Another What Music Are You Listening to Thread

Sad but true evil supposed girlfriend is laying beside me in a thong but I'm not allowed to do anything because she is tired. There I thought I was gonna get my 3rd sex session of the year 🙄

Sad but true evil supposed girlfriend is laying beside me in a thong but I'm not allowed to do anything because she is tired. There I thought I was gonna get my 3rd sex session of the year 🙄

I love a little story along with each choice of a song.
Even if it is a pathetic story right 😁

I just think others might pay more attention as to which song you selected each time. I know I tend to skip over most songs unless there is something written above or below the song. Then again maybe I’m just a nosey biatch. 😂
I just think others might pay more attention as to which song you selected each time. I know I tend to skip over most songs unless there is something written above or below the song. Then again maybe I’m just a nosey biatch. 😂
Being nosey can be good sometimes