Advice appreciated on how to deal with editor's allegation of AI use

Again I'm probably missing some obvious point but what would a 'bot farm' gain from submitting multiple stories to Literotica? There seems to be no financial benefit, which I thought was the point of such undertakings.

They could get traffic to an external website through the supposed author's profile. I mean, it seems like there would be a pretty low rate of return for doing that, but idk... it could all be automated, so maybe it's not as crazy as it sounds...
Again I'm probably missing some obvious point but what would a 'bot farm' gain from submitting multiple stories to Literotica? There seems to be no financial benefit, which I thought was the point of such undertakings.
I'm not sure about bot farms, but people have always looked for ways to get credit without doing any work, even without monetary incentive.

I've mentioned before how there was a time that people would post Far Side cartoons and claim them as their own - sometimes without even bothering to cut out Gary Larson's signature. They always got found out immediately, but that rarely stopped them from doing the same thing a few days later.

In my professional work, I was once editing a Liber Amicorum, and came across a chunk of text in one writer's contribution that looked wrong: the quality of the English was much better than the opening lines, for a start, and the formatting was different. A quick Google led me to the online article that the "writer" had copied and pasted almost their contribution from verbatim. Without even bothering to change the formatting.

Some people have no scruples about cheating for some form of appreciation, however fleeting it is.
Just another two cents, but working in products/testing/management, negative feedback is one of the most valuable policy and product revision tools available on the development side. Authors are so upset because they really love their work and this site, and the murky deluge of AI threads will be useful to Laurel and Manu in developing and prioritizing policy and process revisions.

I 100% agree with Emily that this should be approached with patience and grace. I am rather stubborn, but my tune changed when I realized that I was complaining to two devs, not an internet megaconglomerate. I assumed that with millions of readers, it was an endless pot of money and employee hours, thus an ass I was made.
While one of my stories was accepted yesterday and is receiving great reviews, today the other story that was pending was rejected again for AI. This is the sixth rejection for that story. I tested both stories with ten AI detectors, and the one that passed was rated as human written in 8 out of 10 detectors, while the one that didn't pass was rated as human written in 9 out of 10. Interestingly, the latter scored about 21% on Quillbot, compared to 2% for the one that passed, so I might look into that. ZeroGPT and ContentDetector also gave slightly higher scores for the rejected story, but still within the human range. I'm struggling with this Part 1. I already have 4 parts written but can't seem to get the first part to pass.
Ah. Had to Google that. Haven't seen the series. Will have to see if I can find it.

makes sense, too. Strong women seem to gather in groups...

View attachment 2329558
Love Summer. Watched the series because of her. Lena Headey was great as well, but Summer was so uncanny valley and funny at the same time that it was perfect.

Maybe something about a waif throwing big guys around appealed as well 😬

Love Summer. Watched the series because of her. Lena Headey was great as well, but Summer was so uncanny valley and funny at the same time that it was perfect.

Maybe something about a waif throwing big guys around appealed as well 😬

Just found it on HULU. Will start watching tonight...
Thanks for the referral. ;)
There is a lot of supposition and statements that things are true without any supporting evidence on this thread. There is also a lot of emotion. That’s all understandable as I get how much it must hurt to be caught up in this loop.

Having spoken to Laurel (@Portly_Penguin can attest to this) there is absolutely no intent to upset authors. I am absolutely not an official Literotica spokesperson, but I can state the following:

  1. AI submissions are a big problem for the site. There are a lot of them.
  2. The only person who reviews submissions is Laurel - there is not a team of people doing this, just one overworked woman
  3. The AI detection tools are far from perfect, but the site has embraced the principle of zero tolerance for AI. This is to protect authors as much as anything
  4. This will inevitably lead to false positives - and the sheer volume of AI submissions has slowed the process
  5. Literotica wants to publish your stories, but wants to ensure that they are free of AI. This is for the good of the whole community
  6. There has sometimes (and I’m not suggesting anyone on this thread is guilty of this) been a disconnect between what authors have initially claimed and then later admitted. This has understandably reduced the site’s faith in authors simply stating “I didn’t use AI”
  7. This is a very fluid situation and - to employ an over used phrase - an unprecedented one
  8. My personal view is that some calm and understanding would go a long way to improving things

AI is too good these days and AI detection frankly is not good enough so ....

#3, #4 and #5 are frankly untenable

And calm and understanding are helping the victims like our Gorillas and Penguins
My quotes were meant to indicate you might be just a touch more into the fact she's a smoke show(sexy hot) than a good actress. Just a thought. ;)
I don’t know about her range, but both River and Cameron fit her perfectly.
