Accidental text messages

Have to say I'm a bit uneasy with using this device as a story starter/driver.

Yes, these things do sometimes happen but... what a cop-out! I suppose writers who aren't, for whatever reason, up to the challenge of "getting their characters together" through other, maybe less shock-and-awe tactics would resort to it. I grant it has an appeal and maybe I'd use it once in a writing career, certainly no more.
Have to say I'm a bit uneasy with using this device as a story starter/driver.

Yes, these things do sometimes happen but... what a cop-out! I suppose writers who aren't, for whatever reason, up to the challenge of "getting their characters together" through other, maybe less shock-and-awe tactics would resort to it. I grant it has an appeal and maybe I'd use it once in a writing career, certainly no more.
It works for like 300 Lifetime and Hallmark movies per year. Granted in those cases, the accidental text is less likely to be about cheating.
It works for like 300 Lifetime and Hallmark movies per year. Granted in those cases, the accidental text is less likely to be about cheating.

"Works" is entirely in the eye of the beholder.
Shall we get back to a Story Idea?
I accidentally set a random picture as the desktop background and didn't notice before switching it off.

Next morning the first who used that computer was none other than my boss's young wife, who somehow saw deliberate similarities between the nude tenis player on the screen and herself... well, they were of similar complexion, body type and even shared long blond braids, but until her suggestion I never had considered it that way. And as I said it absolutely was a stupid accident.

And... no, I wasn't fired on the spot, as unbelievable it may sound. It's a weird world out here.
I have rewritten the above in ~6200 words currently, and that's the opening scene of it. I had another 3 to 5 scenes plotted out, but then his girlfriend called.

Do he have to tell her what the boss' wife did?

Besides, I haven't got a title for it, not even a working one.

P.S. just in case it's unclear... the intent of this post is to smuggle that descriptive insanity under someone's unsuspecting eyes, if at all possible.
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