Acrolaw... open...

Silvia nodded slightly at Tasha's words, the blonde settling into a more self-assured state. Healing was something familiar and it helped to calm the young woman. Silvia smiled slightly up at the newcomer in gratitude, before gently probing Tasha's wound her fingers moving quickly to redo the makeshift bandage.

"Well, she doesn't seem to have too much trouble focusing. I don't think that her brain has been badly bruised, it's mainly an exterior wound."

Silvia frowned slightly and bit her lower lip.

"I still need to put some balm on your wound to help it heal. Unfortunately, I have none of the herbs I require. So I reccomend you take it easy for the next day." The small blonde said firmly to Tasha.
The woman if thats what she was, was slightly strange, he hadn't been able to see her face because of the hood, but it didn't matter, she had helped him, and thats all that really mattered.

"Be careful M'Lady I can sense more catmen around, although *laughing* I can see you can account for yourself quite well."

The town was a disaster. The few buildings that were still standing had walls missing, and fires blazed everywhere.

Moving closer to the strangely intriguing woman next to him."We need to get out of here soon. They will return in strength. What is your name M'Lady if I may ask. My name is Andre."

"The cat men will return there is no doubt about that good warrior. If we are not here then these people will be at their mercy. Either we need to find them some safe place, or prepare them for the most assured battle to come." Speaking softly, mainly to herself and the warrior with her.

Turning to the warrior as she spoke. " I am called Myst, good warrior tis a pleasure to have helped. I could not have done not else but help such spirited warriors as yourselves." Turning to look at the red haired woman, the blonde, the red haired man. Taking them all in with just one look.

Over hearing the blonde's words about herbs, Myst walks over to her asking. "What herbs are you needing good healer, perchance I may have what you need? I carry several assorted herbs for my spells, you are welcome to them."

Being very aware of the possiable danger she had placed herself into. She just hoped these people would accept her help, and maybe her offer of friendship.
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Tasha smiled at the new commer speaking with silvia about herb's, and offered her own hand in greeting. I for one thank you greatly, and welcome you to our village....or rather what's left of it.... with out your's and the other's assistan's the loss would have been much greater.
Silvia smiled up at the mysterious woman, who had so generously offered her herbs.

"Thank you. I would appreciate the use of your herbs greatly. Do you mind if I take a look?" Silvia stood up with a slight wince, her skin tight from her earlier encounter with the fire.

The blonde's eyes wide blue eyes were trusting as she looked steadily at Myst, the strange woman had helped save her village and her life. Silvia was in no position to turn her away. She smiled softly again, sadness still lingering on her features. In one day her village had been almost totally destroyed, her family killed before her eyes, and now she was burdened with the responsibility of healing the wounded. It was all overwhelming, and she had the nagging fear that the slavers could attack any minute.

She sighed softly, her eyes roving over the small band of warriors and surviors that remained. She shook her head slightly, a determined look blazoning across her open face and looked back at Myst.
Justin noticed even more people comming. This made himgrunt and brush his hair a bit, making sure his ears remained hiden. He also made sure his fangs and tail remained out of sight, his eyes looked odd enough.

He was a creature to humans, nothing else. His eyes wandered torwards the hills, carefully watching for Slavers. He knew they would try to come back, and he knew he'd be waiting with something much more devistating than a exploding arrow.

Watching the girl wince reminded Myst that she could assist the girl first. “I have something that will help you move easier before attending anyone else. This balm should help it is made with a plant that sooths burns. It smells a bit... but will be absorbed into the skin fairly quickly and there will not be any oily feeling afterwards.” Rummaging in her bag pulling out a small round container, and hands it to Silvia.

Turning to the red headed woman, looking down at the offered hand. Myst wasn’t to sure about this but reaches out to shake her hand. “Thank you I did not do much, but I thank you for your kind words.”

“Here are the herbs I carry as well, I am afraid that I am almost out of colewort. But I believe there should be enough of the rest to aid those who are wounded. If there are any you believe might be further then your help please let me know and I shall see if I can help them.” Saying this as she hands the pouch with labeled herbs within it to Silvia.

Looking around again at the survivors and assessing the damage. Myst notices that she is not the only odd person. The lone red haired man seems uncomfortable as more people close in around him. “I know that feeling all to well red warrior for I feel it as well,” Myst mutters under her breath to herself.

“Where did the warrior Andre go?” Myst asks then spots him watching her with a curious expression on his face. If he had only been aware he would have known her attractive face blushed deeply. Turning back to the blonde woman trying to avert her mind from the warrior. Unsure of what to say or think about him, Myst begins tending the injuried again.

You are most welcome. Call me Tasha. She said as she slowly got to her feet, and brushed off her clothing.

Looking around at the warrior's, and surviver's... Tasha begain serching for the familar face of her brother Vence...., but twas no where to be seen.

Walking over near the red headed warrior who had saved her hide. She could tell that he was nervious with so many people around, and was trying to hide it.

Sending some of the men, and women that had very little wounds to see what they could salvage to make repare's on a few of the building's so that they might have decent shelter from the comming night air.

Stepping up to the warrior she said..I'll not stay long i only wished to thank you for your aid..., and to let you know that you are welcome here.
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Justin took a long look at Tasha, then gave an sad smile. He never had been welcomed in by any human, his was always feared, so this was an odd a frightning change to him. "Thank you, I am called Justin."

Justin's sensitive ears picked up howls from afar, he knew what it ment. The slavers were prepairing for a night stalk. "Don't thank me yet... I fear that they are regrouping faster than usual..."
Welcome Justin.. i'll go gather tho's who are still able to fight.... This time i want to be ready for them, We need a plan of some kind. I hope you have some idea's. Smiling she turned headding back to the other's to do as she had said.

Moving the wounded into one of the building's that were still standing. So that Silvia could continue to aid them. While they prepared for the coming battle.

Thinking to herself as she worked. Vence where are you? Did the slaver's capture you?? Kill you or are you still out there?? Ether way I shall make you proud, and avenge both you, and Tom..
Picking his way amongst the debris, Looking for anything that can help keep the slavers away. So many injured, so few warriors. I will have need of my arrows this time.

The woman Myst, has a special grace about her, the way she moves, ....Must concentrate on the catmen.

"Myst, I'm going up on the roof to see if I can spot the catmen."

Leaving my horse to fend for himself , "You'll do better on your own, my friend. Take Care Moonstar, may we meet again in this life", I carefully climb onto the roof.

The night is beginning to silently settle about us. Soon I think...Soon.
Justin went outside of the village to get a good scan of the surroundings. He needed to do so if push came to shove, he had to use one of his spells. He really didn't want to, ikt ment he would have to use a major amount of energy, just to stop a mass of purring morons.

Justin felt the dirt below him and smiled. "Soft... This may be easier than first thought..." He stood upright and returned to the village where Tasha and Silvia were tending to peoples wounds. But he stoped half way, his hearing picking up weak screams near by. He walked to a large pile of ruble and placed one of his ears on it, listening very carefully he could hear a weaking cry of help. Without hesitation he grabed a large rock and threw it off. He cleared as much ruble as he could until his digging revealed a little girl, bruised, battered, bleeding, and chained up.

Justin was very careful when he lifted her out of the pile, wiping away some blood on her head while he did so. She was breathing heavily, and it was obvious one of her arms was in very bad shape. The first thing Justin did before anything else was break off the collar on her neck, allowing her to breath easier. He then taken off the rest of the shackels freeing her and rushed her to the building.

"Can somebody give me a hand, she's in bad shape."

Turning towards the red haired warrior at his words of need. Carefully stepping up to him and the wounded child that lays in his arms. Seeing the damage to her arm and deciding the best thing she can do for the child.

"Please let me try to help her, I can mend some wounds." Looking to the girl, "I am sorry lil one this may hurt just a bit but I am afraid it can not be helped."

Sorrow fills Myst's voice as she slips a glove from her hand, exposing the darkened skin underneath. Using her voice to sing sweetly to the child soothing her, as well as calling upon her Lord and Ladies help with their blessings. Placing her hand gently on the child's arm, feeling the Lord and Ladies blessing pass from her into the child. Heating her hand as she was sure the child's arm, almost to the point of pain. Just when she thought the girl or herself would not handle much more the heat started fading. As if it had never been there, leaving the child once again whole with just a few scrapes.

"She needs her arm held just so, so that I may tie it up in place. It will take a few days to finish healing on its own but it is set and should heal properly. I thank you for bringing her to us warrior you are most kind and generous."

Quickly tying the child's arm in a bandage while speaking. Speaking in her soft voice Myst asks the child not to remove her bandage for a few days. Explaining that it will heal better if it is not used for anything, except playing for the following week. Watching as the child's eyes light up with the thought of playing. Looking around for a possible place to set the child for comfort. We can place her on the chair there at that table over there. Pointing to an empty chair with a few other smaller children off to the side of the room.

Replacing her glove as she watches the children, her heart filling with such pain. She disliked seeing children hurt above anything else, and she disliked a lot.
Justin gave Myst an odd look when she called him "kind and generous".

"I'm just glad that kid is alive..." Justin looked at the scene before him. In the eyes of the humans, the damage done to them was extream, and bitter. But Justin had seen worst, this was nothing compared to the other battle fields he had seen in his short lifetime.
Grok was awakend by a hint of smoke in the air, after scaning the sky he could see it was comeing from the derection of the village to the south, the same village the pretty redheaded women he has seen hunting comes from.

Grok had avoided all villages and contact with human and non humans for the past 20 years, Ever since he was chased out of his mothers village at age 5. He couldnt blame them realy, being a half oger, with greysh skin promenint eyeteeth, and already half a mans hight at 5. he was amazed they let him live after his mother died giveing birth to him.

Wincing at the ripeing uncured leather vest and boots as he hurredly dresed, and thinking its about time to make some new ones, he grabs his bag of sling stones and his 15 pound club and takes off running to investigate.

Just as he was comeing on to the edge of the village, he was stunded to see a red dragon flying overhead. Stoping so fast his feet fly out from under him and he lands on his ass.

Jumping up quikly with the thought of running the other way, he see's hord of painic strikin catmen running at him, obviusly with the same thought of vacating the area with post haste that had crossed his mind. Knowing catmen were slavers and that everyone would be better off if they where dead, Grok hefted his club and prepaired to make them so. Just then the sky blew up right in the middle of them, and I was knocked out.
Sitting quietly, Being careful to make no sound. Waiting watching the movement around him. There to the west... a movement. They are coming.

Carefully fitting an arrow to his bow. "They are coming" he hisses to any that can hear."From the west, make ready."

The first arrow cleanly strikes a catmen through the eye, killing it instantly. A second and the a third catmen fall, but there are still more. Dropping his bow and drawing his sword, Andre launches himself off the roof and into the fray, taking down two catmen with his attack.

It looked as tho Silvia had things under control. Walking out of the building Tasha wondered if the catmen had captured the half oger she had seen from time to time in the forrest, and if he was alright. She hoped he was for he had caused no harm to anyone.

Hearing Andre say Their Coming. Tasha came out of the building in time to see Andre release an arrow into one catman, and dive into two other's.

She handnt been able to find a bow in the wreckage so. Drawing the sword she had gotten earlyer she ran to give what aid she could to Andre as more catmen came pooring out of the tree's.
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Hearing the commotion outside had Myst looking at the red haired man. Before rushing out the door, knowing it was the cat men. The town was in chaos as villagers rushed around, some hiding some trying to fight. Seeing Andre taking on several of the cat men and Tasha preparing for battle as well, Myst could do no other but prepare to stand her ground. The wounded were in the building just behind her and if she could help it, the cat men were not going to come any closer.

Raising her beautiful voice praising her Lord and Lady, asking for their blessing once again. Feeling the answering warmth fill her body. Lifting her hands to the heavens and then lowering them, but not at the cat men or anyone.
Instead facing the forest, “Come my friends come and play! So I wish it so it shall be. So mote it be!” Feeling the answering response from the trees and their occupants, waiting and watching. Hoping beyond hope that this will help in the forth coming battles.

As the first of the wolves crests the hill Myst lets out a great yell warning those around her, “Do not fear our friends they are here to help. Unless provoked they will not attack us, but they will protect us as much as they can.” Stepping forward as a large black wolf comes straight at her, kneeing down showing her respect to the brother wolf and his pack. Anyone watching her would think she was communicating with the wolf. With a slight nod of her head Myst lightly strokes the wolf's fur and then standing watching as her brothers join in the battle.
Being steped on wasn't the most pleasent way to be woken Grok decided, but it was definatly peferable to not waking up at all

Playing dead for a few moments more, he opened his eys just enough to see what was hapening, the catmen were back, a group of what looked like dozen or so where sneaking up on the village from the north as there main force attacked from the west. seeing how they where speard out a plan started to form up nicelly, this might be fun, if he lived threw it.

Standing slowly and pulling his sling, he sidesteped into the darkest shadows of trees. Feeling in his stone bag, he plucked out the six best stones he could feel, this was going to be tricky, he had never tried six in a row, but now seemed a great time to try.

Picking his targets carefully he started his sling swinging and let fly, he had the secound stone in the air before the first could pinetrate into the rear most catmans skull with a soft thunk.

With a smooth practiced motion he had the other four on there way as fast as the first two, with only the last stone not hiting its mark, the sixth catman haveing turned at the sound of his comrads falling behind him took the stone on the side of his head, spinning him off to his left, stuned and crosseyed.

Grok took a deep breath, thinking this is where its really going to get interesting, he bellowed as load as he could in his deep whorse, and mostly unused voice " Ware the north, they be flanking to the north". Oh yeah, Grok thought, that got there attention. Hefting his club he rushed to the attack
Catmen swarmed all over the small town. Blood ran in rivers from the pile of catmen that now littered the streets. The howl of wolves were the first indication that company was on the way. Wolves were no strangers to Andre. having spent much of his life in the woods, wolves were a constant companion of the big man.

Raising his voice to join the chorus of the wolves, he continued to rain blow after blow upon the helpless catmen. If this was his day to die, he would take as many of these god forsaken creatures as he could.

Suddenly around him, they were there. With a snarl and gnashing of teeth, the wolves were with him, ripping and tearing at the suddenly fearful catmen.
Justin rushed out the room, pulling his sword out and cutting down the first three catmen in his way. "Damnit, so many of them..." Justin rose his sword up, slashing deeply into another catman, and kicked another in its knee sending it sprawling to the ground just before Justin stabbed into its head.

It was obvious that the catmen were prepaired now and they began to out men Just by 5 to 1. It was a battle enough to stay on his own two feet let alone help the others. He stabbed one in the knee, two in the neck, and one more at the torso, ignoring the spraying blood and howls of pain. He grabed the last one's head and with just enough power, flung him into the set that was battling Tasha.
Silvia finished putting the finishing touches on a neatly tied bandage that bound a wound on a young girl, a gentle smile gracing her delicate features.

"There, you shouldn't move your arm to rigorously for the next few days. And come to me immediately if it begins to infect."

The blonde rested her hand kindly on the girl's shoulder before jumping slightly at the commotion that broke out beyond the the doors of the building turned infirmary. As the rest of the small band of warriors rushed out of the bulding, Silvia swiftly ran to the doors and shut them to prevent the slavers from causing further harm to her patients.

Once the doors were closed, she sighed in relief and walked calmly as possible to the next patient. Hoping with all her heart that she was leading by example and a mass manic wouldn't break out.

She nervously cleared her throat as she walked over to a woman who had been severely beaten.

"I'm sure there is nothing to worry about, they will take care of it." The words felt heavy as they escaped from her mouth and she wrapped her fingers reassuringly around the handle of a small dagger she had picked up out of the rubble that she had placed in her pocket.

Silvia looked nervously at the doors, ignoring the sounds of battle from outside, biting her lower lip as she gathered the herbs to help heal the woman looking miserably up at her from where she lay.
Grok, hearing an almost hypnotic voice ring out from inside the village, looked over the heads of the onrushing catmen. There standing protectfully infront of one of the only intack building was a cloaked figure with arms raised. That he thought, is a beautifull voice, a dangerusly beautifull voice, he repremanded himself, as the leading catman, hissing and howling sprang at him with sword raised,

Taking a two handed grip on his club, Grok swung with tremendus force, crushing in the catmans chest and launching it backwords into its frends, Scrambling to there feet the remaning catmen faned out and started to saround him, looking wearly at his club. "Come little kittins, this wont hurt much, for long!" Grok said, as he grind.

hearing a comotion of what he feared were more catmen comeing from both sides of the woods, Grok was stuned and happly saprised to see wolfs bonding out of the woods hamstring and riping apart the remaing catmen. " Injoy your meal fellows" Grok whispered to them as he looked around to see where he was needed. There where the cloaked figure and other defenders were protecting the building, one, a huge human that looked to be as tall as himself, was howling along with the wolfs.

Catmen where climbing the building, ether to get away from wolfs or to break in from ontop, ether way they must die, hefing his club Grok ran to help.
Ducking one blow, and slashing out with her sword she caught one catman in the chest. Jumping back to avoid another blow she wasnt quite quick enough. That's your last score on me cat man ... She yelled as she moved in taking him out, continueing on to the next catman coming at them.

When the body of one of the catmen came flying into the group of catmen Tasha was fighting she looked around long enough to see who had thrown him. So that she could thank them later, turning back to the catmen as they begain getting back up. She heard a beautiful voice raise up above the fighting to say.

“Do not fear our friends they are here to help. Unless provoked they will not attack us, but they will protect us as much as they can.” As the wolve's came out of the forrest to join in the fray...

Tasha was greatful that they had such allie's among them... turning to fight another catman she noticed the half oger she had seen in the wood's heading for the building taking out catmen as he went.

Myst watched the cat men come at her, knowing she would not have the time to cast yet another spell. Pulling what looks to be a club of some sort from her clock taking aim at the first of the cat men.

"Praise the Lord and Lady bless me in my endeavores." Hoping as she says this her Lord and Lady gives her strength. Swinging her club she knew when it hit, watching the cat man fall before the next one hit. His clawed hand catching her arm drawing blood within her cloak.

Giving a small cry of pain before buckling up to strike at the one who had just hit her. "Die you foul beast you shall not have these people. They are not yours!" Swinging her club again, connecting with the cat man's jaw. The next cat man came out of no where, one minute he wasn't there the next she was breathing the same inch of air with it. Myst had no time to bring her club to bare, knowing this she waits for the hit. Much to her relief as a black ball of teeth and fur knocks her and the cat man to the ground.