!! I work alone and that's final!" "Not if you want to keep your job." retorts my boss, Lieutenant Morsby, "Warlock, you really aren't in any position to bargain at this point." "This Sucks!!!" I exclaim, as I slam the door closed behind me. Walking down the hall to this, Major Creels office, I think to myself, "Why do I recognise that name?"
"Hold your ground Dammit! Hold your GODDAMN GROUND!" shouted Sgt. Owens as his men faced thousands of swarming autmations as they walked, slithered, wheeled, and flew at the base. His men sent out a whithering fire in an effort to hold them off long enough for the 21st Drak Armored Regiment to get moving and help shore their line up. Turning to his left and right Owens sent sun bright blasts of plasma into hordes of 'bots some, exploding others, some melted and some having their sensors fried. He watched in anger as his skirmishers broke ranks and fled toward the base walls seeking shelter. "Dammit, I told those ass holes to hold for a while longer." he thought as he blew a 'bot Walker into a zillion small melted pieces. "Commander where the hell is the back up!" he yelled as he picked up another plasma cannon from a now dead soldier. "We've got more coming over the hills ASAP for the little bastards and we need more men!" he yelled again as he fired both cannons at the oncoming hordes...
Brad collapsed at the gates to Fort Padreic. He was imediately brought to the field hospital and his quite numeorus cuts were treated to. The General came in. "General, I have urgent infromation. The Bortak have broken Worl Pact 456734. They have launched weapons of mass destruction at us. We crushed their army to pulp. But then the missiles hit. They wiped most of us out. Then from nowhere, Automation Assassins bounded over the hill and slaughtered everyone but me. They also sent in some Missionareys, and came away with 356 heavy tanks. If I may, General? I would suggest that the breaking of the pact has escalated the war. We should install anti-heavy missile weaponry, and send some of our own at the filthy bastards", reported Brad wearily. The General smiled and said he'd consider it. Then he sat silently as the General sent for two people. Named Nikki and Roger. Probably some green shitass #1-in-class-from-West-Point-with-highest-honors-and-no-combat-experience. Ah, how he hated those college shits. He would beat some experience into them, that was for sure. He sighed, and he watched the medic flinch as a cut began to bleed again from one of his wide shoulders. He picked up a heavy chaingun and the muscles on his exposed chest and arms bulged. Then he suddenly threw the chaingun down, and called fro his personal "bag". An aide rushed back within seconds with a bulging camoflouged bag. The aide saluted, then ran off to some other sissy duty. Brad gave the retreating aide a sour look, then untied the bag. He reached into it, and drew forth a huge pile of dog tags. He began to leaf through them, wondering who the people he killed were. He wondered not only of their names, but their numbers and rank and nation. Of course, he could not account for the many, many Automation soldiers he killed, as the sissy bitches didn't wear dog tags. So, he simply leafed through them, and waited for the two to be brought in. "God, let this not be another of those reconnasiance shits", he prayed silently.
It was getting worse, that was the only way to describe it. Owens and his men had been forced from the first perimeter wall and were fighting a holding action to allow the now retreating 21st Drak Armored Regiment time to retreat back into the forts inner walls. Calling to his men as the last tanks rumbled through the doors Owens brought them inside just as the 8 foot thick Blast doors descended. Rushing up the stairs with perhaps only half of his unit left he reached the top just as the automations completely cleared the 1st perimeter wall of all remaining resistence. "Goddamn! Theres more than I have ever seen out there coming at us." he thought as he scanned the wall as his twin plasma cannons thrummed and sent bolt after searing bolt into ranks of 'bots. Looking past the wall he saw something different from the usual hordes of 'bot shapes and looking again he started cursing roundly. "Sir, we have Bortak forces with the 'bots. I repeat again HQ, Bortak forces have been spotted with the automation units assaulting our position. I'm patching the feed through right now." he yelled into his comlink when he saw the Bortak heavy walker commanded by humans in the middle of the automation formation.
Nikki entered the general office her head held high. She hoped that this Major Creel wasn't the type to think her lacking because she was a woman. She could probably beat him in combat as it was. She met his gaze defiently hers sparking with fire. She noted with a little surprise he was younger then she thought he would and a quite bit more handsome then she expected. Pushing those thoughts away she turned to the general and ignored his lewd glances at her breasts she saluted. "sir, you sent for me?"
Brad stood up, cutting the general off. He might have been general, but he couldn't afford to even throw Creel into the brigs. "Nikki, I guess? Nice to meet you. We'll be going behind Automation and Bortak lines. Nice to see the army finally let women in", he said cheerfully, extending his hand.
Nikki looked at Major Creel's hand for a moment unsure. Most men were pigs and just tried to be nice so they could get in her pants. But Creel seemed sincere enough and if he wasn't she could always kick his ass. Allowing a slight smile she accepted his hand doing her best to ignore the fact her hand seemed to catch on fire. "Yes sir, and you must be Major Creel. It's a pleasure to meet you" neither of them noticed the general's angry expression for being totally ignored.
It had been a long day and his unit had suffered heavy losses but the automations had eventually been driven back and had left the field to the victors. As he and his men were relieved if sentry duty Owen's got a call from the general back at headquarters to be ready to recieve a special assignment group from HQ. It was some secret mission he was told and would need all the assitance he could provide. "Yes sir," was his reply to the orders. "And who or what is this special assignment." the reply was some guy by the name of Creel and some newbie officer. "Oh god, some glory hound and some fresh meat for the grinder are coming my way and I have to keep 'em both alive." were his thoughts as he signed off and got freshened up in the barracks...
"Likewise", said Brad," but please, call me Brad". Owens stepped in. The general finally got his chance to speak. "This is Darrel Owens. He will be accompanying you. It seems Roger isn't here at the moment. You're mission will be to-". Brad cut him off once again. "To elimenate the matrix of the local Automation nexus. Being Special Forces has it's benefits", he grinned to the flustered general. He then turned to Owens. "Pleased to meet you. Major Brad Creel, Special Forces. But please, call me Brad. And absolutely no sirs. That goes to both of you", he said, casting a meaningful glance to Nicki and Owens. "Meet me back here in 10 minutes. Those free ten minutes, do whatever you want. Personally, though, I'd pick up your own customs weapons", he grinned, then left for his office. After Nikki and Owens left, the general threw his clipboard down angrily. "Bring me a fucking POW! And bring torture devices!" he shouted angrily at an aide. The aide ran off terrified.
Nikki nodded at Brad and left the office for her room. Gathering her wheapons she grabbed a few other things stuffing them into a backpack then left whistling. She did enjoy a good mission as this one. And we she got back she would get that promotion she was long overdue for. As for this Brad Charactar he seemed nice enough. She headed back to the General's office a smile on her face.

Snorting at Creels tone, Owens left the office and took the lift to the basement sublevels of the base. Going into the Weapons Research Department offices he requisitioned several new pieces of equipment they had been working on. Suiting up he headed back out carrying a full payload and took the lift back upstairs. Arriving there he ran into the woman who would be on the mission with them. Nodding to her as they walked down the corridor together he thought quickly. "Let's see, some crazy ass glory hound who runs the general here, not a good sign, means the butt fuck's a spook from Central. I've got this piece of fresh meat, female, just out of training, bullet sponge to drag along and keep alive too. God, why the hell do I keep living through battles to be stiffed with this type of shit?" Grunting as a private saluted them while they passed he decided it would most likely end up him alive, the major dead, and the fresh meat most likely severly injured at the end of this mission.
Brad grabbed his beloved chaingun, and stuffed an S10 silenced laser pistol into his backpack. After that, he also put in his Viper F11 state of the art automatic laser, and an M50 Long-Range flamethrower. He loved that flamethrower like a son. Back in the days of the Cybermercanaries and the height of the UMI, the mercenaries guild, and the Governor General, this flamethrower, known as Little Jimmy, had belonged to his great-grandfather, who had almost single-handedly destroyed the Governor General, and the Alien King and Queen, all of whom at the time had wanted to destroy the UMI and guild and conquer Earth. Yep, his great-grandpap was a legend and a hero, and now Brad had to live up to it. So he briskly put on his Super all Defense Armor and his Laser Helmet, as well his super Support boots. He then quickly activated the strength and intelligence ships in his brain, and walked back to the office, he waited patiently for the other two.