Another What Music Are You Listening to Thread

The Zombies - Odessey and Oracle
The Pretty Things - S.F. Sorrow
Love - Forever Changes
The boys at my college radio station blew my mind with that stuff.
"Have you heard this? Have you heard THIS?!?"
I love Forever Changes too, and a few of their other ones. There is also an LP by the Kinks called Village Green Preservation Society, same vibe, the same perfect psyche music.
I found a Shaun Cassidy channel on Spotify and have had that on today in anticipation of FINALLY seeing him in concert
Village Green is a brilliant album. I have this 3-CD set that I have to assume has everything from that era.
I have that too, I love it. I have all of the Kinks, I am as obsessed with them as I am with the Zombies and the Pretty Things... We should hang out and drink wine as we listen to the best music together... ha, have a great night...

Home alone with the windows wide open on this beautiful Saturday morning, listening to the White Album and painting my toenails... white of course...​

The Beatles - Dear Prudence​
