Any Girls Here Interested in Talking About Their Reactions to Pain?

It’s mostly been breast play with me until now but I’m very interested in getting into other areas and more intense forms of good, erotic pain. The more I do it, the more I want it. For me, with a trusted partner, it’s allowing me to let go and submit. I’ve got to mitigate the hurt on people each and every day so it’s very comforting to come home and have that relief available to me.
I would definitely like to help with your education in this and discover what you will enjoy.
I have no idea why certain types of *pain* are pleasurable to me when others aren’t. Some that I have expected to enjoy, I’ve hated, and others that I was wary of have become favourites.

I’m sure that someone will know the physical reaction that causes this, but all I know is that *pain* makes me float away into the most blissful, relaxed state that I ever get to experience, which then makes my body a lot of fun to play with. Weird, isn’t it?

And I do wonder about the absurdity of it all, when I look at the reminders of a play session which I found so much fun, and wonder why a simple headache can make me feel so miserable and low!

(And I miss the friends I used to know on these threads too :heart:)