Anyone from the UK?

Oh dear. Back problems are painful. I hope you can get some relief. I am ok thanks. Glad it is the weekend after a very stressful and long work week.

Good evening MrLingus. How are you?
All good thanks Ana. Hope you are too, and that it's a bit warmer over there than it is here!
The weather has gone absolutely crazy. Its cold here but nothing compared to UK/ Ireland right now.

I am ready for spring and longer days already.

it's not that bad down south... plus i have my arctic clothes to wear. everything was iced at the nature reserve today.

no sign of any flowers yet, although friends have seen Snowdrops and a Crocus.

it's not that bad down south... plus i have my arctic clothes to wear. everything was iced at the nature reserve today.

no sign of any flowers yet, although friends have seen Snowdrops and a Crocus.

Isn't this what winters are supposed to be, though the flooding up north is pretty crap? The frost keeps the muddy paths in passable condition.