Another What Music Are You Listening to Thread

I’ve really been diving into 70’s Beach Boys lately. This Dennis Wilson solo record is one of my favorites.
My oldest son likes to try to make me cringe with his choices in music. He's getting close, but I just shake my head.
Little punk. 🤣

Tonight's link.

My oldest son likes to try to make me cringe with his choices in music. He's getting close, but I just shake my head.
Little punk. 🤣

Tonight's link.

I’m going to have to side with your son on this one. As someone who watched the 94 World Cup, that is absolutely fucking hilarious! I’m dying here. ☠️
It was actually the first Nanowar of Steel song that I liked! Lol
It reminds me a lot of this one in terms of the obscure and over-the-top humor. As someone who loves older grindhouse low-budget movies, this song and video nearly killed me the first time I saw it.
