A pretty good future... not really!

Nikki arrived back at the office a smile still on her lips. She saw the Major waiting in the office just as she entered. She glanced up at him and felt suddenly shy. Shaking her head at this new feeling for her she met his gaze forcing the silly shyness back down where it belonged.
"Well, let's get going, shall we?" asked Brad suddenly, standing up, light flashing off the silver armor. He pulled the chaingun out at the moment, and led them outside where a stealth tank waited. Brad jumped in. The others followed. The tank began it's half hour drive. "So, what brought you to the army?" he asked them.
Nikki shrugged at his question. "My father was killed in battle and my mother died soon after of a broken heart. I was an orphan, I live off the streets and developed many surviving skills. An Army recruiter saw me fight and recruited me thinking I was a boy because of my dirty state. The next thing I knew I was shooting and killing things. By the time they learned that I was female it was to late to do anything about it. So I have spent most of my life fighting in this army" she looked back at him surprised she had opened up so easily. She frowned "what about you Major?"
Owens merely grunted when Brad had asked what had brought them into the army, instead preferring to hear the girls story first. As she spoke he checked all his equipment and weapons as they talked. First he made sure his Battle helmet and armor were working properly and operating in tandem. After that he did a check of his supply kit, and chameleon cover. The Chameleon cover is a layer of elctro cloth worn over armor that soaks up ambient light rays from the surronding terrain and blends in with it to become the perfect cammo for that area. After that he pulled up a Tharkan Rail Gun checked and cleaned it and then he began to check his weapons kit for defaults. He looked over his Air Foil Shotgun, Mini Mauser Machine Pistol, Shimona Plasma Pulse Gun, and his very worn and heavily used Ver Tack Combat Duty Knife. Grunting he pulled his last weapon over and ran over it with a practiced eye and hand, his favorite, an Onager mark XII Plasma Destroyer, claimed to carrt enough omph, to make the most determined automation into molten scrap.
"I'd be pretty surprised if you don't revere my great-grandfather. Remember way back when the PR rebels allied themselves with the Governor General? And the General created a fully autonomous alien race that answered to him? Well, if you remember, the UMI and mercenary Guild opposed him. My great-grandfather, John Creel, a junior member of the guild, built up his rank and visited Kalikis Life Engineering Clinics so much that in the end he single-handedly killed the Governor General, and all the Kings and Queens. Actually, I still have the flamethrower he used for the job. He even named it Little Jimmy", said Brad emotionally.
Nikki nodded listening to Brad's story. She was familiar with the event. "well it's good to meet you then, an honor really" she frowned " I would love to be promoted but the ass of a general won't promote me because I'm female" shrugging she went about checking her equipment.
"I really do hate it though. The legacy, I mean. I have to live up to all their scrutiny. 'Your great- grandfather' this, 'your great-grandfather' that. Well anyway, I'll see that they promote you. Idiots, why the hell am I stuck with such imbeciles for commanding officers?" he asked, looking at the roof of the vehicle.