Anich OOC: The Anime Strategy/Roleplay Game of Epic Houses

Perhaps I will give it some thought....everyone still in?
I am in, although I have a large number of papers to write for next week.
Gifts and Troops


Religious Zealots are always good at recruiting. People simply like doing gods work. So you have 1000 "Temple Guards" who have chainmail &plate armor, chinese broadswords, round shields and spears.

Foreign Recruits....500 Musketer from far off shores rally to your banner for reasons all there own. Perhaps they admire your religious belief or that you can provide enough fish and rice for them to survive on through the winter. They are all armed with a long musket, pistol, dagger, and long sword.

800 veteran peasant militia near your home base follow your lead. They are loyal but wish mostly to keep their homes protected, live through another season, and get some booty. They are a motly crew armed with hunting axes, pitch forks, spears, and butcher knives. Almost none have armor and only a handful of their best have captures real armor and weapons. One man proudly wears captured samurai armor and katana while another shows off a pair of troll forged axes.


A shrine not far from the temple has always considered to be a special place but with a simple offering things changed. Now every hour on the hour a red robed monk appears and is willing to join your order. This keeps continuing day in day out. These new robed monks have only prayer books, boots, robe, and a long knife....they are friendly but deticated to the cause....whatever that is.....

You have old standard that is said to have been blessed by god inspires and raises moral and heals wounds for all those in 20' of it.

A new blacksmith moves onto your grounds asking for shelter. It is granted. He is polite half human half troll who is strong as two oxen. He eats hardly but works constantly. He produces razor sharp battle axes at a rate of 12 a week.
(just remember those of your race are above average....not super like the one from Krypton)


900 sailors guided yoru ships through the stars to land on Anich. They are on of your race though. They are star Gremlin who average a head shorter then your people and are all green with long black hair and are lizard like. Still though they are able to guide ships well enough to land you safely. Before being annexed by your people they were space pirates and still feel that way about their service. Despite being paid a wage they still want booty and all carry cutlasses. Of the seasoned older generation many carry knives with handles made from enemy bones. They also like the boarding pike which is a standard spear or lance but also shoots a 10' energy buster (50 shots before recharge).

800 vassal troops recruited from around the empire were impressed for your fleet to serve as reserves. Draftees are black bug like aliens that speak your language and the Gremlin language well enough. They carry swords and shields only and simply love killing. The only reason for them to take prisoners if for them to use them as slaves. The "black bugs" refuse to do hard work. They have only two ranks captain and soldier and duals are a way to be promoted.

1200 regular soldiers for you to divide among you selected groups. Magic should be the smallest group though.

800 Mongol foot soldiers defect to your cause. Armed with lite armor, a sword, bow&arrow and shield. They have not been paid in months and have plundered village after village to get food, treasure, and weapons.


A mage finding a single queen among the bugs tries to magically clone her with unplanned results. The queen dies during the casting and killed by the bug warriors promptly before he finishes the spell. The eggs she did lay soon surprisingly hatch. What comes from the eggs is black skinned Tuatha's with bug skeletons. Tough but battle crazy they are hard to control...each week around 80 to 100 are born with double headed axes in hand. Many kill each other or whoever is stupid enough to be close but in a few days they settle down enough to wait for a fight.

Cairn's temple banner is a source for strength and fire for your men to rally behind. It does not heal them but they makes them not notice pain. Men have dropped dead after charges.

A weapons maker made the journey through the stars with you..He makes an interesting rifle that fires poison shots. He makes these weapons are made at a rate of 10 a week.

1200 sailors for your star fleet. Greys average height of the humans these bug eyed grey skinned humiods are good pilots and navigators. They wear black always and smoke pies with fowl smelling herb. They like scimitars and shields as their primary weapon though their officers and ncos all carry a multi shot pistol.

1500 regular army of your nation perhaps mostly Jikininki with standard weapons and armor.

300 crator beasts as the are called. As large as trolls these fierce orange tusked beasts were given as tribute to your religious order.They are brutal in battle and hell to be around in peace.

700 peasant militia have come to you for sparing their villages. The are all armed the same. No armor, pitch forks and long knives. They are with you out of fear and little else.


A local wizard in need of shelter makes a deal with you....bringing a coffin to your landing area he preforms a ritual in the middle of a ring of fire. The fire burns until morning when only a cloud of darkness is left. The coffin opens and closes many times and from the darkness comes a walking human skeleton with a spear. Skeleton after skeleton comes and forms a square numbering a see square and a half a week form uninterupted.

A large scythe carrying a black banner rallies your troops forward. The fear of the enemy is pushed away in wishing to fulfill the needs of their master.

A wandering priestess and metal worker makes her way to your camp. She requests food and shelter and in exchange makes 10 spiked war maces.
So those viewing have seen what the first writer/roleplayers have to work with....Anich is a big place room for plenty more warlords. So who is up for the adventure?
The 1000 temple gaurds would be the normal students of the monestary or would that be a difrent group.
Students with general military experience taking turns on watch...
Okay as long as there are students training, other wise the monestary seems kind of pointless.
Well your people have some military training you figure they came to the monestary looking for a place to belong. Many people like that wear more then one uniform in their lives.
True but still only 1/3 of the school specialize in using weapons and armor isn't something monks are known for using, and I doubted the musket wielding foreign legions were students and peasants I assumed wee peasants. So none of the three groups seemed a perfect fit for the culture I wrote, hence the confusion. But that doesn't matter a great deal because I doubt a growing nation can maintain the set up I made for very long. Also, I have considerably more troops then I was planing already so once more there is going to be a shift soon, so this will be fine. Assuming I can split the groups further as I go.
Fair enough.....take the three groups that have flocked to your banner and you can have 800 Monks...apart from the forces listed. Good? Aside from the troops like the gifts at least?
shall i just divide my allotted troops among the path of the warrior and the path of the mage? or among all the paths even tho they arent all fighting groups?
The gifts are intriuging and a skilled black smith definitly helps. So that will be readily useful, al be it, I a probably going to ask him to switch from axe makeing to a difrent weapon,but I can handle that in game. The red rhobes are very interesting and some one wil look into their reasons for being there evntully, the banner is quite nice, atleast for small scale use.

I really don't need the 800 monks to divide amoung the goups, I can use the 1000 temple gaurd for that. I am largly complaining because I have little else to post on, and I wanted to draw your attention to the issue, what I will probably do is say of the 1000, 400 are temple gaurds gathered here and there that fit the disciption perfectly, then 600 are the students. 200 of which, roughly, are traind in weapon use acording to the urchin style; they wouldn't have formal training in the use of armor but 400 members of this group would have some ability in magic, which balances the armor issue out. (I also figur 100 or so havevery little training in magic or fighting and will die quickly, or learn who knows.)

Sorry if I am being fussy, I don't mean to annoy you or anything I just tend to post threw issues and problems. So don't worry I am still having a good time and all.
Out of curiousity and small talk. That minimum number of troops you had in mind is it 3500? I'm not concerned on this issue or anything because I was expecting to start with less thn 1000 but am well above that.

Next I am cuious on the turn set up beore we begin. Is it one round of posts a turn, a sort of issue orders kind of deal, or will their be a few chances to roleplay the leaders and prominent figures? (3 or 4 posts per turn.) Just need some clarification on this point.

The 1200 reegulars you can...if you want to train your allies in your ways that is up to you but they don't join your force trained. So any training happens when we start which is soon.


These are only starting positions I could easily see peasants armies hitting the million mark.

The turns will be in blocks of time...make orders that can be executed in a two month period. Exceptions are things like two players talking and other roleplay type intereactions. A fire side chat with an ally for example maybe only an hour of time but as many posts as necessary.
I supose the next question then becomes how crowded is the world? By this I mean in stratagey games like Civilization and Master of Orion you usaly have 5 to 20 turns go by before bumping into another player. So the question is are we going to start off imideatly in contact with other "powers" or well there be a chance for some outward growth before conflicts begin.
okay the 1200 regular ones you mentioned plus the black tuatha will be able to be inducted into the path's, as they are still tuatha. The others are not tuatha, and thus not eligible to join a path. (simply because the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and magical demands are designed for tuatha, and its unreasonable to expect other races to live up to them.) they will, however, have access to tuatha armaments. The Tuatha are savage and warlike, but noble and honourable as well, and do not hold other races in contempt for not being Tuatha. The new breed of Tuatha will be Called the Danaan. the vassals are known as the Sidhe (pronounced shee), and the lizards will be called Dragan. How does that sound?
Cats....good question and I am a Big Civ fan. I always build in buffers around my players. Now with this world there won't be as many as with previous games but you will all have your own space to deal with as you please. That does not mean that there won't be neurtral, peaceful and hostile npc groups in these areas or monsters for that matter but how you deal with these groups is up to you...Some will be happey to have you as a friend or trade partner. Others will want to cut you down and possibly eat you. You will have enough time alone though before you bump into other budding empires.

Rengade...Sounds good to me buddy. I like that you named these races as well. Good way to handle the troops. What about the gifts?
The Tuatha disdain rifles and poison, but they also are not stupid. Ill have some vassals use them in cases where the enemy does. The Tuatha have to much espirit de corps as it were to use rifles, but the vassals and suchlike are not so honour-bound as the tuatha. Think samurai's and ashigaru. Samurai's wouldnt lower themselves, but the ashigaru just wanted to not die
Okay I can see that..........

People any questions before we launch with three small settlements?
No I think I've finished my questions.

Action Que:
Network Node
Colony Pod
Mind Worm
Launching this weekend....anyone else want to rule? Also along with the launch will be the groups I control showing up.

So shave yoru head, load your musket, sharpen your sword.....your going to war.