Anyone for random non-sex (but occasionally sex) chat on the thread here?

Hang in there. Such a rough time of year for sure to be going through a rough time. Look out after yourself however that may be. If you need time alone take it. If you need people around do that.
Thank you, though I always hate napping during the day, I’ll try tonight
Hope you recover and can sleep
English is supposedly very difficult for non-native speakers, for some reason
Otherwise, I believe Chinese Mandarin because of the tones, (and I think Silbo Gomero, (Spanish whistled language) is also supposed to be very difficult. Or perhaps easy, not sure now lol
I was sorta thinking the same thing,that or some form of Middle East.

But I will say I met a lady from Bulgaria some years ago and I couldn't ever figure that out,hard lol.
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It's funny how all the Fox cartoons seem to have lasted a while.
Simpsons, Family Guy, American Guy
Bob's Burgers
Still going since 2011, but it's kinda the quiet cousin that people don't talk about as much.
I love it, though.