A Throne for a Warrior

::nyte just had seconds to process her sword hitting its mark before she felt a searing pain in her chest. She knew what that sword was and knew what was comming in the seconds after. the only thought that reached her mind before the world went black was: damn him.::
--I plead the fifth--

[Edited by Cryo on 09-26-2000 at 09:13 PM]
OOC: ::removes the post as the trouble's been cleared up:: Thank you.

[Edited by Drago_Bloodtooth on 09-26-2000 at 09:15 PM]
(:):just chuckles at O::))

[Edited by Nyte on 09-26-2000 at 09:31 PM]
Ok. Please check out my original post, and you will be pleasently suprised.
OOC: While Drago and Nyte are gone now, I still feel I wish to post in this string, since it was my own string, hence I will be taking up a new character, called Glaive. Thank you.

Glaive huffed, muttering as he and his partner staggered through the foliage surrounding them, on their way towards some quaint village in this realm. He was a bounty hunter hired by locals to kill some strange monster that everyone seemed to be too scared of to even give a good description of. "Alright, now tell me why we're doing this again?"

She huffed behind him angrily, "Because we're hungry you dolt! Now get a move on so we can get the reward for this silly thing and move on to the next group of suc... I mean, villagers."

He smirked, she always was blunt like that, of course... she was good at what she did, and her spells were working perfectly so far... he just wished she could make the damned path easier.

ooc: new charie....

::she grumbled at her "partner" partner indeed, Ha! he needed her help and he knew it...he practally begged her. of course she relented, after taking 55 percent of his pay. Hell she was not about to do this without getting paid::

oh just get moving and stop your stumbling. Gods alive, how you ever survived to be a mercenary is beyond me. now comeon, if we dont make it by sunset, i wont be able to do the spell. we MUST make these idiots think were some sort of gods or mages if we want this to work...
"Hmph, mages? Yeah sure. That's your department so I'll leave that up to you. Me, I'm just getting us there since I know the way." He seemed proud of himself, one thing for him he knew directions very well.

"I could have found the damned place and you know it." She huffed back.

"Yeah, and it'd still take you 40 days with a map." He chuckled to himself, unawares of the spell storming up in her mind just itching to burn itself into his bottom...
::she grumbled...ooo she didnt need him to lead the way. she could find it on her own without his arrogant bullheaded self. but she was hungry and he had all the money they had, hers last spent back at the last town to wine and dine a "suitor" who turned out to be as broke as she was::

Will you hurry up? The suns going down and its getting cold. I swear....

::she grumbled and growled as he led the way, her cold mind plotting just the perfect spell to use on his ass, yes that was it..why hurt him outright when you can ruin his "o so fearful and brave rep as a mercenary" fearful my ass she thought, he runs and shrieks at the sight of a simple spider. but he DID know the way. She could smell the fires from the village as they got closer, boy she was hungry and if she didnt eat soon roast glaive would be on the menu::
Echem, are the three of us the only ones posting? Moneytalks? poohlive? Sith? I can't controll all of your characters, it's not in my job description!
Cryo said:
Echem, are the three of us the only ones posting? Moneytalks? poohlive? Sith? I can't controll all of your characters, it's not in my job description!

OOC: I guess they got bored with the SL...
OOC; nothign against you Drago, but please change your signature! it's giving me a headache! Oh, by the way Moneytalks, Sith, Poohlive, I'm killing off your characters so we can get the ball moving. <smiles malevolently> This is going to be fun. It's just too bad that rape ain't allowed in this discussion board.

IC; Several hours had passed since they began flight. Rick was a little upset that two of his pawns killed each other and wern't coming back. But it left him open to play with the others a little more.
Garret was the first one to speak. "How much longer is it? I'm getting hungry!"
"Acording to my map, only another hour or so!" supplied the elf. "It would have been 2 days if not for the miricle of this flight!" the guide was still mystified, while the others generally accepted it and turned to other matters.
Rich suddenly saw a flash beneth them. He veared his chocobo out of the way, but the firebal slammed into the elf, sorrounding him and his hourse for a moment before exploding, sending a blackened, lifeless, formess mass plummeting to the ground. Another fireball arose from the trees, but this time Cryo was quick to action, sending an icebeam at it. Through shere momentum though, the ice ball continued on it's course, crashing though the back end of garret's hourse, killing it and sending garret flying. Suddenly garret was thrown around the air with soe unseen fource, as if some great, invisible hand was slapping him around, and seeing howl ong it could keep him in the air. An arrow suddenly appeared in his chest, blood spurting. His right hand and part of hsi forarm fell off as if cut with a sword. More of the senseless mutilation continued on the allready dead body untill there was nothing left to do something too.
afraid of the great power at work, Sith imedietly fled into the shadows. A great explosion of light however exposed a shadowed sith befor he could travel to a safer place! being in his element and vulnerable, the shiloette, 2D form of sith dissipitated into the air with a shriek. A shockwave sent the remaining three realing, knocking Kelvin from the back of the chocobo. Vixebn was afraid out of her mind, after seing two close friends dying, and noting to attack herself!
Kelvin plummited to the ground, a sphere of blue sorrounding him and flashing violently. At least his shield spell was holding, thought rick. The flight spell was suddenly canseled, sending vixen and hourse to the ground. Rick managed to catch her as she fell, though it was only short lived. A white beam of light siddeenly fell from the heavens, wrapping itself around vixen's legs, pulling her into the sky. There was nothing rick could do as she dissapeared into the sky.
Rick's own shield spell began to glow green as spells and attacks were unleashed on him. The top of the sphere began to be painted red from falling blood. there was no question as who who's blood it was. Cryo flew to the ground, so kelvin could be reached and helped. On the ground, Kelvin was still alive, and his shield spell intact, though he was a little hurt from the fall.
Suddenly, rick became angry, and little makes him angry and fewer survive. Holding his arms ourstretched, his armor flashed and changed into the green crystalin armor he wears when commanding the transdimentional army. The immage of a comman ruffian replaced with that of an imposing, venerable figure.
Dimonal Cross unleashed his detect spell, to show the location of every spell and threat in the nearby area. Trees began to glow, people came existance, a magnificent tower appeared out of nowhere. Then the attacks came again...
Cryo said:
OOC; nothign against you Drago, but please change your signature! it's giving me a headache!

ooc: ::chuckles softly:: guess not everyone likes your wonderful use of html hun....but the dragon pic is a bit hard to see
OOC: Okay, there. I fixed it. :p Nyah!

IC: He stopped and blinked, looking up as he heard the yells and the explosions even at this distance, turning he looked back. "What in the hell was that??" The look on his face was pure confusion.
Everywhere around them, in all directions, blue outlines glowed into view. Hundreds of people, machines, and magical sources all aiming thair attacks on Dimo and Seyton (formally known as Rick and kelvin). Dimo was pissed off now. And little pisses him off. He unleashed the full fury of his dimentional power towared the defences of the hidden mage's tower. Pointing in one direction, a magical explostion destroyed a group of archers. Bolts of colorfull lightning slammed into trees and items, melting what could melt and burning the rest. Strong ice beams froze all in it's path, and a well aimed fire grenade made it snow! On and on the attacks raged on untill there was nothing but the tower in the way of Dimo's rage...


In a remore part of the galexy, a lone moon floated. No stars, asteroids or planets could be found lightyears near the moon. On the surface of hte moon though, the magical tower appeared, including it['s foundation and a harthy supply of dirt.
The tower began to glow. Smal explosions shook the foundation and created holes in the side. Larger ones burst in close proximity to the walls. All the while the glow got brighter and tiny rays of light were sucked in. WHen the tower was pure white... BOOM! a powerfull explostion raged where the tower stood, sending a shockwave a mile away. All the smoke, and even the ripple of the shockwave was sucked into the center of the explostion. When everything was still...

In a remote part of the galexy, a lone moon floated. Bazillions upon gillions of dust particles floated around for lightyears in every direction. The moon itself had a gaping hole...
OOC: *has no idea how the majority of that post fits into the SL... but, oh well*

IC: "I think we should pick up our pace a little, whatever's going on I don't really want to be caught in the middle of it. It's also getting late to boot."

"Yeah well, why're you just standing there then you half-witted imbicile? C'mon! Move!" She hurried him along with a slight wave of her hand and a scowl.

He muttered they'd soon see just who was half-witted amoung them and turned to continue on.
::she scowled at him:; Gods won't ye hurry that arse up. Ive seen plodding oxen that move faster then you.

::he still slowly walked along. that was just to much now, was bad enough that it was getting dark in a strange land but now after those fireballs...::

::she growled then tightened a rope around his neck tugging on it like a leash:: HURRY UP!