Adopt-a-story program

deathofcards said:
I'm happy enough to take on more stories. Although the last I said I'd taken on nothing has happened about. I'll list some other stories in a bit, as I need to do something about my lack of job at the moment.
If you are talking about School is Cool, IronMonkey approved a thread in January, so it's not abandoned.
horny-oz said:
I was thinking, if you want, I'll adopt a chunk of stories, even though I dont have time much lately to write new threads ( as i take time doing that ) I check my email nearly every 24 hours so I could at least keep a heap of stories flowing as threads would be approved usually within a day, thus encouraging growth and I'll fix grammer ( this post is grammer crappy I know! ) etc, any genre, hopefully it could get a few more potentially good stories a chance to become good stories...? like I said, I probably wouldnt be adding much to them, but I would be keeping them up to date and "approval time" friendly! :D
deathofcards said:
I'm happy enough to take on more stories. Although the last I said I'd taken on nothing has happened about. I'll list some other stories in a bit, as I need to do something about my lack of job at the moment.
Well, pick a bunch and I'll shift them over. I don't want to just randomly shove a bunch your way if you don't have some interest.

Many of the stories I've adopted are simply being maintained, but not actively written on by me.
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I'll get back to you later. I'll give you a list some time tonight or tomorrow.
Hey Hey Torg,
If your willing, I'll take both interracials, all erotic couplings and the mature section, unless anyone asks for a specific story, give them preference :D
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While I appreciate Horny-Oz zeal I don't have time currently to read through stuff. I will later.

Unless anyone minds I'll take

Sweet Sweet Pleasure
The Sex Hotel
Sex, Guns & Beer.
Corrupted Dreams (Not too sure why it's meant to be funny though)
A Whole New World
The New Mascot (I'm straight but someone's got to take them)
The S Club Girls
The Adventures of Britney
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Story Adoption

I'll take the Cheating Wives stories if no one else wants them in particular.

I'll get to these requests this weekend. I can't access this site from work (porn filter), and the only working computer at home is in my daughter's room, so I can only do stuf at home in very narrow windows of opportunity.
deathofcards said:
While I appreciate Horny-Oz zeal I don't have time currently to read through stuff. I will later.

Unless anyone minds I'll take

Sweet Sweet Pleasure
The Sex Hotel
Sex, Guns & Beer.
Corrupted Dreams (Not too sure why it's meant to be funny though)
A Whole New World
The New Mascot (I'm straight but someone's got to take them)
The S Club Girls
The Adventures of Britney
horny-oz said:
Hey Hey Torg,
If your willing, I'll take both interracials, all erotic couplings and the mature section, unless anyone asks for a specific story, give them preference :D
And ... Done.
As a result I now have 25 threads to approve, which will have to wait until Sunday or Monday.
Torg said:
I'll get to these requests this weekend. I can't access this site from work (porn filter), and the only working computer at home is in my daughter's room, so I can only do stuf at home in very narrow windows of opportunity.

We should take up a collection to get you a laptop with wireless.

Zingiber said:
We should take up a collection to get you a laptop with wireless.

I now have one I bought last week. But I only bring it home on the weekends.
deathofcards said:
As a result I now have 25 threads to approve, which will have to wait until Sunday or Monday.
That's a lot shorter wait than they've had already, so don't feel bad. Some of those threads having been sitting for two years.
I want to profusely thank SparkyMan, deathofcards, and horny-oz for stepping up and adopting so many stories.

I'll try to get a bunch of new orphans up soon.
Gosh! now I'm all a-blush!

Success already! A thread thats been waiting approval since late 03 that I approved last night has had a thread added to it, yippee! :D
Can I take Pop Princesses as well? Is there anyway I can take on Daddy's Little Angels? It's closed but also hasn't been updated in two years.
deathofcards said:
Is there anyway I can take on Daddy's Little Angels? It's closed but also hasn't been updated in two years.
Hmm, I'm not sure how I feel about adopting Closed stories. Thoughts from anyone?
Possibly it's closed for a reason and was Danforth's Yellow's private story where he could act out his fantasie privatly. Anyway with the stories I'm editing I've adjusted options so four is the maxium number of threads for each.

But eventually it will just come down to working stories versus unupdated closed ones?

Now got through the backlog of pending threads for the stories I've taken over, some good ones although most of the stuff pending for The New Mascot were terrible. And Dragonstar1 submitted a great new thread to Pop Princesses.
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